
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 48

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 48


"That's right, in fact, I also want to know why Sophia left suddenly, aren't we friends?"

"But how are we going to find Sophia? We don't know where Sophia went. "

Nobita said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay, don't we have Doraemon?"

Shiraishi smiled slightly and pressed Doraemon's head: "This is our Manatia god." "

"Oh, don't boast, cousin Shiraishi."

Doraemon scratched her head embarrassedly: "In that case, Dangdangdang, the search detector!! "

Saying that, Doraemon took out a machine that somewhat resembled that kind of mowing with an arrow on it.

"Shizuka, give me the crown."


I saw Doraemon put the crown in front of the arrow, and then said: "We must find Sophia." "

Immediately afterwards, in everyone's excited eyes, the arrow of the finder detector immediately began to turn.

"Let's go! Looking for Sophia! "

Without the slightest hesitation, the friends set off directly.

It's just that somewhere, Shiraishi suddenly stopped.

"Wait! There is danger! "

Shiraishi's hair stood upside down, staring at any nearby place where danger might occur.

"What's the danger?"

Fat Tiger said indifferently: "Cousin Baishi, do you miss Sophia too much, you are hallucinating." "

Xiaofu also nodded.


Shiraishi almost jumped in the sea, and these two were thinking about something: "You guys are looking down on the danger in the sea." "

"Is it dangerous?"

Nobita scratched his head: "It's bright here, and I don't feel dangerous at all." "

"What a bright one."

Doraemon retorted: "We have reached the deep sea at this time, and it is actually very dark and dark, and we can't see the black of the five fingers, but there is an adaptation lamp, so it will feel the same as during the day." "

"It turned out to be an illusion given to you by Doraemon props."

As soon as Bai Shi's words fell, he instantly sweated!

I don't know if it's an illusion or what, a roar came.

Immediately afterwards, the nearby sea suddenly rippled violently, and a huge and fierce moray eel suddenly appeared from the front.

How big is it?

It's tens of meters long!

Shiraishi was as small as an ant in front of this huge moray eel.

Xiaofu's face was extremely pale: "This is a moray eel, how can it be so big!! "

"Isn't this Fat Tiger's favorite eel rice?!"

Nobita screamed inappropriately.

Fat Tiger's face darkened: "You shut up for me, Nobita!!" Who can eat such a big eel!! "

"Don't say it, run!!"

Shiraishi roared and quickly led everyone to start fleeing.

But the moray eel didn't know if he took them as prey, and with a dull roar, he chased them directly.

"Still chasing us!!"

Shiraishi's face was not good-looking.

The size of this moray eel is really outrageous, even if he has to deal with it, it is very difficult, let alone take care of Nobita, it is simply impossible.

The moray eel looks bulky, but in fact, the speed of swimming in the sea is not slow at all, and it is about to crush the little friends.

"Spread out!"

Shiraishi yelled, pushing Shizuka and Nobita away.

Doraemon, Fat Tiger, and Xiaofu swam to the sides on their own.

The moray eel crushed down, and the huge current generated turned everyone over.

"Can't escape, beat it up" !!"

Shiraishi's heart sank, he quickly stabilized his body, flicked his tail, rushed forward, and two fists smashed on the moray eel.

At his speed, wanting to leave, it is definitely possible to do it.

But Doraemon, they can't do it.

Their speed is not comparable to this moray eel at all.

Since there is no hope of escaping, it is better to fight to the death.



The whole body of the moray eel shook violently, and a roar of pain sounded, and it was smashed away for a distance, and Shiraishi was also shocked by the countershock force.

"Good! We fought with it!! "

Doraemon also shouted with excitement, and immediately took out several air cannons from the four-dimensional treasure bag and handed them to the friends.

No, in the sea, it should not be called an air cannon, but a water pressure cannon.




"Watch me beat this big guy hard and turn it into a huge portion of eel rice!!"

"Fat Tiger, you're still thinking about eel rice!!"

Hydraulic cannons are constantly bombarding the moray eels.




The moray eel kept twisting in pain, and with a flick of its tail, it actually threw Doraemon out directly, crashed into the cliff next to it, and fell to the ground stunned.


The friends exclaimed.

Shiraishi's tail flicked, turned into a torrent, and instantly swam to the vicinity of Doraemon, holding Doraemon.

"Are you all right, Doraemon?"

"Didn't... It's okay......!! "

Doraemon was a little dizzy, but still shook his head to force himself to wake up, but suddenly screamed: "Be careful!! "

Shiraishi looked at it and found that the moray eel was about to bite Shizuka when he opened its mouth and looked at it.


Shizuka screamed in fright, frozen in fear and motionless.



(There will still be five chapters of updates today, will not be updated because it is on the shelf, flowers, evaluation votes, are all free data that is useful before it is on the shelf, today is the last day, I hope everyone can vote a little more, thank you very much!) This is my last request!! )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 48

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