
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 3

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 3





The family seemed to be ready, and as soon as the door opened, the ceremonial tube snapped open, and Nobisuke clapped with a smile on his face.

"Welcome Nobi Shiraishi to our family!"

Shiraishi swept away.

Four people standing in front of them.

Nobisuke, Nobi Tamago, Nobita Nobita, and... Round Doraemon.

"Come, Xiaobai, reintroduce you."

Nobisuke stretched out his hand and said, "This is my wife, your aunt. "

"Good aunt."

Shiraishi bowed very politely, "Please take care of it in the future." "

"It's okay, Xiaobai is really polite, if only Nobita was like this."

Shiraishi's appearance is really a huge plus for middle-aged people like them at this age.

Nobi Yuko held her face in her left hand, waved her right hand, and said with a smile.

Nobita could only smile awkwardly.

Who makes him stupid is a well-known thing?

"This is your brother, Nobita Nobita!"

"Hello, Nobita Nobi."

Shiraishi looked at Nobita in front of him, and he sighed with emotion in his heart, and stretched out his hand with a smile.

Nobita bowed very restrainedly, kept circling on the ground with his head and feet down, and then scratched his head, only then stretched out his hand and shook Shiraishi, and said sarcastically: "Welcome cousin Shiraishi." "

"Hahahahaha, good! You two will be the dearest and dearest brothers in the future, so you must get along well! "

Both Nobisuke and Nobi Tamako clapped their hands happily.

"And me, and me?"

Next to him, Doraemon, who had two shades of red on his cheeks and looked a little shy, but very eager to try, jumped a few times.

"By the way, and Doraemon!"

As if to express his meaning, Nobisuke directly crouched down and hugged Doraemon's head, "This is the robot I told you about, don't look at him as a robot, but he is a very, very, very important part of our family, just like a real family." "

Doraemon was still very eager to try it just now, and when he said this, he began to poke his little hand shyly, and said in a weak voice: "Hello, Nobita's brother." "

"Hello, Doraemon."

Shiraishi walked to Doraemon's side, took the initiative to reach out and grab Doraemon's ball, and shook it.

Doraemon grinned.

"Okay, come on, I'm hungry, I've prepared a big table of food tonight!"

Nobi Tamako greeted Shiraishi warmly.

"Yay! Delicacies! "

Nobita and Doraemon are still childlike hearts, and they can't hold back the moment they hear about the food.

Immediately ran towards the restaurant at the same time.

But the two clumsy guys collided together, and in an instant they fell into a mess, and Venus appeared in their eyes.

"Nobita! Doraemon! "

When Nobisuke saw this scene, he immediately crossed his hands at his waist and said angrily: "What are you doing?" Don't wash up yet?! "

He glanced at Shiraishi quietly.

Finding that Shiraishi was just smiling, he couldn't help but be a little relieved.

I am afraid that Shiraishi will have a bad impression of them, otherwise the family will definitely jump ...


Hear the angry voice of my father.

Nobita and Doraemon immediately stood up, standing neatly in military posture, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Okay, Xiaobai, you can go wash up too."

Nobisuke and Shiraishi are particularly gentle when they talk.

Shiraishi nodded and went to the bathroom door with Nobisuke.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the bathroom, I heard Nobita and Doraemon whispering.

Nobita Nobita: "Dad today is so strange." "

Doraemon: "Is it weird?" "

Nobita Nobita: "Of course, my usual father has no such a man at all." "

Doraemon: "Hmm! That's what I said! Obviously I am usually controlled by my mother to death! "

Nobita Nobi: "My mother has also become a lot gentler today..."

Hear this.

Not only Nobisuke couldn't hold back, but even Nobi Yuko couldn't hold back.

Two red-faced, angry parents went into the bathroom together.



"I'm going to show you the man side of daddy!"

After a burst of chicken flying dogs....

Nobisuke and Nobi Tamako just came out of the bathroom, Nobisuke was still comforting the extremely angry Nobi Tamako: "Okay, kid, don't be angry, don't be angry, understand..."

Shiraishi walked in, and immediately saw the two people with real eyes on the washstand.


Shiraishi had been holding back his laughter, and now he couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

Hearing Shiraishi's laughter, Nobita and Doraemon only recovered at this time, both coughed a little embarrassed, and couldn't help complaining: "Cousin, I tell you, my parents are completely different from usual today, but we are not allowed to say..."

Doraemon suddenly sensed that something was wrong, and immediately grabbed Nobita's hand, "Nobita, Nobita, don't say anything first." "

"What, Doraemon, don't allow me..."

Nobita's voice suddenly stopped, and he looked behind Shiraishi with a look of fear.

Shiraishi also turned his head to look, it turned out that Nobisuke came to see how Shiraishi washed...

Nobisuke originally heard Nobita saying bad things about them again, and the expression on his face was a little angry, but when he saw that Shiraishi also turned his head to look over, his expression suddenly returned to a gentle smile, and said: "Xiaobai, wash up quickly, otherwise the food will be cold." "


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 3

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