
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 37

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 37


Sophia frowned.

I didn't know what Shiraishi was talking about at all.

But her keen perception could feel that there was no malice in Shiraishi's heart.

Therefore, they simply did not struggle.

At this time, Doraemon and Nobita also got up and went to Shiraishi and Sophia: "Mom, cousin Shiraishi is right, this is our friend, specially came to our house to play!" "

What happened last night.

Can't let my mother know!!

This Sophia must have something to do with last night's incident.

With the two of them on the side.

Shiraishi smiled again and looked at Sophia.

Even if Sophia didn't know what they meant, she could only nod and nod.

"Ah! That's right! "

Nobi Yuko nodded and said with a smile: "Then invite your friends in, and I'll go get some snacks." "

Shiraishi took Sophia's hand and took her up to the second floor.

Doraemon and Nobita followed closely behind.

Not long after, Nobi Tamako came up with some cookies and four cups of juice.

Shiraishi took the plate: "Thank you, Aunt Yuzi." "

"Oh, what is there to thank you for, Xiaobai, you're welcome."

Nobi Yuko waved his hand: "You guys play, I'll go down first." "

With that, Nobi Tamago closed the door.

Shiraishi places the plate on the tatami.

When Sophia saw the juice, it was like seeing the source of life.

As soon as he dodged a glass of juice, he drank it ton after ton.

"She seems to be very thirsty."

Nobita scratched his head and sat cross-legged on the tatami.

"I don't know why."

Doraemon was also confused.

"It's weird if you're not thirsty."

Shiraishi shook his head.

This Sophia is a mermaid.

If there is no mistake.

It should have been that she fell in the yard last night when she waited for someone to come home.

It can be said that it has not touched water for one night.

Change to a serious fish, and you will die of thirst for a long time.

That is, the mermaid can survive until now.

"Tons and tons..."

Sophia drank all the juice and set it aside.

He then focused his attention on Shiraishi and Doraemon.

I noticed Shiraishi because Shiraishi was too close just now.

Pay attention to Doraemon, it is because...

Doraemon, she looks like it, it's really ...

Sophia glanced at Shiraishi, and then walked over to Doraemon.

As soon as his little hand stretched out, he began to ravage Doraemon's face.

While ravaging, he also said: "%...%¥%..."

What is said, no one knows.

It's a very new language entirely.


Doraemon spat out words with difficulty.

Sophia also reached out curiously and poked Doraemon's little round nose.

Doraemon couldn't stand the ravages and looked at Shiraishi with a pleading look.

Shiraishi slapped his forehead.

Then he reached out and grabbed Sophia's wrist and gently pulled it aside.


Sophia looked at Shiraishi and grunted a bunch of things that no one could understand.

"Doraemon, hurry up and take out the translator Konjac."

Shiraishi looked helplessly at Doraemon.

Now it turned out to him to ask Doraemon for help.

For translating such a thing as konjac, Doraemon picked it up and was familiar with the road, and directly took out three to eat with himself, Shiraishi, and Nobita.

"Wait a minute!"

Shiraishi directly stopped Doraemon's stupid behavior: "Translating Konjac to give us food can only let her understand what we say, and at the same time we can understand what she says, but others still can't understand what she says." "

"It's still a waste to eat three translated konjac at once, it's better to give her one directly, so that everyone can understand her speech..."


Doraemon patted his head and smiled embarrassedly: "It's that I didn't figure it out." "

He handed the translator Konjac to Shiraishi.

Shiraishi motioned for Sophia to eat the translator konjac.

Sophia looked at the three very vigilantly.

But just now the juice was also drunk.

If you wanted to harm her, you would have already harmed her.

Where the turn gets now.

In this way, Sophia half-believed the translator konjac and ate it.

All three looked at Sophia expectantly.

"Who the hell are you?!"

A crisp voice sounded.


Doraemon and Nobita jumped excitedly.


Shiraishi greeted with a smile.

“...... I can understand you, and you can understand me! "

Sophia was suddenly shocked: "Is it the credit of that thing just now?" "

"That's right."

Shiraishi patted Doraemon's head: "It's all thanks to Doraemon." "


Doraemon scratched her head embarrassedly.

"Magical pufferfish!"

Sophia looked at Doraemon in amazement.


The three were slightly stunned.

Shiraishi almost laughed.



It's not bad to say that Doraemon is a tanuki.

But it's also because Sophia is a mermaid at the bottom of the sea and has never seen a tanuki.

Otherwise, it must also be a tanuki who blurted out.

Doraemon stayed where she was.

Nobi froze for a moment, then rolled directly to the ground and started laughing.

"Aha! Blowfish! Chubby pufferfish! "


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 37

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