
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 42

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 42


"As aliens, why did you come to Earth?"

Shiraishi couldn't help but ask.

In itself, I forgot the plot of the theatrical version, and it is always good to know more about these.

Sophia glanced at Shiraishi and explained, "According to legend, in fact, our merfolk race has always lived faster on Blue Mercury, which is very similar to the earth, but..."

Sophia told everyone about the legend.

It's actually quite simple.

It is nothing more than that the blue mercury ocean is polluted and creatures cannot survive, so Sophia's ancestors and their people began to look for a place to live.

Just found the oceans on Earth.

Since then, it has been living under the sea until now.

"Wow, that is, you haven't been on land for more than five thousand years?"

Xiaofu said in amazement.


Shiraishi smiled heartily: "Sophia, would you like to take you around the city on land?" You should be curious about cities on land. "


Sophia nodded, her expression seemed to have an inexplicable fascination for land.

"Okay, let's go!!"

Doraemon shouted, "Take Sophia for a good stroll!!" "

Saying that, the friends hugged Sophia and went out together.

First, I took Sophia around the neighborhood.

For example, the back mountain, and then the school.

Sophia felt very strange.

There are also many 'hills' similar to the back mountain on the seabed.

But there will not be such a green tree.

Everything on land is very new to Sophia.

Immediately afterwards, Shiraishi took Sophia to the street again.

Sophia looked at the cars driving one after another on the street, and said blankly: "There are a lot of fish." "

"A lot of fish?"

The friends all had spoiled smiles on their faces.

Shiraishi smiled slightly and explained: "Sophia, this is not a fish, this is a car, the crystallization of human technology..."

Explained a little.

Sophia nodded half-understandingly: "The technology on land, it's really powerful..."

Terrible? In fact, for them, it is not very powerful.

It's like a modern man running to ancient times.

Seeing the ingenious production in ancient times, I can't help but say a great word.

Shiraishi understands this.

Next, I took Sophia around again.

By the way, I explained the rules on land to Sophia.

And this time, because the friends all know that Sophia is a mermaid from the bottom of the sea.

So it didn't happen before, Xiaofu said that Sophia was a native child from the countryside.

On the contrary, Xiaofu seems to have spontaneously assumed the role of 'land propaganda ambassador'.

I handed over everything I had learned in my life.

But after all, it is a schoolboy.

From time to time, something still goes wrong.

Shiraishi corrects his mistakes, and then it will attract ridicule from Fat Tiger and Nobita.

These two goods at this time are a rare united front.

He said that he looked down on Xiaofu's pretentious mentality.

Soon, the time came towards evening.

Shiraishi habitually wanted to take everyone to dinner together, so he didn't go home.

In his previous life, he used to play outside with his children.

But suddenly I found that I didn't have a penny in my pocket now, and I really couldn't take them out to eat....

That's a bit awkward.

No money or no.

Everyone parted ways in the clearing.

"Bye bye, Sophia, see you tomorrow!"

"Had a great day, thank you!!"

Back home, Sophia sat cross-legged on the tatami mat and raised her head: "What a great feeling, thank you for showing me about land today." "

"Oh, it's nothing."

Doraemon scratched her head embarrassedly.

Nobita pressed Doraemon's head: "Doraemon, Sophia is thanking Cousin Shiraishi." "


Sophia blushed: "Of course, thank you to everyone." "

"Frankly speaking, in fact, our seabed has always been forbidden to come to land, but I accidentally bumped into it and somehow came here."

Under the mocking gazes of Shiraishi and Nobita.

Doraemon coughed awkwardly.

It's all his pot.

"Nobita!! Doraemon!! Come down! Mom has something for you to help do!! "

At this time, Nobi Yuko's voice sounded.

Doraemon also left the room.

Nobita didn't want to go down a little, and wanted to talk to Sophia again, but was directly dragged away by Doraemon.

"Sophia, do you have any other wishes?"

Now, only Shiraishi and Sophia were left in the room.


Sophia was slightly stunned, then pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear, walked to the window, looked at the endless sky, dyed by the setting sun, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes: "We merfolks miss our former hometown very much, so I want to see our former hometown." "

"See home?"

Shiraishi thought for a while: "Doraemon's arbitrary door can be done, but unfortunately there is no coordinates of Blue Mercury, otherwise, we can only go directly." "

"It's okay, I'm already satisfied with being able to come to land and see this sky!"

Sophia shook her head nonchalantly.

With a big smile on his face.

It doesn't seem to really care about that.

There have been windfalls, and she is not a person who does not know how to be satisfied.


(A little heat stroke or fever or something, I slept for four hours in the middle of last night and then woke up once, my back was sore, and then I woke up at nine o'clock in the morning and still have soreness, and the back of my head was also heavy, very dizzy.) You should pay more attention in the summer, don't get sick,)

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 42

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