
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 33

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 33


If it weren't for Shiraishi's blood.

Don't let Shizuka touch it.

She had already closed her eyes directly into Shiraishi's arms.

At this time, the child's heart is not a child who was tortured by the Internet in the later life.

This is only in this case, simply find a more reliable person.

Return to Nobi's house.

Shiraishi told Shizuka to wait outside while she returned to the bathroom to take a shower.

Water runs across the skin, washing away slimy blood and sensations.

"It didn't hurt at all."

After applying shower gel and washing it fiercely, he rinsed the bathroom again until the smell of blood disappeared, and Shiraishi put on his clothes and walked out of the bathroom.

At this time, Shizuka was already waiting for numbness.

At this time, elementary school students have already seen many movies.

Now Shizuka's mind is full of scenes where Shiraishi suddenly discovers a major wound while taking a bath, and then collapses in the bathroom unconscious, and dies quietly like this.

The more she thought about it, the more afraid she became, and Shizuka raised her foot and prepared to rush to Nobi's house.


A slender and white hand patted Shizuka's shoulder, almost causing Shizuka to scream.

Shiraishi was startled, quickly covered her mouth, approached her face and whispered, "Don't bark, Shizuka, it's not good if you wake up your uncle and aunt." "


After Shizuka noticed that the person in front of her was Shiraishi, she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, and Shiraishi let go of her.

"Cousin Shiraishi, are you really all right?"

After letting go, Shizuka nervously began to check on Shiraishi's situation.

But after looking at it for a long time, I only saw Shiraishi's skin that was fairer and more tender than her.

There are no wounds at all.

"Cousin Shiraishi, you really don't have any wounds at all..."

Shizuka was stunned.

After such a fierce battle just now, he didn't suffer any injuries at all.

Cousin Shiraishi is also too powerful!

"Of course."

Shiraishi clenched his fists and showed off his muscles: "It's just a small big white shark, I can easily solve it." "

Although his skin is fair, he looks like it can tender water.

But in fact, as soon as you touch it, you know that it is very tight.

With a little force, you can see the tense muscles.

It's like King Kong Barbie, but the muscles are more natural, and it doesn't feel very contradictory.

"It's really powerful, Cousin Shiraishi..."

Shizuka let out a long sigh of relief, the scene of Shiraishi and the great white shark fighting just now echoed in her heart, before she reacted, Shiraishi was simply terrifying.

"By the way, cousin Shiraishi, do you want to go find Doraemon..."

"Forget it, it's not necessary, don't talk to Doraemon and Nobita about this, I'm afraid they will worry."

Shiraishi shook his head, and then thought for a moment: "Let's go, Shizuka, the surprise I want to show you tonight has not yet let you see." "

"Huh? And surprises? "

Shizuka was slightly stunned.

"Of course there is, but we have pulled the hook, forgot?"

Shiraishi smiled and extended the little finger on his right hand.

In fact.

Just now when he was taking a bath, Shiraishi thought about it.

Originally, I wanted to send Shizuka home and let Shizuka have a good rest.

But turn around and think about it.

So rashly sent Shizuka back.

Shizuka, who has experienced such a terrible thing, may not be able to sleep.

The experience of tonight.

For Shizuka, it's a bit of an outreach.

Maybe it will leave a psychological shadow.

It's better to just follow the previous idea and take Shizuka to have fun.

“...... All right. "

Shizuka nodded.

Just as Shiraishi thought.

She doesn't want to go home now, either.

It is estimated that as soon as you lie down, you will sound the matter just now.

That kind of bloody stimulation, how can she stand it as a little lady.

Right at this moment.


Schools of fish suddenly swam through the air.

Shizuka raised her head and was stunned when she saw this scene.

"Why do fish swim in the sky?"

Only then did Shizuka suddenly react.

Great white sharks, like these fish, can inexplicably swim on land!

"It's all Doraemon's credit."

Shiraishi handed Shizuka his glasses and swimming assistant fins.

Apparently Shizuka put on auxiliary swimming fins and glasses.

At that moment, the scene of the 'seabed' that was different from the normal seabed came into view.

Shizuka was stunned again.

"Isn't it to see the bottom of the sea? Don't want to dive? "

Shiraishi opened his hands, looked at Shizuka, who had slowly drifted into the air, and said with a smile: "Now, the bottom of the sea is in front of you, diving, you are already doing it." "

Shizuka swam with her legs and slowly swam into the air.

At a glance.

In the air, it's all schools of fish.

It's really like the bottom of the sea.

Her small mouth opened slightly, and her eyes looked at the beautiful scene in front of her in confusion.

At this moment, everything that she had just encountered with the great white shark was forgotten by her.

The fish surrounded Shizuka, and she gradually became oblivious.

Shiraishi jumped from the air twice to the roof of Nobi's house, leaning against the roof, silently watching Shizuka play with the fish.

The mentality when fighting with the great white shark just now also gradually calmed down.

Put your hands behind your head.

Shiraishi saw a fish swimming in front of him, and directly teased it with his mental power.

Watch the fish hit a wall that doesn't exist.

Swim to the side, and then bump into.

A smile gradually appeared on Shiraishi's face.

It's not teasing the fish, well, it's just exercising mental power.

The exercise of mental power is not only a proficiency improvement, but also can be improved with each exercise.

Gradually, the spirit becomes somewhat exhausted.

Shiraishi yawned and leaned directly against the roof to sleep.


(As we all know, two-dimensional animals and real animals are different, which big shark in the two-dimensional is not roaring loudly?) [Funny]).

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 33

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