
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 49

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 49


Fat Tiger, Nobita, and the others widened their eyes and widened, and they all ran towards Shizuka.

But there is one person who is faster than them.

That's Shiraishi!

Shiraishi saw Shizuka in crisis and immediately rushed to Shizuka, her hands raised high and her legs propped up on the lower teeth of the moray eel.


With all his strength, Shiraishi gritted his teeth, his muscles tightened, and a terrifying roar continued to ooze from between his teeth.

It was stuck in the moray eel's mouth, making it impossible for the moray eel to close its mouth.

Shizuka stared blankly at Shiraishi in front of her.

Suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar.

"Cousin Shiraishi!!"

Doraemon exclaimed.

When the friends saw this scene, they were immediately dumbfounded.

"Leave me alone, hurry up and take Shizuka away and hide!"

Shiraishi's voice was like poking out word by word, and he didn't dare to be discouraged in the slightest.


Doraemon gritted her teeth and rushed over, taking Shizuka, who was stunned to look at Shiraishi's back, away, and placing it in a stone crevice next to it.

At the same time, Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, and Nobita also rushed to the moray eel, raising the water pressure cannon in their hands to continuously bombard the moray eel.

"Let go of Cousin Shiraishi!"

"Big guy! Eat Me One Hit!! "

The moray eel desperately bit down, but Shiraishi's steel body was like a diamond stuck in its mouth, and it couldn't bite it down.

Now I am attacked, I hurt, and my body twists.

Will the fat tiger little man they fly at the same time.

Shiraishi's soles couldn't help but slip, and it fell directly into the moray eel's body.

Doraemon, who had just come out of the crack in the stone to rescue Shiraishi, watched this scene dumbfounded.

Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, Nobita, and Shizuka were all stunned.

He looked at the roaring moray eel in amazement.

"Cousin Shiraishi!!"

"You nasty fellow!!"

In an instant, Nobita's tears burst out, crying in pain.

Cowardly, he burst out with indescribable courage at this time, gritting his teeth and rushing forward to avenge Shiraishi.

The fat tiger, who should have been the most reckless, showed great calmness at this time, let tears run down his cheeks, and hugged Nobita, who wanted to rush forward.

"Don't go! Male! Don't send to death! "

The little man covered his mouth and cried.

Even if it was once pinched by Shiraishi.

But that's just a joke between children.

He still has a very deep relationship with Shiraishi.

Now I see Shiraishi 'buried in the belly of a fish'.

Can't hold back tears at all.

Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, and Nobita are all like this.

Not to mention Shizuka.

"Cousin Shiraishi!!"

Doraemon's cheeks turned red, turning into an angry pufferfish, constantly pulling out weapons in the four-dimensional treasure bag: "I'm going to kill you!" I'll kill you! I'm going to kill you to avenge Cousin Shiraishi!! "

Doraemon kept roaring, and tears kept falling.

Shiraishi was buried in the belly of a fish.

He couldn't believe it anyway.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to slaughter you!!! "

Doraemon had completely lost his mind, staring viciously at the moray eel, his hand speed became extremely fast, and all kinds of powerful weapons were pulled out by him...

"Famous Dao Electric Light Pill!"

"Take it, Nobita!"

"Shock gun!"

"Take it, little man!"

"And super gloves!"

"Take it, Fat Tiger!"

"And the last hand of vengeance!"

Doraemon took two Biye's small hands and rushed to the moray eel with great momentum: "Come and hit me!" Come hit me!! "

This item can triple the amount of attacks that others have given to themselves.

That is, someone else gives you a punch, it's like being punched three times by yourself, giving you a knife, just like giving yourself three punches.

"Avenge Cousin Shiraishi!!"

The friends roared at the same time.


The effect of this gun, as the name suggests, is that it can achieve the effect of shock of the hit target in a short time

Although it is impossible to directly shock the moray eel, the extremely short time coupled with the angry little man's continuous attacks like a Gatling is enough for this guy to drink a pot.

At the same time, Nobita Nobita also rushed forward with the famous knife Electric Light Pill, constantly chopping at the body of the moray eel.

The fat tiger put on super gloves and became extremely powerful, punching the moray eel one punch after another.

The moray eel was beaten and wriggled constantly.

Unfortunately, even if they are like this, there is still no way to completely take down the moray eel.

"Go die, go die, go die!!"

Doraemon had completely lost his mind at this time, and actually took out a huge bomb directly from the four-dimensional treasure bag: "Earth Destruction Bomb!" Give me death, you fellow!!!! "

"No, Doraemon!!"

At that moment, the friends were stunned.

Right now.

The moray eel suddenly wriggled on the ground in pain.

The dust on the bottom of the sea is constantly lifted, and in an instant it becomes foggy.

Followed by.


A sound that pierced flesh and blood sounded.

The white stone with blood mixed with his body suddenly pierced through the blood and flesh of the moray eel and rushed out of it!


A blood hole appeared on the moray eel, and it rolled like a loach on the ground after being so damaged.

It can be seen that it is really uncomfortable.

"Whew... It really stinks..."


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 49

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