
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 45

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 45


One night without words, nothing happened.

It's all children, what can happen?

The next morning.

After breakfast, I stayed at home for a while.

About two or three o'clock in the afternoon.

Sophia spoke: "Shiraishi, Doraemon, I need to go back, back to the palace that belongs to me." "

She glanced at Shiraishi intensely.

It's a little girl after all.

The expression is still on the face.

"What? Palace?! "

Nobita's ability to catch key points has always been average, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Sophia, are you the queen?" "


Sophia was slightly stunned at first, then sat down on the chair on the side and smiled: "No, Nobita, I haven't inherited the throne yet, I'm still just a princess." "

"Princess! The princess is also very powerful, okay!! "

Nobita Nobita and Doraemon exclaimed at the same time, "Wow! I didn't expect Sophia to be the princess of the mermaid!! "

"I really didn't expect that our friend would be a princess, what an honor."

Shiraishi was not as surprised as Nobita and Doraemon.

After all, the impression of Sophia made him more or less think of the identity of Princess Sophia.

"It's really annoying, just tease me!"

Sophia said in disgust.

"Hahaha, I don't, after all, you are a princess."

Shiraishi waved his hand.

"You say it again!"

"OKOK, I'm not going to say it, I'm not saying it, okay."

Looking at Shiraishi and Sophia's laughter.

Doraemon and Nobita looked at each other, and both showed their aunt smiles.

"But, Sophia, are you sure you want to say goodbye like this?"

Suddenly, Shiraishi became serious.


Sophia was stunned.

"Don't forget Shizuka Fat Tiger, they really treat you as a friend, if they know that you left like this, they will definitely be sad."

Shiraishi explained in a serious way, "So, my advice is to say goodbye to them first. "

He didn't really want Sophia to leave.

But Sophia's departure is something that will definitely happen.

People's families are at the bottom of the sea.

Can Shiraishi still tie people to land?

Sophia thought for a moment and nodded, "Well, Shiraishi, you're right. "

So, under Doraemon's operation.

The friends gathered again in the clearing.

"I heard you're leaving, aren't I, Sophia."

When Shizuka saw Sophia, she greeted her, her expression full of reluctance.

"Sophia, I heard that you are the princess of the mermaid, doesn't that mean that you are the royal family of the mermaid, and you have to return to the palace."

Xiaofu's eyes shone with a different kind of light: "I'm really curious how big and luxurious the palace is, is it bigger than my family?" "

"Hey, little man, you are too arrogant, compare your home to the palace! It's really self-defeating! "

Fat Tiger mocked mercilessly.

The friends seem to be using ridicule to dissipate the reluctance of parting.

Doraemon pulled out the activity fishing pond from the four-dimensional treasure bag.

The scale of the active fishing pond at this time is still the same.

It's good that Doraemon hasn't been tuned, otherwise I'll have to look for it again.

Looking at the familiar activity fishing pond in front of me, I came to the land from here.

Sophia stood in front of the active fishing pond, reluctantly hanging completely on her face, and her eyes were almost hung on Shiraishi most of the time.


She is also very attached to her friends.

But obviously not to the point where you have to be together.

The main thing is Shiraishi.

In just two days of getting along, Shiraishi, a half-old fritters, firmly hung the mind of Sophia, the little girl.

Sophia seemed to be a little speechless.

I almost wanted Shiraishi to keep her for a while.

Maybe you stay?

Of course, she also knew that it was impossible.

As the princess of the merfolk, she suddenly disappeared for two days.

The merfolk must have gone crazy.

How is it possible to stay?

When Sophia thought of this, her mood became a little low again.

Being stared at by Sophia with such eyes.

Bai Shi's heart throbbed violently, and he also looked at Sophia's back stunned, and said uncontrollably: "Sophia, otherwise, let's send you back?" "

I saw everyone suddenly looking at themselves.

Shiraishi's expression recovered as before, and he immediately coughed dryly, and blurted out the reason: "Nobita, Xiaofu, Shizuka, Fat Tiger, don't you all want to see the palace of the mermaid clan?" "

"Moreover, Sophia came to land, it is also because of us, no matter how you look at it, we should also personally send Sophia back, right?"

"Sophia, you wouldn't diswelcome us, would you?"

Shiraishi wouldn't say that he was reluctant to let Sophia.


I'm a big man.

How can you say such a crooked thing?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Sophia turned her head abruptly, her expression quickly changed from low to happy, and she looked at Shiraishi happily: "Of course I have no problem!" No problem at all! Welcome to the merfolk! "

As if sensing the strange expressions of her friends, Sophia lowered her head embarrassedly and quickly added: "And everyone!" "

The friends looked at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise: "Cousin Shiraishi is right!" "

"Go! Let's go! Depart for the Royal Palace!! "

"We are going to form and escort Sophia's squad !!"


(Originally, it was necessary to add more for every 3 tips, the last time it was 8, and the next time it should be 11, but they are almost on the shelf, so I don't engage in this set, 10 will be added to everyone, evaluation votes are also, rush before the shelf, 70 evaluation votes will be added to one more, and now there are still 30 shortfalls!) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 45

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