
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 4

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 4


"Okay, I see."

Shiraishi nodded.

After Nobisuke left, Nobita and Doraemon breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nobita, you are too presumptuous, even Dad said it."

Doraemon exhaled slowly, and then couldn't help but complain.

"What, Doraemon, obviously you just said it!"

Nobi said with a hum.

"Yes? How did I forget? "

Doraemon whistled, her eyes constantly glancing.

"Abominable Doraemon!"

Nobita angrily hugged Doraemon's head and ravaged it, tickling it from time to time.


Doraemon widened her eyes and laughed, rolling with Nobita, "Wrong, Nobita, I was wrong, ahahaha... I was really wrong, Nobita...!! "

"Okay, okay, Nobita, little Dora, don't make trouble, if you make trouble again, uncle may really come in to let you see what is called a man's side."

Shiraishi pressed Nobita and Doraemon's heads in time, and the two couldn't bump together again no matter how hard they tried.

"Cousin, your strength is so great."

Nobita touched his head, and the place where Shiraishi was held down was a little red.

It's not that Shiraishi is too hard, the main thing is that when Nobita holds Shiraishi, he is still trying to go forward to beat Doraemon.

"Hmph, you didn't make it yourself."

Doraemon clasped her hands to her chest and said dissatisfied.

"Hurry up and wash up and go to eat, my stomach is hungry."

Bai Shi was afraid that these two little wrongdoers would fight again, and quickly said.

"Good drops, good drops!"

Although Nobita and Doraemon like to make a fuss, they are still very sensible in this kind of thing.

After washing up, when I came to the restaurant, Nobi Tamako's meals were also served.

Shiraishi sat down under everyone's greeting, and the guests and hosts of the meal were happy, and the chat also made the invisible barrier between Shiraishi and this family a little less.


Nobi Yuko led the team and took Shiraishi to Nobita's room, "Xiaobai, this is where you will live in the future, although there are some grievances, but in the future, treat this place as your own home!" "

"What, where will be wronged!"

Nobita Nobita couldn't help but shout Qu Dao, isn't this clearly saying that his room is garbage?


However, Nobita Tamako just looked at him, which made Nobita shivering and lower his head.

Doraemon couldn't help but snicker.

"Okay, Xiaobai, you can get along with Nobita here."

Nobita also warned Nobita before leaving: "Nobita, don't mess around, bring Xiaobai." "


Seeing the door close, Nobita, who had been tense all along, suddenly slumped on the ground, and couldn't help but complain: "What, what, what is called I will bring bad cousin, it's really funny!" "

"Mommy is also for your own good."

Doraemon patted Nobita's shoulder, and then looked at Shiraishi curiously and said, "Cousin, are you going to study in the same school with Nobita in the future?" "

"Of course."

Shiraishi also sat on the tatami mat and said, "Even if I have Doraemon, I can't travel that far to school." "

"Oh, too."

Doraemon scratched her head.

"Na, cousin, how are your grades in school?"

Suddenly, Nobita seemed to be interested, and sat up curiously, with his hands on his feet, looking eagerly looking forward to it.

"Grades, so-so."

Shiraishi waved his hand modestly.

"How much is average?"

Nobita's eyes were shining, and he was curious to know Shiraishi's results.

Doraemon couldn't help but cover her forehead with her hand next to her, looking very helpless.

Others don't know what Nobita thinks.

Doesn't Doraemon know yet?

If Shiraishi said it well, Nobita would never ask again.

But Shiraishi said so, then Nobita was very curious!

This is a child's comparison and a fluke mentality.

In Nobita's opinion, as long as there is another child with poor grades in the family, then his mother will definitely be embarrassed to force herself to write again.

Children are like this, never thinking that in fact, it will only be two forced to write together.


In case my cousin's grades are worse than my own.

Then wouldn't he be able to teach his cousin?

"Cousin, no problem, don't be ashamed, my grades are also very poor, and the class is countdown."

When Nobita thought of this, his eyes suddenly became as bright as stars.

Even in order to force Shiraishi to say it, he also said his own achievements.

"It's only two perfect marks."

Shiraishi couldn't help but be happy, young man, if you are like this, then I can only say it.


Nobita couldn't help but open his mouth, and at that moment, his eyes were gone, and he suddenly became extremely dull.

You know, neon primary school has only two subjects to exam, Chinese and mathematics


He originally thought that his cousin's grades were really average!!


Doraemon laughed, but still couldn't help but laugh out loud, and this time it came out suddenly strained, rolling on the spot crazy, laughing.

"Great... Male! "

"You... Hahahaha... You...... You simply... It's just in... Inflicted insult!! "


(I will write it every day, and then I will enter the theatrical version, there are currently two options for the theatrical version, one is the mermaid one, there is the beautiful mermaid princess Sophia, the other is the Iron Corps, there is the beautiful Lilulu, and the handsome Gundam, which do you think to choose?) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 4

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