
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 28

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 28


Shiraishi didn't do anything else next.

Instead, he directly took off the glasses in front of his eyes.

The strong current suddenly disappeared.


But he was thrown back by the force, hit the bookcase, knocked the books on the bookcase down, and almost buried him.

"It's annoying."

Shiraishi did not dare to delay, quickly climbed out of the pile of books, walked to the virtual water pump and pressed the button.

At this time, the radical current barely stopped.


Shiraishi held the virtual water pump and gasped slightly.

His power is very good.

But in the water and on the ground, it is clearly different.

In the water, you also have to face the resistance in the water, and the power that can be used is definitely not as much as on land.

Coupled with swimming against the tide, resisting the fierce current, I don't know how much water fell on him, but he was a little tired for a while.

Don't underestimate the power of the current, which of those swimmers is not physically strong.

Just compare it.

The world championship in running 100 meters per second is 9.58 seconds.

It takes more than forty seconds to swim 100 meters.

From here, you can see the effect of water resistance on the human body.

Shiraishi's strokes have far exceeded the speed of the swimming world champion.

How many swimming champions come, it is impossible to go up against such a current.

At this time, Doraemon and Nobita also took off their glasses together, and the two collapsed on the ground panting.

"Hah...! Ha......! Ha......! "

Doraemon's tongue hung outside, looking at the ceiling: "Big... Male...... You also... It really will give us... Looking for something..."

"Yes... I'm sorry..."

Nobita didn't even have the strength to apologize, and it was really tired for him to grab the cabinet with the water stream just now.

Shiraishi almost breathed away, and he looked at the two guys in front of him who were paralyzed on the ground.

Obviously everything is done by yourself, why are you two tired and collapsed on the ground?

【Ding! The host gains the skill 'swim'! 】

Shiraishi scratched his head.

Unexpectedly, by mistake, I actually gained another skill.

[Host: Shiraishi

Physique: Little Superman

Skills: Teaching Intermediate (3/500), Mathematics Intermediate (12/500), Chinese Intermediate (1/500), Swimming Intermediate (56/100).

Special Skill: Mind Elementary (6/500).

Number of draws: 0].

This time, the skill is also the same as the previous ordinary skill, as soon as it is obtained, there is proficiency, but it is not intermediate.

It's a bit of a foundation there.

Beginner swimming, in fact, is already equivalent to the very strong amateur.

If you reach the intermediate level, the swimming level alone is the world's top level.

Of course, swimming is not just swimming.

It is also mixed with anything else you know about swimming, such as diving.

As a little superman, Shiraishi is now in good shape, and he can hold his breath for about ten minutes at a time.

And after having knowledge about diving.

His dive time was probably increased to twelve minutes.

It can be said that it is a clear improvement.

Looking at Nobita who was paralyzed on the ground.

Shiraishi didn't know what to say.

Nobita is always clumsy though.

But I have to say that his luck is really, very, very, very good.

I often get positive feedback for being clumsy.

Shiraishi didn't know if it should be considered a blessing in disguise, rubbing Nobita's luck.

"Oh... Doraemon... What the hell was going on just now..."

Nobita gasped, slowly sat up from the ground, and asked.

"That's the emergency device of the virtual water pump, just a little bit will take back the virtual seawater, and the whirlpool generated can of course easily sweep us all away!"

Doraemon couldn't help but complain again: "Nobita, I didn't let you touch something, don't touch it!" It's still thanks to Cousin Shiraishi, otherwise it will definitely be a mess into a pot of porridge! "

"I'm really sorry to know."

Nobita scratched his head and lowered his head in shame: "Cousin Shiraishi, I'm sorry for causing you trouble." "

"It's okay."

Shiraishi shook his head, not caring about these little things.

Next, Nobita and Doraemon rested for a while, and then together with Shiraishi, they put the scattered books on the shelves.

"Huh, what is this?"

Shiraishi saw a piece of paper in the cracks of the scattered books.

"Don't look!!"

Nobita Nobita suddenly seemed to see something incredible, and immediately snatched it from Shiraishi's hand, hid it behind him, and smiled shyly: "Ahahaha, cousin Shiraishi, you go to rest, let me sort out these books, after all, they are all my reasons!" "

Saying that, he pushed Shiraishi to the side and sat down.

Shiraishi and Doraemon looked at each other, and they couldn't help but cover their mouths with their hands and laugh.

He had just glanced at a large egg written in red pen.

Don't think about it, it must be the test paper that Nobita hid because he didn't want his mother to know.

Nobita Nobita didn't seem to want everyone to entangle on the shelves anymore, put away all the books at the most powerful speed in his life, and then clapped his hands: "Okay!" We can start the real dive!! "

The three looked at each other, put on their glasses again, and entered 'dive mode'.


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 28

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