
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 5

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 5



Nobita's face turned red suddenly, and he shouted in shame, and he didn't dare or angry at Shiraishi, so he could only rush towards Doraemon again.

"Nobita! I was wrong!!! "

The two of them rolled around on the ground again, making a fuss for a while before they both fell to the ground panting.

"Whew... Call...... Phew..."

Nobita gasped while complaining, "Cousin, you are also called average grades?" It's obviously a super super genius! It's all the same as the Izuku shirt in our class! "

"Yes, cousin."

Doraemon also nodded in agreement, and then said: "It's okay, it's really good to have a cousin with good grades staring at Nobita, cousin, you can stare at Nobita in the future." "

"No problem, I am Nobita's cousin after all, and I have an obligation in this regard."

Shiraishi clasped his hands to his chest and nodded solemnly.

"Damn it!! abominable"

Nobita Nobita only felt that his eyes were dark, and the future was dim.

Originally, my mother was very strict!!

Now there is another cousin!

What should I do!!

However, the child's temper came and went quickly, and Nobita soon began to ask about Shiraishi's hometown.

For Shiraishi's hometown, in fact, it is just like that, no different from here, it is an ordinary town.

In order to tell the story a little interesting, Shiraishi mixed in many ancient allusions that he made up.

Nobita and Doraemon listened and became fascinated.

It wasn't until Nobi Yuko shouted to sleep that she took out the quilt and spread it on the ground.

Same as Nobisuke said.

The quilts are all well prepared and brand new.

Shiraishi didn't need to carry luggage at all.

"Cousin, you will continue to tell us these stories tomorrow!"

Turning off the lights to sleep, Doraemon also closed the room of her closet.

Before going to sleep, Nobita murmured hazyly.

A smile appeared on Shiraishi's face, he snorted softly, and then fell into a deep sleep.

It was the deepest and safest night since he stepped into society....

He knew that in the future, such nights, there would be many, many ...

The next morning.

Shiraishi looked helplessly at Nobita, who couldn't get up on the bed, and glanced helplessly at Doraemon.

Doraemon could only spread her hands on this, saying that I couldn't help it.

"Let's go down first, Doraemon."

"Okay, cousin Xiaobai."

When Shiraishi and Doraemon had finished washing up and came to the kitchen, Nobita still didn't get up.

Tamago Nobi is warming milk, omelettes, and making bread.

Seeing the two, he immediately smiled and said: "It's worthy of Xiaobai, you don't need to be called, unlike Nobita, by the way, what about Nobita?" "

"Nobita, he's still sleeping, he can't wake up no matter how he screams."

Shiraishi and Doraemon sat at the dining table, Doraemon took a piece of bread and ate it, and Shiraishi helplessly answered Nobi Tamago's words.

"Nobita, this guy!"

Forget it at ordinary times.

Nobiko was already used to it.

But now.

There is no harm directly without contrast.

Nobi Yuko was angry and walked upstairs angrily.

Shiraishi and Doraemon looked at each other, and could only pray for Nobita in their hearts.

"Mom!! I'll get up right away!! "

I thought I had a prediction in my heart.

But when they heard this voice, Shiraishi and Doraemon couldn't help but laugh.

"Unlucky Nobita, I have watched the anime, but I know how terrifying Aunt Yuzi is when she gets angry, and I have long let you up, and I can't help it if I don't seize the opportunity."

And as Nobita's screams sounded, a new day for the Nobi family began.

"Nobita, after breakfast, take your little white cousin to get acquainted with the neighborhood, and bring you to meet new friends, he is now our family, the same as you."

"No problem! It just so happened that today I made an appointment with Shizuka to meet together in the clearing, cousin, you can come with me! "

He went out with Shiraishi and Doraemon.

Walking in front, Nobita called a male and arrogant, simply, he had never seen him so angry.

"Cousin, I know a lot of friends around here, even the child king is also my friend, I will take you to know you today, I will definitely not be bullied in the future, if you are bullied, find me!"

Nobita patted his chest and boasted directly to Shiraishi about the estuary.

Doraemon did not fluctuate in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little, for Nobita's character, he had already seen through it.

Shiraishi almost didn't laugh out loud.

Who is the child king near here, Fat Tiger.

A friend is indeed your friend, but are you sure that the person being bullied doesn't happen to be you?

"Okay, it's here!"

Nobita opened his hands and said excitedly: "Cousin, look, this is the open space where we usually play together!" "

He performed so exaggeratedly.

Immediately attracted the attention of several children in the clearing, and couldn't help but cast their gaze over.

Shiraishi just happened to look over there, and he collided with their eyes.

Tall and strong fat tiger.

Skinny little man.

And...... Petite, but beautiful embryo Shizuka.


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 5

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