
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 36

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 36


"Ah!!! Oops!! "


Nobita's scream sounded.


Doraemon was shocked in her heart and immediately ran outside.

"What's wrong, Nobita!"

I saw Nobita fall to the ground and pointed to the grass under the small trees in the yard in shock.

"What's going on there?"

Doraemon tiptoed ahead and glanced at it.


He also exclaimed, and then fell to the ground with Nobita.

Shiraishi also walked out of the room: "You two, what's going on?" "

"Cousin Shiraishi!"

As if seeing the backbone of the main heart, Nobita instantly got up from the ground and ran behind Shiraishi, and said with some fear: "There! Right there! I saw a fish tail! Could it be that there were sharks who didn't go back yesterday?! "

"What fish tail?"

Doraemon was stunned, and he said blankly: "What I saw was a little girl." "

"Little girl?"

Nobita Nobita was also stunned: "How is it possible?" It must be Doraemon, you read it wrong! "

"What, how could I be wrong!"

Doraemon hugged her chest with two small short hands, and glanced at Nobita very dissatisfied.

"Definitely you read it wrong, I will definitely not be mistaken, it must be a fish tail!"

Nobita said very firmly.

"Oh, how is it possible, Nobita, you are short-sighted, can you see better than me?"

Doraemon snorted.

Nobita Nobita couldn't help but shout: "Doraemon, do you look down on myopia?!" Myopic eyes can also see clearly! "

Doraemon pouted and snorted: "I didn't, don't talk nonsense." "

"You just look down on myopia, you have already shown it!"

"I didn't, you're talking nonsense!"

Shiraishi ignored the quarrel between the two for the time being.

Fish tail ....

Little girl....

Wait a minute!

"It wouldn't be Sophia, would it?"

A female character suddenly flashed in Shiraishi's mind.

Although he does not remember many plots.

But there are some characters, which are still as rare as a few.

Engraved in DNA.

Don't engrave everything in your DNA! (annoying).

For example, the mermaid Sophia, and the robot Lilulu, etc., are very impressive.

Probably forgetting their purpose, their personality, how they came into contact with Doraemon and Nobita.

But the face, but can not forget.


Shiraishi quickly stopped the quarrel between Doraemon and Nobita: "Is it a mermaid or a little girl, don't you know it at a glance?" "

After that, he didn't care about Doraemon and Nobita.

He walked directly to the small grass.

At a glance, I saw a girl with blue hair and a small crown leaning quietly there.

The appearance is beautiful and very beautiful.

Shiraishi froze for a moment.

In my previous life, watching animation only felt a little beautiful.

Now that I appear in front of me, I can truly feel how beautiful Sophia is as a mermaid.

At a young age, it's so beautiful.

When you grow up, you must not bring disaster to the country and the people?

The only thing that is a pity is that.

Sophia is not a mermaid now, but has human legs.

Shiraishi also wanted to try the mermaid. Well.

Doraemon and Nobita also played awkwardly with each other and came to both sides of Shiraishi.

The moment I saw Sophia.

One person and one cat also froze for a while.

"So beautiful..."

Nobita muttered.

"Look, I'll say it's a very cute girl."

Doraemon said, how could his eyes be broken: "Nobita, you must have seen the little girl as a fish because your mind was full of sharks just now!" "


Nobita snorted nonchalantly.

But my heart also involuntarily agreed with Doraemon's statement.

Right at this moment.


Sophia in front of her suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes were very sharp.

Jumping up more than two meters, he directly crossed Shiraishi, Doraemon, and Nobita.


Doraemon and Nobita were startled and fell directly to the ground again.

Only Shiraishi remained as it was, and even glanced up.

Don't get me wrong, it just happened to meet Sophia's eyes.

"Well... What a handsome jump...!! "

Doraemon and Nobita fall to the ground.

Completely handsome by Sophia just now.


The door next to it was open, and Tamakiko Nobi, who was wearing an apron, walked out of it and looked at Sophia in front of her in amazement.

Sophia was startled and turned her head to stare at Nobi Yuko viciously.

"This girl is cute!"

Nobi Tamago glanced at Doraemon and Nobita who fell to the ground: "Little Doraemon, Nobita, stand up first, is this your friend?!" "

Before Doraemon and Nobita could speak.

Shiraishi trotted to Sophia and grabbed Sophia's tender little hand: "Yes, Aunt Yuzi, this is our new friend, come to play with us at home." "

He was afraid that Sophia would suddenly burst out and beat Nobi Yuko.

Suddenly grabbed by the hand, Sophia looked very uncomfortable, her eyes stared at Shiraishi fiercely, constantly trying to break free.

However, he was firmly grasped by Shiraishi and could not move at all.

"Am I right?"

Shiraishi looked sideways at Sophia and said with a smile.


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 36

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