
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 43

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 43


However, Shiraishi wanted to fulfill her wishes as much as possible.

He glanced at Sophia: "Sophia, I'll go see what needs help below, you take a break at home, if you need water, you can talk to Aunt Yuzi." "


Sophia nodded very obediently.

"Oh, by the way, what do you mean by Blue Mercury?"

"I don't really know... But, in legend, Blue Mercury forms a pentagonal shape with three other planets and the moon..."

"Uh-huh, I see!"

Shiraishi ran fast.

Doraemon is wearing an apron and a bamboo dragonfly, ready to go out to buy vegetables.

Nobita Nobita was shouted to start fighting for Nobi Tamako.

"Doraemon, I'm with you."

Shiraishi said hello, then also took a bamboo dragonfly and put it on his head, and flew into the sky with Doraemon.

While flying, he also told Doraemon Sophia's idea.

"Cousin Shiraishi, are you trying to satisfy Sophia's thoughts?"

Doraemon said curiously: "But just like you said, without coordinates, any door cannot locate Blue Mercury." "

"No need to locate Blue Mercury."

Shiraishi shook his head: "Blue Mercury doesn't know what the situation is, maybe it will only disappoint Sophia, it's better to be on Earth and let Sophia see the planet that used to be." "

"This way!"

Doraemon sighed and said excitedly: "Then I'll go find everyone and think of a way for Sophia together." "

"Don't tell Sophia that we're a surprise!"

Shiraishi instructed.

Then the two took a few bamboo dragonflies each.

Start gathering Fat Tiger, Xiaofu and Shizuka.

In this way, because of the bamboo dragonfly, they soon gathered again in the clearing.

Look at the doubtful friends.

Shiraishi repeated his thoughts to everyone.

"A surprise for Sophia, what a romantic idea!"

Shizuka clasped her hands together with a look of longing.

"Blue Mercury..."

Xiaofu thought for a while and said: "According to Sophia's pentagonal shape, it should be the most famous sign of Auriga, but Auriga is a constellation that can only be seen in winter, and now neon should not be seen." "

"It's okay, just have this news."

Shiraishi patted Xiaofu's shoulder: "Well done, Xiaofu." "


Xiaofu scratched his head embarrassedly.

Shiraishi looked at Doraemon: "Doraemon, although it is said that neon is summer, there must be places on earth that are winter, such as the southern hemisphere, so I will trouble you to find it." "

"No problem! Wrap it around me! "



Back home.

I can see that in the kitchen, Sophia is helping Nobi Yuzi.

"Sophia is so polite, you are a guest."

"It's okay, Auntie, I can help you!"

"It's really good, it's also very good at doing things, and it's so strong than Nobita that I don't know where to go..."

"What, Mom!"

Doraemon and Shiraishi looked at each other: "Mom/Aunt! We're back! "

Give the vegetables you need to Tamago Nobi.

Then while Sophia was still helping Nobi Yuzi to fight.

Grabbed Nobita aside and told Nobita about the decision everyone had just made.


Nobita Nobita liked this kind of excitement the most, and nodded very excitedly.

"However, I have to tell you, Nobita, don't show your stuffing, otherwise don't blame me for not telling you this kind of thing next time."

Shiraishi held out a finger in warning.

"Don't worry!"

Nobita patted his chest and assured, "I'm the best at keeping secrets!" "

"It's time to eat, Xiaobai, Nobita, Xiao Dora!"

"Here it comes!"

Everyone finished eating.

Doraemon and Nobita hurriedly but mysteriously said, "Sophia, we're going out and coming back later." "

After that, he pedaled and ran out.

Sophia looked at the back of the two leaving stunned, and looked confused: "They... What are you doing? "

"Leave them alone, they often do."

Shiraishi smiled slightly, and took Sophia back to the room: "Is there any place you want to go at night, I can also take you to stroll." "

"Not yet."

Sophia shook her head: "Thank you very much for taking me to play today!" I won't bother everyone again! "

Shiraishi chatted with Sophia without a match.

With her knowledge, from time to time she could make Sophia cover her mouth and chuckle.

"By the way, Sophia, don't you really want to see your former hometown?"

Shiraishi's question made Sophia silent for a while, and then said in a very yearning tone: "I want to, but it is very satisfying to be able to come to land." "

"Don't be satisfied so easily."

Shiraishi stood up, took Sophia's hand, and trotted her to the clearing.

This is the moment.

In the clearing, only Doraemon stood there, and next to him, there was the iconic arbitrary door.

The smile on Doraemon's face narrowed with a smile, and her hands were behind her back.

"Cousin Shiraishi, Sophia! Here you are! "

Doraemon walked away gently, like a greeter: "Please! "

Sophia seemed to have thought of something at this time, and looked at Shiraishi with a kind of look.

Shiraishi smiled slightly: "It's up to you to open this door, let's go." "


(Very sleepy, but afraid to sleep, if I do, it will definitely be more uncomfortable to wake up.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 43

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