
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 26

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 26


"Tonight? What time is it? "

Shizuka was slightly stunned, "If it's too late, my mother won't let me go out." "

"That's why I said I let you sneak out."

Shiraishi counted the time of the virtual water pump, and Shizuka's mother definitely couldn't let Shizuka out at that time.

"Huh? That's a bit difficult. "

Shizuka said with some embarrassment, "Can you tell me what happened first?" "

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I said it."

Shiraishi smiled mysteriously: "You will definitely like it very much." "

This tickled Shizuka's curiosity: "Hmm... Well, I'll see if I can sneak out then..."

In fact, sneaking out is not particularly rebellious for Shizuka.

It's a completely ordinary thing.

After all, sometimes Nobita, Fat Tiger, and Xiaofu suddenly think of something in their heads, plus Doraemon's magical props.

She can't go if she doesn't go.

"Okay, then it's so decided, don't break your word."

Shiraishi held out his little finger.

"What does that mean?"

Shizuka looked at Shiraishi with some doubt.


Shiraishi almost forgot that the neon schoolboy didn't seem to know about it.

"This is a way of making an agreement in my hometown, and letting our little finger pull the hook means that we have made a covenant that cannot be broken."

"So that's it!"

Shizuka looked at Shiraishi with a smile on her face, not knowing why she blushed a little, and then stretched out her little finger and hooked with Shiraishi: "Is this okay?" "


Shiraishi nodded, gently shook his hand, and began to mumble in his mouth: "Hook hangs for a hundred years and is not allowed to change, whoever changes is a puppy." "

The corner of his mouth involuntarily lifted a smile.

It seems to recall the happy times when I was a child.

This was also his temporary intention.

It's all children, how can you do it without a little childishness?

"Hang yourself for a hundred years and don't change, whoever is on the side is a puppy."

Carried by Shiraishi's emotions.

Shizuka couldn't help but look down and chuckled: "Okay, whoever becomes a puppy!" "

Her face was slightly red, and she lowered her head because she did not dare to look at Shiraishi.

It's really that Shiraishi's current appearance is a little against the sky.

"Say yes! See you in the evening! Shizuka you can't turn into a puppy, but Shizuka who turns into a puppy is also cute. "

"Nasty, you're a puppy, how can you praise girls so much."

Shiraishi flirted with the girl on the sofa in the back.

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, who were sitting in front of the TV, were bullying Nobita.

"How about it, Nobita, you can't go for such a dive, can you?"

Xiaofu performed quite well in front.

It is normal to show everyone photos and videos.

In the back, I was a little strained, and I began to pretend again.

How to say, maybe this is nature.

"What, it's just diving, I'm sure I can do it easily!"

Nobita clenched his fists in disbelief.

"Nobita, admit that you can't, hahahahaha."

Fat Tiger patted Nobita's shoulder and laughed.

"How could I not!"

Nobita Nobita was so angry by these two words that he dragged Doraemon and Shiraishi and ran away.

Shiraishi also winked at Shizuka before leaving.

Shizuka lowered her head a little shyly.

Why didn't I find that Cousin Shiraishi was so naughty.

Well, that's right, naughty.

Poor little Shizuka only has two words naughty in her little head at this time to describe Shiraishi.



Walking on the way home.

Nobita was still complaining about Fat Tiger and Xiaofu in his mouth.

"These two guys, it's just too much."

"I actually said I couldn't dive!"

"If I didn't want them to know, I would have told them directly!" Abominable, abominable, abominable! "

Doraemon followed Nobita and snorted: "My Tongyaki, I haven't finished eating it yet, Xiaofu just said that I can take some away." "


Hearing this, Nobita looked at Doraemon with a very resentful expression: "Am I not as important as Tongyaki?" "

His expression.

It was like I was about to cry.

"Eh! Of course not, of course not! "

Doraemon waved his hand again and again: "How can Tongyaki be important to Nobita." "

"Okay, Nobita, don't spread it on Doraemon if you have gas."

Shiraishi pressed Nobita's shoulder and said: "It's Fat Tiger and Xiaofu who bullied you, you can just use the facts to refute it, it's useless to be incompetent and furious here, you think about it, when you take out the photos and videos, the surprised expressions on Fat Tiger and Xiaofu's faces, that's cool." "

"I see... It is to punch the face with facts! I'm sorry, Doraemon, I shouldn't have lost my temper with you. "

Nobita Nobita was beaten in the blood by Shiraishi's words.

Clenching his fists, he walked in front with a high spirit: "Hmph, I must let Fat Tiger and Xiaofu see, I can also take good photos and good videos!" "

Looking at Nobita's back.

Shiraishi and Doraemon walked together, both shaking their heads helplessly.

This Nobita.

It's really just thinking that one out is one out, and the mood changes quickly.

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu are also true.

Obviously they all called Nobita to go home.

But he still couldn't help but say two words Nobita.

Although Nobita does really owe a beating sometimes, he doesn't bring such a thing.


(Although the evaluation votes are not yet in place, I know that everyone is awesome, so I will add ha to everyone first.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 26

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