
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 27

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 27


The night is bright and the stars are rare.

The moonlight fell on the ground, weaving a faint glow, beautiful, and there seemed to be a river of stars in the sky.

Shiraishi got up and stretched.

Next to him is Nobita.

Also slept very soundly.

At this time, the door of the closet was also pulled open, Doraemon wiped her tears and yawned to Shiraishi: "Cousin Shiraishi, you are already up." "

"Yes, this kind of thing of diving, I am looking forward to more than Nobita, I am also looking forward to it."

Shiraishi put his clothes on, and then forcefully pushed Nobita awake.

"Ahhh... Cousin Shiraishi, I just fell asleep, why did you wake me up..."

Nobita was obviously sleepy and had forgotten about diving.

He yawned, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and wanted to fall down and go to sleep.

"I'm going to dive tonight, don't you take pictures?" Don't shoot videos anymore? Do you still want to be laughed at by the little husband? "

Shiraishi's words instantly woke Nobita, and he was instantly energetic and got up from the bed: "Yes! "

As soon as he thought that he was going to dive, Nobita suddenly became energetic.

"Where do we start, where do we start?!"

Nobita also changed into his classic yellow short sleeves and blue shorts later, and looked at Shiraishi and Doraemon with interest.

"Let's start here."

Shiraishi said: "Anyway, there must be water around, so start diving directly from home!" "

"However, there is one thing that must be noted, Doraemon, Nobita can't swim, I'm afraid he will drown."

Nobita quickly nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I don't want to be flooded." "

"Of course it's fine!"

Doraemon clenched his small fist, raised it high, and then slammed it into the four-dimensional treasure bag, and took out three pairs of flippers: "Dangdangdang!" Fins for people who can't swim!! Also called assisted swimming fins! "

"Come, Nobita, here you go, put it on, as long as you wear this, you won't be flooded."

Saying that, Doraemon handed one of the auxiliary swimming fins to Nobita, and the other pair to Shiraishi.

Shiraishi took it and watched Doraemon and Nobita put on their assisted swimming fins.

"Cousin Shiraishi, don't you wear it?"

Doraemon and Nobita had already taken out their glasses at this time and were ready to put them on, ready to enter the diving state at any time.

"I won't wear it for the time being, let's experience the feeling of diving for myself first."

Seeing that the two seemed a little worried, Shiraishi smiled and comforted: "Don't worry, I will always put the auxiliary swimming fins on my body, if I can't hold it, I will put them on immediately." "


Doraemon reluctantly nodded, and then gradually became emotional, looking at Shiraishi and Nobita: "I'll count down..."





"Put on your glasses and start diving!!"

All three put on their glasses at the same time.

That moment.

Endless sea water appeared around.

It was as if the three of them were really at the bottom of the sea!

To outsiders, they seem to be floating in the air.

A strong feeling of weightlessness came.

Shiraishi immediately held his breath, adjusted his body, and slowly floated up.

Nobita next to him, even if he had auxiliary swimming fins, hit the ceiling because he was too stupid.

"Wow...! Woo...! "

Nobita covered his head, wanting to cry without tears.

Doraemon: "Nobita, you're too stupid, aren't you!! "

"It's annoying!"

Nobita was a little speechless, and then his eyes glanced at a green button on the side of the virtual water pump.

"What is it?"

He asked curiously as he pressed it.

"Nobita! Don't press !! "

Doraemon's eyes widened and she hurried to swim towards Nobita.

Shiraishi wanted to go over when Nobita's hand was owed, but now he was in the water, he hadn't adapted to it for the time being, and the distance that could have been passed in two steps was now unable to stop Nobita.

And at the moment when Nobita Nobita pressed the button.


The virtual water pump suddenly started working again, and all the surrounding water was sucked in by it.

The speed of absorbing water quickly created a huge water vortex in the room.

Shiraishi, Doraemon, and Nobita were all swirled in the water by the whirlpool.


Shiraishi cursed secretly, he only felt that the whole world was spinning now.

"Help! Help me!!! "

Doraemon and Nobita only felt their brains buzzing.

Nobi Yuko, who was waiting for Nobisuke to return home below, heard the voice above and couldn't help but scold: "Nobita! I don't sleep so late, what are you messing around! Really! "

"Doraemon, press that button and you can recover, right?"

Nobita grabbed the bookcase next to him, while Doraemon leaned against the desk.

That is, these things will not be affected by the virtual water, otherwise the whole room will have to be messed up.

Shiraishi forcibly used his strong muscle strength and hand speed to swim against the whirlpool, and forcibly hovered in the current.

He couldn't speak now, so he could only signal Doraemon with his hands and eyes.

Doraemon noticed Shiraishi's meaning, and quickly nodded: "Yes, yes, cousin Shiraishi, just press that button!" "

Get Doraemon's confirmation.

Shiraishi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that pressing this button again would strengthen the gear for recycling virtual water again.


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 27

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