
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 47

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 47


"Shiraishi, how do you know?"

Sophia looked at Shiraishi in surprise.

"I guessed it myself."

Shiraishi waved his hand, of course, not blindly guessing, but vaguely remembering some plots.

If he remembered the plot correctly.

The villain in this theatrical version.

It seems that he has the armor of the mermaid, and then he will come to the earth to find the mermaid sword, in an attempt to collect these two artifacts and rule the world.

However, Shiraishi can only think of this.

More specific, such as what they are going to do now, then it is not clear.

Those plots really can't be remembered, after all, they are all details, and they will not be described all the time in the theatrical version, and it is difficult to remember.

"According to legend, in addition to the mermaid sword, there is indeed a mermaid armor."

Sophia continued: "It's just that the mermaid armor is older than the mermaid sword, the mermaid sword is about five thousand years ago, and the mermaid armor, even if there are few records, is more difficult to study." "

"The legendary sword and the legendary armor, it's so cool!"

The fat tiger clenched his fists, very excited.

Xiaofu also nodded next to him: "It's so romantic!" "

So, under the tossing of the friends, in order to find this legendary sword and the legendary armor, Doraemon took out two props.

'Treasure Hunt Paper' and 'Baking Oven'.

Doraemon didn't want to look for this.

But under the 'agitation method' of Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, it was said to be a tanuki in the sea, Doraemon couldn't resist taking out the props.

Tear off a piece of treasure hunting paper and bake it on top of the baking stove, held by Sophia.

If the Mermaid Sword really exists, then clues will be given on the treasure hunting paper.

Right under everyone's shocked eyes.

A line of words appeared on the main line of the treasure hunting paper.

"When the royal family prays, the six rays of light come together and the wish will come true..."

Followed by.

Another line of information was given on the treasure hunting paper.

It's just an ancient Blue Mercury text, which even Sophia can't understand.

Subsequently, Sophia seemed a little silent.

"Hey, Doraemon, I'm hungry!"

Fat Tiger suddenly touched his stomach and said.

"I'm hungry too, Doraemon."

Nobita and Xiaofu also spoke.

Shizuka didn't speak, but her stomach was already growling, and seeing that everyone was looking at her, she lowered her head a little embarrassed.

"Haha, don't underestimate the universal tent."

Doraemon smiled mysteriously and came to the side of the universal tent: "Fat tiger, what do you want to eat?" Whatever! "

"Eel rice, of course! Oversized portions! "

Fat Tiger said without hesitation.

"Eel rice? I'll take a look..."

I saw Doraemon operate for a while, and then took out a steaming bowl of eel rice from that place.

"Wow! Doraemon! It's amazing!! "

The fat tiger took it excitedly, took a bite, and it was fragrant.

"How is this done? Doraemon? "

Nobita looked at this scene in amazement.

"Universal tent that can absorb microorganisms and then make any food."

Doraemon proudly held her head high: "Come, tell me what you want to eat!" "

Xiaofu and Shizuka ordered ramen, Nobita asked for a bowl of pork cutlet rice, Shiraishi was fried chicken rice bowl, Sophia didn't know what to eat, and also followed Shiraishi to ask for a bowl of fried chicken rice bowl.

"Hmm, it's so fragrant!"

After everyone had dinner, they went to sleep one after another.

Doraemon had already contacted their family and said that they would take them on a trip, about a day or two.

Led by the reliable Doraemon, the parents of the friends basically have no objection.


Everyone fell asleep.

Only Sophia sat on the bed, not knowing what she was thinking.

Sophia is young, but this does not mean that she does not understand love.

The relationship with Shiraishi continued to heat up along the way, but the more it heated up, the more doubts Sophia had in her heart.

I saw Sophia open the door and take a deep look at the room where Shiraishi was...

The next morning.

"What about Sophia?"

The friends gathered together, but they couldn't find Sophia.

Only Shizuka touched the crown on her head: "Obviously I talked with Sophia last night, why did it suddenly disappear?" "

Last night, she also chatted with Sophia.

Sophia even gave her her own crown.

Shiraishi quietly looked at the door of Sophia's room, frowned, and said nothing.

He seemed to be able to sense what Sophia was thinking.

But I couldn't figure it out.

The friends all seemed a little worried.

Sophia said goodbye, really letting this 'expedition team' suffer.

Seeing the atmosphere was a little dignified.

Bai Shiqiang suppressed the feeling in his heart and said, "Everyone, let's move on." "

"Moving on? Didn't Sophia all leave, why should we move on? "

Xiaofu scratched his head, looking puzzled.

"It's simple, I want to ask Sophia why she left."

Shiraishi turned his head, looked at his friends, and said after a pause.

At this time, Shizuka also said: "I still want to return Sophia's crown to Sophia..."


(It's going to be on the shelves tonight, and I'm wondering how many people are still reading this book and coming out with a squeak and bubble!) Let me have a little count in my heart! )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 47

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