
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 29

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 29


Nobita and Doraemon swam to the window with great interest and opened it.

That moment.

The scene as if entering the deep sea made the three of them couldn't help but exclaim.

"The water has completely flooded the town!!"

Not bad.

Just outside the window.

At a glance, it's all seawater.

A large number of fish swim in front of you, and you can see many fish scattered in various places.

It's like you've come to the real deep sea!!

"It's beautiful, props, it's amazing."

Shiraishi was immersed in it and enjoyed watching everything in front of him.

"Woohoo! That's great!!! "

Nobita Nobita screamed, rushed out of the house directly with Doraemon, and began to swim unbridled.

Shiraishi was awakened, and an excited smile appeared on his face one after another, and he rushed out like a cannonball, scaring the fish in front of him.


If Shiraishi hadn't put on auxiliary swimming fins at this time and couldn't speak at the bottom of the sea, he would definitely be unable to help but shout out excitedly.

That's great!!!

The props of the future century are really fantastic!!

There are many fish in front of me, I don't know how many there are, but as far as Shiraishi roughly estimates, I can already see more than a dozen.

The tranquil moonlight cast on the tranquil 'seabed', as if it were light that has been zigzagged through the spectrum, is beautiful.

However, this so-called 'seabed' scene is different from the real seabed.

There are no beaches of the sands, no corals, and no deep ravines.

Some are buildings, buildings, street lamps, wires...

It's an amazing feeling.

It is also because of this that Shiraishi once again sighs at the magic of props.

No matter how many times you experience it, you will still think so!

Doraemon and Nobita are similar, and such a novel experience makes them constantly swim around like crazy.

Shiraishi's legs shook, and he jumped out with this person and a cat.

At this moment, someone passed by below.

He was riding a bicycle and passed where the street lamp was, but suddenly found a shadow swooping over his head.

Raised his head, but nothing.

There is only one inexplicable sound, as if at the bottom of the sea.

In an instant, what strange ideas, all kinds of urban weird talks, all rose in my heart.

"Ah!! What the hell!!! "

I scared myself, I almost didn't frighten myself to faint, the bicycle under my feet became angry, and I quickly ran to the house.

In fact, for these people who don't know anything.

Shiraishi, Doraemon, Nobita, and Oni are no different from ghosts.

Floating in the air....

What is that not a ghost?

Of course, they will definitely not pay attention to the thoughts of these passers-by for the time being, and they will have fun one by one.

"Doraemon, you and Nobita continue to play, don't forget to take pictures, I'll go shopping by myself."

Play and play.

Shiraishi will definitely not forget his agreement with Shizuka.

The time he and Shizuka agreed on was half past ten.

The time when the three of them woke up was about ten thirty, plus some moths behind, it was now close to half past ten.

Shizuka should already be on her way there.

"Okay, we know, cousin Shiraishi, you have to pay attention to safety!"

Doraemon was much more at ease with Shiraishi than with Nobita, and with just a slight reminder, he played with Nobita again.

Shiraishi smiled, took one last look at the two, and swam towards the empty place.

He doesn't use the swimmer's fins, but the reason he took it from Doraemon is because of Shizuka.

He can hold his breath for a long time, a full twelve minutes, and when he falls to the ground, he can catch his breath and play again, and he doesn't need it at all.

Shizuka, on the other hand, is different.

Shizuka is just an ordinary little girl.

He can hold his breath, Shizuka can't.

This auxiliary swimming finshoe, for her, is still very important.

While Shiraishi was thinking about this.


A violent shaking of the water made Shiraishi notice.

Just around the corner in front, a huge white figure quickly streaked by.

"Wait... I seem to have forgotten something all along..."

Shiraishi frowned.


The white of the island....

In the afternoon, Nobita said sharks....

White...... Shark......!!!

"Great white shark!"

Shiraishi's eyes widened suddenly, and he almost didn't hold his breath.

He remembered, remembered things that he had been ignoring!

That's the Great White Shark!

I can't remember the entire plot of the specific theatrical version, but this does not prevent Shiraishi from remembering that Nobita and Doraemon seem to have experienced a battle with Jaws in the theatrical version.

In other words, great white sharks have also received virtual seawater with gas and are able to survive in virtual seawater.

Also, I was attracted to the fish food!

"Grass! Shizuka! "

Shiraishi's eyes widened suddenly, and he quickly swam to the ground, took off his glasses, landed on the ground, and quickly ran towards the clearing.

Running faster than swimming, there is no doubt that Shiraishi is now running much faster than the world record for sprinting holds this Bolt.


(Rest assured, all theatrical versions will be written, don't worry, each theatrical version is just in order.) )

(Originally, the data can only be added to 1050 sheets today, but let's ask for a whole number, 1000 pieces plus more, add gas, just 50!) Rush Rush! )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 29

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