
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 39

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 39


Fat Tiger and Xiaofu hugged each other and introduced themselves.

Sophia also bent down slightly very politely: "Hello." "

"Sophia, how did you meet Cousin Shiraishi?"

Shizuka asked curiously.


Sophia really didn't know a positive answer.

After all, they haven't actually known each other for long.

Shiraishi quickly changed the topic: "This is a long story, and I will talk to you again when I have the opportunity to talk to you in the future." "

"Yes, yes, yes."

Doraemon and Nobita knew the inside story and both nodded for Shiraishi.

At this time, everyone suddenly found that Sophia raised her head and seemed to be looking at something.

Everyone also followed Sophia's gaze to the sky.

It turned out to be a flying civilian aircraft, dragging a long white exhaust behind it, cutting an arc in the air.

"Those who swim in the sky ... Fish. "

Sophia stunnedly spoke.

As a mermaid who has been staying in the deep sea.

Or the first time I saw an airplane.

"That's how to describe it."

Shiraishi shrugged.

"A fish swimming in the sky?"

Doraemon scratched her head: "Hmm... Very good analogy. "

"Isn't this just an airplane?"

Xiaofu said very blindly: "Although it is not common, but occasionally you can see it, Sophia, didn't you just come from the country, haven't you seen this?" "

This kid is really bad at talking sometimes.

Bai Shi and Fat Tiger hooked Xiaofu's neck together, and Fat Tiger squinted: "Young man, what are you talking about?" "

"Xiaofu can't speak, leave him alone."

Shiraishi also smiled.

Two people with super strength hooked Xiaofu's neck, and Xiaofu's face quickly turned red.

"Wrong, wrong, I was wrong!!"

Xiaofu apologized again and again before being let go by the two.

Sophia didn't care about Xiaofu's words, still looking at the plane in the air, her eyes confused.

Completely different from the insight of the sea...

"You want to fly in the sky... Swimming? Well, do you want to swim in the sky? "

Shiraishi suddenly spoke.

Sophia withdrew her gaze and looked at Shiraishi longingly: "Is it okay?" Can I swim in the sky too? "

"Of course you can!"

Shiraishi nodded without hesitation, and then patted Doraemon's head: "Doraemon, take out the bamboo dragonfly." "

"No problem!"

Doraemon smiled, took out a lot of bamboo dragonflies, and handed two to Shiraishi.

Shiraishi put one of them on and then put the other on Sophia's head.

Sophia touched the bamboo dragonfly on her head and asked very strangely: "What is this?" "

"This is a bamboo dragonfly, a pufferfish... Oh no, Doraemon's magical props, things that will allow you to swim in the sky. "

Shiraishi smiled slightly, took Sophia's hand, and flew directly into the air with her.

The friends below also wore the bamboo dragonflies given by Doraemon.

Follow behind Shiraishi and Sophia.

"I swam in the sky!!"

Sophia's eyes widened, and then she laughed excitedly: "I really swam in the sky!" "

Her left hand was held by Shiraishi, and her limbs were relaxed and open, feeling the breeze coming from her face.

Close your eyes slightly and enjoy it.

"Want to try it yourself?"

Shiraishi then laughed: "Swimming in the sky, or flying, is the best thing to experience by yourself." "

"I can really travel in the sky by myself... Fly? "

Sophia looked at Shiraishi, her eyes full of excitement.

"Of course you can!"

Shiraishi told Sophia all about the use of the bamboo dragonfly.

The intelligent Sophia was a little awkward at first, but soon became proficient, galloping between heaven and earth alone.

"I... I literally swam in the sky!! "

Sophia's crisp laughter was like an oriole bird.

It seems to be heard everywhere.

"Sophia is really happy."

Doraemon and the others also had smiles on their faces, and the first time they flew, they were actually similar to Sophia.

Shiraishi followed behind Sophia not far away, seeing Sophia so happy, and his heart was also very happy.

"So happy!"

"Shiraishi, I'm really happy!"

Sophia paused in mid-air, then opened her hands, as if to embrace the sky, and flew towards the sky.

She wanted to see how high she could fly.

"Don't play too much!"

Shiraishi had a smile in the corner of his eyes, and reminded Sophia in the back.

However, Shiraishi's words had just fallen.

Sophia felt a pang of vertigo.

The sunlight fell on Sophia, making her feel that the water in her body was constantly decreasing...

Sophia frowned slightly and stretched out her hand to block her eyes.

The sun became more and more dazzling, the feeling of vertigo became more and more intense, and the body was empty, directly hanging in the air.

If it weren't for the bamboo dragonfly, she would have fallen.


Everyone couldn't help but exclaim, and quickly flew towards Sophia.

It's just that Shiraishi has been staring at Sophia, and seeing Sophia pass out, he immediately reached out and hugged Sophia.

"Sophia, are you all right?!"

Shiraishi asked anxiously, "Do you need water?" "

Only then did Shiraishi react.

As a mermaid.

Sophia had only drunk a glass of water throughout the day.

Now it's sun-basking again.

This must not be dried into salted fish?

Oh no, the word salted fish really doesn't match Sophia.

This must not be fainted?

"Shiraishi... Water...... I want water..."

Leaning into Shiraishi's arms.

Sophia looked at Shiraishi weakly, and reached out to gently grab Shiraishi's arm.

The style of that moment made Shiraishi slightly stunned.


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 39

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