
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 41

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 41


"Is this true, and everyone won't care?"

Sophia was stunned.

She is young though.

But some things are still clear.

Mermaids... That's a mermaid!

"It's hard for others to say, and I'm not sure, but Doraemon, Nobita, Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, Shizuka, they definitely won't care."

Shiraishi nodded very surely.


Are there few strange creatures in Doraemon?

These people play with Nobita, and Nobita also takes out some strange props from time to time.

Even a time machine.

How could you care about a mermaid?

In order to completely dispel Sophia's doubts.

Shiraishi thought for a while: "By the way, don't you know about Doraemon?" Doraemon is a robot, and it's not like humans, do you see that everyone cares about this? "

"You can see that we treat Doraemon as family, and Doraemon never worries about whether anyone cares that he is a robot."

Sophia nodded suspiciously.

"If you don't believe it, go out and ask?"

Shiraishi took Sophia's little hand and walked out.

"Or don't..."

"Believe me, it's really okay, and if you want to hide it, you can't hide it..."

At this time, everyone had returned to the room on the second floor.

Shiraishi walked up to the stairs.

Sensitive hearing already hears that they are chatting.

It's about Sophia.

Everyone can sense that something is wrong.

Who suddenly falls into a coma and then wants water?

In addition, Nobita also took out the incident of seeing the fish's tail this morning.

With this, the friends began to analyze Sophia's identity.

That little man didn't have the ability to see at all, such a beautiful Sophia, actually guessed that it was a kappa.

Listen to Shiraishi's head full of black lines.

He pushed open the door: "Don't guess." "

Saying that, he pushed Sophia, who was a little nervous with her head down, in front of herself: "Sophia is a mermaid." "


The friends were instantly stunned.


Although they were already guessing just now.

But now that the facts are in front of us, I can't help but be surprised.


"Sophia, are you really a mermaid?"

"Oh my God, Doraemon, I just said, I'm sure I'm not mistaken, that's the fish tail!"

"But, Sophia, why don't you have a fish tail now?"

Sophia looked at the friends in front of her.

The friends did not show fear or other feelings just because she was a mermaid.

Sophia suddenly breathed a slight sigh of relief.



Nobita seemed to remember something.

Immediately start taking out paper and pens in the drawer.

Then under everyone's gaze, they began to scribble.

In the end, an extremely abstract painting was produced.

"Sophia, is it this mermaid?!"

Looking at the painting in Nobita's hand.

Everyone was slightly stunned at first.

Then Fat Tiger and Xiaofu directly fell to the ground without image and laughed.

Shizuka and Doraemon couldn't help but cover their mouths and laugh.

Even Sophia couldn't help it...

"Great... Male! You're too ugly! "


"Nobita, you painted Sophia so ugly, aren't you afraid that Cousin Shiraishi will beat you?!"

Shiraishi spread his hands, looking very innocent, I didn't want to beat Nobita, don't talk nonsense.

Nobita Nobita saw his paintings being so humiliated.

Suddenly a little angry.

But after taking another look at it, he couldn't hold back, and lowered his head with a sigh: "I'm sorry, what I drew is really ugly." "

"It's okay Nobita, although it's ugly, you can vaguely see the appearance of some mermaids... Actually, I'm not the mermaid you think..."

Sophia explained to everyone a little.

It turns out that she is actually not much different from humans in normal times.

Words in the sea.

You can use your clothes to conjure up a fish's tail.

"It's no wonder that when you see an airplane and fly, you say you're swimming in the air."

Xiaofu nodded: "For fish, airplanes or something, it is indeed swimming in the air." "

"Then you said earlier that Sophia is a native child from the countryside."

The fat tiger hooked Xiaofu's neck again and squinted.

"Ahahaha, it's not that you don't know that Sophia is a mermaid..."

Xiaofu held Fat Tiger's arm with both hands and smiled awkwardly.

"Naa, Sophia, is your home in the sea?"

Nobita sat on the tatami, leaned forward slightly, and looked at Sophia sitting in the chair very curiously.


Sophia smiled and nodded: "The ancestors of our merfolk tribe came to the earth five thousand years ago, and after we came to the earth, we have been living at the bottom of the sea ever since." "

"Coming to Earth?"

Everyone exclaimed, "So Sophia, are you actually an alien?" "

"If it's five thousand years, it just coincides with the legend of the mermaid."

Xiaofu still understands some of these strange knowledge.

Doraemon hugged her chest with her hands and tilted her head sideways: "It turns out that this is the case, Sophia's ancestors just happened to live at the bottom of the sea, maybe this is how the legend of the mermaid came out." "


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 41

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