
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 30

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 30


The Usain Bolt 100 meters also takes nine seconds and five eight, while the Shiraishi 100 meters only takes six seconds!

That's equivalent to nearly twenty meters a second!

It's already comparable to the speed of a car.

Moreover, the endurance is still stronger than that of Bolt, he can only run 100 meters, Shiraishi's full strength is enough to maintain this speed to run a few kilometers, or even more than a dozen kilometers before he begins to gasp.

While running, Shiraishi was still worried in his heart.

Don't get into trouble!

At this time, Shizuka was supposed to sleep at home, but he called it out.

If something happens, Shiraishi will definitely feel guilty for the rest of his life!

"Grass, can the speed be faster?"

If Shiraishi's speed is known, he will definitely not be able to help but complain, this speed is not fast enough?! It's already exaggerated, okay!

At this time, Shiraishi suddenly wanted Shizuka to be a pigeon.

Stay at home, at least a pigeon, not a broken carcass.



The other side.

Shizuka as a lady.

I just made an appointment with Shiraishi in the afternoon.

How could it be a pigeon?

This is also a problem with the white stone brain.

Do something without thinking it through.

The women who used to play were all in their twenties, and it was too normal to be outside after ten o'clock at night.

And Shizuka.

It's just a little girl.

Let her walk down the dimly lit street at ten o'clock at night.

Even if there is no such thing as a great white shark, you can't do it, at least you need to pick it up yourself.

"Whew... I don't know what surprise Cousin Shiraishi is going to give me so late..."

However, Shizuka had been thinking about this in her mind, so she didn't have much fear.

And just like that, she walked around a corner.

Then, I saw a scene that Shizuka will never forget in her life.

A huge great white shark is roaming ahead.

Fangs and sharp teeth, just looking at it, you can feel the smell of blood coming out of its mouth.


Shizuka's face turned pale, and she forcibly covered her mouth to prevent herself from screaming, wanting to slowly retreat.

Although it is not known why great white sharks appear on the street, now is clearly not the time to think about this.

While the great white shark has not yet discovered itself, it is only right to run quickly.

However, God will not get his wish, just took a few steps back, to slowly retreat behind the strange cry, not to face the great white shark.

The great white shark flicked its tail, turned around sensitively, and just faced Shizuka.


The great white shark was slightly startled at first, then roared, and rushed towards Shizuka.


Shizuka couldn't hold back any longer, turned around and fled.

But just after running a few steps, because of his panicked footsteps, he accidentally fell to the ground, looking at the great white shark that was rushing towards him in fear.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed behind her and slammed into the great white shark.

I only listened to the great white shark's painful roar, and it was directly knocked away, slammed into the wall next to it, flicked its tail several times, and kept fluttering.

The man stopped, Shizuka saw the other party's face, and exclaimed, "Cousin Shiraishi!" "

"Are you all right, Shizuka?"

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately in time, otherwise this great white shark went down, Shizuka was afraid that she would not return to the West in minutes.

"It's okay."

Shizuka immediately got up from the ground, patted the dust on her skirt, looked at the great white shark that was swimming towards the two of her in fear, and shivered: "Cousin Shiraishi, let's run, quickly find Doraemon!" "

"You can't run away from this kid, and I can't let this big guy be a blessing in this town."

Shiraishi shook his head and looked at the great white shark in front of him deadly: "I'll drag it, you hurry up." "

I have to say that this guy's sense of oppression is indeed a must.

Great white sharks, which can reach up to eight meters in length, weigh 3200 kilograms and are more than three tons.

The great white shark in front of him is also extremely large among the great white sharks, at least six or seven meters, and the worst weight is more than two tons and nearly three tons.

Six or seven meters, it's already two stories high, and with a flick of its tail, it seems to be able to sweep a tree, and when it hits forward, it seems to break through a wall.

Of course, this is just a feeling, the great white shark's high weight does not mean that it can break through the concrete wall, and it will not be able to break the blood flow of its own head.

But for Shiraishi, the great white shark is definitely an extremely tricky opponent he has encountered at this stage.

"Shizuka, stop watching, go find Doraemon."

Shiraishi exhaled.

The great white shark also seems to sense that Shiraishi is not a simple opponent, this is the perception of wild creatures.

So he did not rush directly forward, but constantly wandered nearby, waiting for the opportunity to rush up.

"No, cousin Shiraishi, I can't let you stay here alone!!"

Shizuka nodded without hesitation.

Shiraishi was crying and laughing, although he was a little moved, Shizuka really could only drag her feet by staying here.

"Forget it, since that's the case, you can't let the great white shark attack first."

If you let the great white shark attack first, it will inevitably be very flustered and passive.

And Shizuka is by his side, and he can't let the great white shark come close.

With the terrifying size of a great white shark, a casual flick of its tail is enough for Shizuka to drink a pot.

"Then you stand here and don't move, or find a place to hide."


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 30

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