
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 23

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 23


But then again.

Even bamboo dragonflies can make people feel the thrill of flying in person to the maximum.

But in any case, it is still flying with the help of equipment.

Compared to his own serious flight, it is still much worse.

Moreover, bamboo dragonflies will not even be considered transportation equipment in the future.

Just toys for the little ones.

In terms of speed, it is also only eighty kilometers per hour.

Compared to the kind of flight that Shiraishi had in mind, it was still a little worse.

In his opinion, he should fly like Superman, in order to truly fly by his own power!

Unfortunately, Shiraishi is still much worse, and he can't even feel like flying.

At most, one jump is more than two meters.

It's no wonder to him, his time in the sun is too short.

You know, Superman has been basking in the sun for more than twenty years to fly.

That little Superman, the son of Superman, little Jonathan Kent, has also been basking in the sun since he was a child.

Shiraishi's half-way debut is really not comparable to the time they spend in the sun.

Can't fly, it's normal.

And before he really learned to fly, Shiraishi could only rely on bamboo dragonflies.

Besides, bamboo dragonflies are not really bad.

This is one of the most classic props in Doraemon.

In his previous life, Shiraishi wished he had a bamboo dragonfly.

Now that I use it, the feeling in my heart is different.

Below, Doraemon, who had just put on a bamboo dragonfly and flew up, and Nobita looked at the white stone in the air in amazement.

"Cousin Shiraishi is so powerful, you can fly so freely with a bamboo dragonfly for the first time, Nobita, you used a bamboo dragonfly for the first time, it seems that you almost fell to your death."

Doraemon glanced at Nobita.

"What kind of Doraemon, it should not be as miserable as you say, but Cousin Shiraishi is really powerful, really worthy of Cousin Shiraishi!"

Nobita looked at Shiraishi with adoration and said, "In the future, I must become such an excellent person as Cousin Shiraishi!" "

"Hmm! Nobita, I'm sure you can! "

Doraemon doesn't mind praising Nobita more.

But in my heart, I can't help but think that it's hard, maybe it's not possible at all.

But at least, there is still a need for support in the mouth!

"Okay, let's go, Doraemon, come according to your ideas."

Shiraishi was addicted to flying after a while.

He flew to Doraemon and Nobita.

He doesn't forget about business just because he's having fun.

"Well, cousin Shiraishi, Nobita, come with me!"

Doraemon took the lead and flew into the clearing with Shiraishi and Nobita.

Then, he took out something that looked like a carpet from his four-dimensional treasure bag and spread it out on the ground.

"Dangdangdang! Active fishing pond! "

Doraemon grandly introduced.

"What kind of prop is this, Doraemon?"

Nobita asked curiously.

"Hehe, you'll find out later."

Doraemon smiled mysteriously, then began to adjust the latitude and longitude on the button next to the active fishing pool.

Soon, the pool in the middle of the active fishing pond was directly connected to the sea.

"Wow! It's turned into the sea! "

Nobita couldn't help but exclaim, "Is there any fish in this?" "

"Just take a look."

Shiraishi did not hesitate and jumped directly in.

"Wow! Cousin Shiraishi! This is the sea!! "

This behavior startled both Doraemon and Nobita, and exclaimed worriedly.

Seeing that Shiraishi didn't move at all.

The two did not hesitate and wanted to jump in to save people.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

Shiraishi suddenly appeared on the surface, startling Doraemon and Nobita, and almost didn't fall.

I saw him grabbing a fish in his right hand, with a bright smile on his face: "Nobita, do you say there are any fish?" "

When the words fell, a few fish jumped out next to him, and the splash fell directly on Nobita.


The fish in Shiraishi's hand jumped, cutting an arc in the air, and at Nobita's exclamation, the fish crashed into his arms, and fell to the ground under his feet.


Doraemon couldn't hold back her laughter.

"Watching anime, it's really not as good as experiencing it in the real world."

Shiraishi sighed in his heart, just now he jumped into the sea and swam to the surface of the sea.

Sure enough, the vast sea.

The impact of that prop is really exciting.

"Okay, cousin Shiraishi, come up quickly, it's too dangerous in the sea, what if there are big sharks?"

Nobita releases the fish back into the sea, and then pulls Shiraishi up with Doraemon.

"Don't worry, I haven't seen the shark yet."

That being said, Shiraishi always felt like he had forgotten something about this.


Big sharks?

I didn't see it just now, why do I feel strange?

The more you think about it, the weirder it gets.

But people are like this, the memories that can't be remembered, and the more they want to think about it during this time, the more they can't remember.

Forget it, don't care.

Maybe at some point in the future, I will naturally remember it.

"Cousin Shiraishi, you're all wet, what are you going to do now, go home and change?"

Nobita Nobita asked with some concern, "What should I do if I have a cold?" Catching a cold in summer is very uncomfortable. "

"It's okay, there's no Doraemon."

Shiraishi hugged Doraemon's big head carelessly.

Doraemon smiled, took out the props from the four-dimensional treasure bag and dried the clothes on Shiraishi's body.

"Doraemon, you're the best!"


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 23

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