
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 40

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 40


Effeminate beauty, effeminate beauty....

No wonder so many people like effeminate beauties....

"No, now is not the time to think about this."

Shiraishi shook his head and threw out the strange thought: "Doraemon!! Any door! Fast!! "

"Good! Look at me! Any door!! "

Doraemon quickly pulled out a huge arbitrary door from the four-dimensional treasure bag.

Shiraishi reached out and pressed his hand on the doorknob of any door, and as soon as he opened it, it was the doorway of Nobi's bathroom.

Without any hesitation, Shiraishi rushed directly to the bathroom with Sophia in his arms.

Doraemon, Shizuka, Nobita, Fat Tiger, and Xiaofu also chased after them.

All of them were also very anxious and wanted to rush into the bathroom.

But Shiraishi didn't even look at them, and slammed the door with his backhand.

Doraemon slammed directly into the door and covered her aching head.

At this time, in a hurry.

Shiraishi didn't care about the difference between men and women, and quickly began to put water in the bathtub, then took off Sophia's clothes and put her in the bathtub.

As soon as Sophia touched the water, it was like a milk swallow returning to the nest, and the whole person was directly buried in it.

Watching Sophia gradually recover.

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief.

React that I shouldn't be here.

"Ahem, Sophia, you soak first, and then call me if there is something."

Shiraishi coughed dryly and exited the bathroom.

Bathroom doorway.

Everyone stood in place anxiously.

Seeing Shiraishi come out, he immediately asked, "What's wrong, Cousin Shiraishi!" "

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Shiraishi shook his head, and everyone was relieved.


For a moment, there was nothing to say.

Everyone looked at each other.

It seems to feel a little embarrassed.

Xiaofu opened his mouth and looked at Baishi mockingly: "Cousin Baishi, how did you put Sophia into the water?" "

"How else to put it, of course, take off your clothes and put it."

Without thinking, Shiraishi spoke: "Otherwise, do you have to put Sophia in your clothes?" "

Oh no....

Shiraishi suddenly remembered.

Sophia's clothes seemed to be special.

It can be completely soaked in water.

It's not that Shiraishi remembers the plot in Doraemon theatrical version.

He was indeed a little anxious to get on fire just now, otherwise he should have been able to think of it when he thought about it.

After all, Sophia came from the sea.

Did she come naked?

You must be wearing clothes!


Shiraishi's voice had just fallen.

Everyone made an extremely mocking noise.


Shiraishi coughed a little embarrassed: "It's not a hurry, I didn't think too much about it at all, and you must be the same." "

"Well, that's true!"

Shizuka nodded next to her and snorted softly: "You guys, don't think about it!" "

"We didn't think about it!"

Nobita and the others quickly refuted.

"I don't know how long Sophia will stay."

Doraemon leaned against the wall next to her.

Shiraishi said: "It should be soon, when I came out, Sophia was already awake." "

Right at this moment.

"Shiraishi, can you come in?"

Sophia's voice sounded from the bathroom.

It was actually to let Shiraishi enter again.

Everyone looked at each other, coughed dryly, and glanced around, as if they didn't see it.

Shiraishi glanced at these little fart children speechlessly, you understand loneliness, and then opened the bathroom door and walked in.

He was also very careful when opening the bathroom door.

"Thank you, Shiraishi..."

Sophia was buried all over the water at this time, with only half of her head exposed.

But it can still be found.

Sophia's face was a little red.

He didn't dare to look directly at Shiraishi.

Shiraishi then realized that Sophia had not yet dressed, and quickly turned her head.

"Ahem, it's okay, we're friends, helping each other is called friends."

Shiraishi coughed a few more times.

He always felt that he would cough all his life today.

There was a little silence for a while.


The sound of water dripping to the ground.

"Shiraishi, aren't you curious, why do I need water so much?"

Sophia's voice sounded hesitant.

But in the hesitation, inexplicably with a firmness.

Very contradictory.


Shiraishi still had his back to Sophia, and he nodded, "You're not human, are you, Sophia." "

"Turn around, I'm already dressed."

Shiraishi turned his head and found that Sophia's face looked a little pale, and she lowered her head, seemingly a little tangled.

"You're a mermaid, right, Sophia."

Shiraishi slowly spoke.

Sophia raised her head sharply and looked at Shiraishi incredulously: "Why do you know?" "

"Because I'm one of the few people who has seen your fish's tail."

Shiraishi lied.

When he went to see it, Sophia's tail had already turned into legs, and the only one who had seen the fish's tail was Nobita.

"So it is..."

Sophia lowered her head again: "That's right, I'm a mermaid..."

Looking at Sophia's expression, Shiraishi felt a little distressed in his heart, hugged Sophia and said: "It's okay, the mermaid is the mermaid, what is this!" "

"Don't you care if I'm a mermaid?"

Sophia looked at Shiraishi and pursed her mouth, her expression quite pitying.

"Of course I don't care."

Shiraishi was gently wrapping his hands around Sophia's arms at this time, and he said with his head down.

"Is it really okay?"

Sophia still felt a little bit of gain and loss.

"It really doesn't matter."

Shiraishi said with great certainty again: "Moreover, not only me, everyone will not care!" "


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 40

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