
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 38

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 38


"Nobita! What are you laughing at?! "

"Sorry, sorry...!!"

Doraemon hummed and looked at Sophia, two small round hands crossed at the waist: "I'm not a pufferfish!" I'm a cat! Cat-type robot !! "

"Ahem, I'm Nobita Nobi, and this is Doraemon."

Nobita Nobita began to change the topic and introduced Sophia: "And he, it's my cousin, Nobi Shiraishi!" "

"Just call me Sophia."

Sophia was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile.

"Hello, Sophia."

Everyone greeted one after another: "Nice name!" "

"Sophia, why are you here?"

Shiraishi sat next to Sophia and asked.

"I... I don't know..."

Sophia obviously doesn't lie.

Normal adults can tell at a glance that she is lying.

But Doraemon and Nobita believed.

Shiraishi shook his head, forget it, Sophia didn't want to say, he couldn't go into detail.

After all, now he and Sophia are just 'friends' they just met.

"Shiraishi, can you tell me where this is?"

Sophia looked at Shiraishi.

Shiraishi's actions just now, the little hands were held.

This caused Sophia to be closer to Shiraishi among these three people.

"Here, it's land, it's Nobita's family, and at present, it's also my home."

Shiraishi means something.

"Oh... Land..."

Sophia couldn't help but think of the scene last night.

She just swam and came to this place.

Everything on land is new to her.

One carelessly, just... That's it....

"Doraemon, Nobita, Shiraishi!"

At this time, Nobi Yuko below shouted: "Come down to eat, if you don't dislike it, call your friends together." "


Doraemon and Nobita's eyes lit up and ran down first.

"Let's go to lunch."

Shiraishi glanced at Sophia.


Sophia looked at Shiraishi, a little unsure of what to say.

Seeing that Sophia was stunned in place, Shiraishi did not shy away, and took Sophia's small hand and took it downstairs.

Everyone looked at Shiraishi and Sophia, who were holding hands.

I couldn't help but snicker.

Nobi Yuko had an aunt smile on her face.

Aunt Zhen laughed.

"Come on, Xiaobai's friend."

Sophia inexplicably felt a little blushing, panicked, and quickly gently broke away from Shiraishi's hand.

He sat down at Nobi Tamako's greeting.

Shiraishi smiled slightly and sat down next to Sophia.

Today's lunch meal is not simple, it is a normal home cooking.

Good thing there are no fish.

This made Shiraishi breathe a sigh of relief.

Although Sophia is a mermaid.

But no one knows if she will treat Yu'er as her own kindred.

If you come to a plate of braised fish at this time, it is really embarrassing.

After lunch, Nobita Nobita remembered that he had an appointment with Fat Tiger in the afternoon.

I wanted to show off photos and videos of my diving.

But now the sudden Sophia made Nobita forget about diving.

Take Sophia and go towards the clearing with Shiraishi.

Along the way, Sophia looked around curiously, like a child who had just entered the city.

"Are you all here?"

Nobita looked at the fat tiger and the others who were already sitting on the pipe in front of him.

At this moment, Fat Tiger and the others are discussing the matter of the great white shark this morning.

"Xiaofu, have you heard, the corpse of a great white shark has appeared on the streets near us, it always feels like a prank."

"It's all on the news, how can it be a prank, Fat Tiger, I also heard that some people saw a lot of fish swimming in the air last night."

"Really fake? I'm not Nobita, don't lie to me, this is absolutely impossible!! "

Listen to the discussion between Fat Tiger and Xiaofu.

Shizuka is not involved at all.

What was going on with the great white shark and the fish, of course she knew.

But Shiraishi said, don't tell others, she will definitely keep a secret for it.

At this moment, Shiraishi and the others just walked over.

"Well... So beautiful...!! "

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu saw Sophia next to Shiraishi at a glance, and they couldn't help but drop their jaws in shock.

"What a cute girl!"

Xiaofu rolled directly from the pipe.

When these two guys saw such a cute Sophia, they wanted to come up and shake hands and get to know each other.

However, he was forced back by Shiraishi's eyes, scratching his head in embarrassment.

Shiraishi glanced at the two.

Funny, can I get you to meet Sophia?

Shizuka came up directly, and looked at Sophia quite surprised: "Hello, my name is Shizuka." "

Sophia glanced at Shiraishi reflexively.

Along the way, Shiraishi gave her a sense of security, which made her involuntarily regard Shiraishi as the backbone of her heart.

Shiraishi gave her a look that was fine.

At this time, Sophia shook hands with Shizuka: "Hello, Shizuka, just call me Sophia, I am a good friend of Shiraishi." "

"Oh, it turns out to be a good friend of Cousin Shiraishi."

Shizuka glanced at Shiraishi, how did she not know that Shiraishi actually had such a cute girlfriend.

"Hello, Sophia, I'm Fat Tiger!"

"I'm a little husband!"

"We are also friends with Cousin Shiraishi!!"


(I don't write Nobita in this book, I feel like it's a normal way to write, how can the comment area be so noisy.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 38

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