
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 31

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 31


The voice fell.

Shizuka hadn't spoken yet.

Shiraishi took three steps and made two steps and rushed towards the great white shark.

The great white shark seemed to be roaring and roaring, and the shocking Shiraishi's eardrums hurt, and when it saw Shiraishi take the initiative, it rushed up.

Shiraishi clenched his fists and slammed a punch into the jaw of the great white shark.


The huge great white shark was directly punched in the air, and wailed in pain.

The normal great white shark who changed to the eight meridians has long been buzzed by the brain melon seeds of this beating, and the brain pulp is about to be scattered.

But this is the great white shark in Doraemon!

There are all kinds of strange creatures, what's wrong with the great white shark strong?!

Seeing the great white shark being punched in the air, he quickly wagged his tail, cut an arc in the air, and quickly turned his head and slammed towards Shiraishi.

The big mouth was close at hand, and Shiraishi smelled the stench in it, and almost couldn't help but spit it out, filled with an indescribable fishy smell, and his eyes were fascinated.

Damn, you great white shark can not only physically attack, but also biochemical attack!

When Shiraishi reacted, the sharp teeth were already in front of him.


Bai Shi didn't care about anything else, raised his hands up and down, his eyes glared angrily, gritted his teeth and roared, and firmly supported the mouth of the great white shark.


The moment the teeth of the great white shark merged, Shiraishi only felt that his internal organs were trembling, and his body was extremely numb.

Although the bite force of the great white shark is not ranked in nature, it is not comparable to the terrifying bite force of the large crocodile, and it mainly relies on tearing bites to kill the opponent.

But that's also something to be contrasted with.

Not as good as a large crocodile, does it mean that it can't work?

The bite force of this cargo, at worst, is also a few tons.

That is, a couple of thousand kilograms of strength.

Shiraishi was considered to be an explosive seed, and his muscles were tense, all condensed in his hands.

If he hadn't been wearing short sleeves, the force would have been enough to tear all his clothes apart.

He held his breath, he couldn't let that breath unload, if he did, he had to be bitten down by the great white shark.

Shiraishi didn't want to be bitten in the mouth of the great white shark with half of his body, this guy's mouth was full of fishy smell, and he was disgusting to death.

If he really went in, Shiraishi would have to be so sick that he couldn't eat it for half a year.

"Cousin Shiraishi!"

Shizuka watched this scene and covered her mouth and exclaimed, tears already hanging in the corners of her eyes.

She wanted to step forward, but understood that it was useless for her to step forward.

"No, you have to throw this guy out!"

Bai Shi was already a little unable to hold on, but his strength was not enough to shake off the great white shark, and he gritted his teeth and held it hard, and his heart hurt.

I knew that Doraemon should have been called over first!

Unfortunately, this is impossible, but if Shiraishi goes to call Doraemon, that time is enough for Shizuka to be eaten by a great white shark.

Fortunately, the great white shark has no intelligence, and it only feels that the white stone is stuck in its teeth.

The angry great white shark threw it violently, directly causing Shiraishi to break away and slammed into the wall on the side.


A muffled sound sounded, and Shiraishi fell to the ground, panting softly, his hands trembling a little.

The wall he just hit was not as easily dented as it was in the movie, but there were already some cracks.

Fortunately, his body's defense was very strong, and he was not injured because of this.

The hands just supported the big mouth of the great white shark and were rubbed by the teeth, but the teeth of the great white shark were rubbed off a corner.

This is why Shiraishi is obviously not as powerful as the Great White Shark, but he dares to face the Great White Shark head-on.


The great white shark roared again and attacked Shiraishi angrily.

I day you dam, still want to touch me?

Shiraishi stared at the great white shark viciously, his strength was not superior, and it was not enough to blow these tons of sharks away.

But don't forget that strength is strength, and strength and explosive power together are the power that can be exerted in the end!

And, in terms of speed, he has a pretty strong advantage.

In the face of the attacking great white shark, Shiraishi quickly rolled directly to the side, instantly causing the great white shark to hit the wall behind.


The wall that had been a little cracked just now was suddenly rubbed off a wall skin.

The great white shark ate pain, and suddenly became even more furious.

But Shiraishi would not give him a chance, seized the opportunity, quickly got up, and immediately hammered a punch on the gills on the side of the great white shark.


In an instant, blood splattered, and the gills on the left side of the great white shark were smashed by white stones.

The blood that shot out smudged in the air.

Shiraishi knew why, because this big guy accepted virtual seawater with gas, and his blood would naturally be smudged in virtual seawater.

But even so, some of it was stained on Shiraishi's hands and face.

Shiraishi this guy can be regarded as a sinister batch when he fights.

When the punch is successful, he wants to continue to dig in, so that he can give you flesh and blood and a little more to come out!

However, the body of the painful great white shark fluttered rapidly, and Shiraishi was thrown out again, and the strong force made him roll on the ground several times.

"I can't slow you down."

Shiraishi rolled several times on the ground.

Gritting his teeth, his heart was fierce, and then he got up, slammed his hands and feet on the ground, jumped directly in the air, flew up more than three meters, and jumped directly onto the back of the great white shark.

"Count you unlucky today, I'll send you back to the west!"


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 31

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