
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 46

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 46


"Well, since you all ask for it, let's go...!!"

Doraemon pulls out a mirror-like prop from the four-dimensional treasure bag and enlarges it with a magnifying lamp.

And let Sophia walk to the mirror.

Immediately, I saw that Doraemon seemed to have adjusted something.

Then in the mirror, a new set of clothes was directly conjured, exactly the same as Sophia's mermaid suit, but the color was slightly different.

"If you want to go to the bottom of the sea, you may not be able to do without Sophia's mermaid suit!"

Doraemon crossed his hands at his waist and said as if he were inviting.

"Doraemon's props look too much like magic."

Sophia looked at this scene in amazement.

Shiraishi smiled and said, "In a sense, Doraemon's props are actually no different from magic. "

"Hehe, Doraemon is omnipotent!"

Nobita smiled happily.

"Although it happens occasionally to fail."

Fat Tiger said with a smile.

The little man next to him directly mended the knife: "What occasionally, obviously it often fails." "


Doraemon's face was red and her ears were red, and she shouted: "You guys can't go yet, just put on these mermaid suits when you go!" "

"OKOK, Doraemon, don't be angry."

The friends returned to their homes through any door, and then put on mermaid suits one after another.

Doraemon is blue-white, Nobita is yellow, almost identical to his short sleeves, with a light blue skirt, Shizuka is light yellow with a red skirt, Fat Tiger is dark blue with a purple skirt, and Xiaofu is a white top with a green skirt.

Shiraishi is a light blue top with a red skirt, which is close to the color scheme of Superman's uniform.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or what.

"In addition to that, there are adaptation lights!"

Immediately afterwards, Doraemon took out a small lamp and swept it over, shining a light on the friends.

Shiraishi is also among them.

This time it's about going to the real deep sea.

And not in virtual seawater.

With his current physique, when he reaches the sea, he will also be suffocated.

"You're done! Now, everyone can survive in any environment! "

Doraemon nodded in satisfaction.

"Can you even go to the bottom of the sea?"

Sophia asked in amazement.

"Of course."

Shiraishi replied to Doraemon: "As long as you adapt to the light of the light, you can go to any dangerous place to survive, although it can only last for 24 hours, but it is enough." "

"This way!"

Sophia nodded in realization: "No matter how you look at it, Doraemon's props are still exactly the same as magic." "

"Who isn't."

Shiraishi shrugged: "Even if I have seen a lot of props, every time I see them in the future, I can't help but sigh at the magic of props." "

"It's not that good!"

Doraemon was embarrassed to be praised: "Okay, let's go!!" "

"Let's go!!"

Nobita yelled and jumped straight into the activity fishing pond.

Then there are Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, Shizuka, Doraemon.

Shiraishi and Sophia looked at each other, and the two jumped in together.

Falling into the sea, the friends pressed the button on the waist of the mermaid suit together.

I saw several rays of light blooming, and everyone's legs turned into the tails of mermaids.


As if a dragon entered the deep sea, Shiraishi's tail flicked lightly, and it jumped out like a cannonball.

The crowd was led by Sophia.

While playing, he headed towards the station of the underwater mermaid.

Shiraishi and Sophia involuntarily held hands and swam in the bottom of the sea.

On the way, the friends encountered many, many different fish.

Or big whales, or small sharks, or dense schools of fish, or large sea turtles, dolphins...

Everyone had a big smile on their face.

The relationship between Shiraishi and Sophia is also heating up, and they are becoming more and more intimate.

However, this temperature increase seems to make Sophia a little uncomfortable.

Deep down, there seemed to be a touch of fear that neither Shiraishi nor Sophia could detect.

The time gradually came to evening.

Doraemon pulled out another prop from the four-dimensional treasure bag, this time it was something like a rope.

It is called a 'waterproof rope'.

Within the range of the waterproof rope, water will not come in.

Circle a range, put a house in it, and this is the universal tent.

It was originally a small, toy-like thing, but it can be grown as long as it is 'inflated'.

It can be said that there are all kinds of facilities inside.

Sitting at the large table in the middle, Sophia looked around curiously: "Doraemon, you are simply like the legendary statue of Manatia." "


"I once heard my grandmother say that when we mermaids are in danger, the sea god will use the mermaid sword to save us..."

"Sword of the Mermaid?"

Shiraishi said he seemed to have heard it somewhere.

"Hmm! In fact, the ancestors of our merfolk tribe have kept this sword well for generations, but now they don't know where to go, which is a pity. "

Sophia nodded, and her tone also expressed regret, after all, the mermaid sword, but the treasure of their mermaid clan, is now missing.

Shiraishi's brows furrowed slightly: "Mermaid Sword? Is there still a set of mermaid armor? "


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 46

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