
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 50

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 50


Shiraishi sniffed his body and almost vomited.

What kind of fart smell is in this moray eel's body?

Just now, after Shiraishi was swallowed by the moray eel, in fact, it did not cause him any harm, but he seized the opportunity and rushed out directly from the weakest place in his body.

It's more or less a blow!

Shiraishi thought so in his heart, and then he found that the atmosphere was a little strange.

Doraemon, Nobita, Fat Tiger, and Xiaofu all looked at him blankly.

Nobita, Fat Tiger, and Xiaofu are okay.

Doraemon, this guy, actually held a bomb.

"I lean, I seem to have heard something just now, the Earth Destruction Bomb... No, Doraemon! "

The corners of Shiraishi's eyes twitched slightly.

Seeing Doraemon casually drop the Earth Destruction Bomb on the ground, he almost didn't scream.

What kind of joke, Doraemon, can this thing be thrown away casually?!

However, without waiting for Shiraishi to say anything.

He was surrounded.

"Cousin Shiraishi, are you okay!"

"Cousin Shiraishi, you are also too powerful!"

"This way you can rush out!"

"I knew Cousin Shiraishi would be fine!!"

The faces of the friends were full of surprise, and tear tracks could be faintly seen.

Shiraishi's heart warmed, knowing that they were all like this because of themselves.

"Okay, okay, I'm sure I'll be fine, there's nothing wrong with it."

Shiraishi comforted: "That guy is not dead yet, we have to arrange this big guy quickly, otherwise it will be more difficult to deal with after that." "

"No problem!"

The friends looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Even if Shiraishi is okay now, what happened just now still makes the friends want to slaughter this moray eel and turn it into a super large eel rice!

"Go and die!!"

Next, Doraemon, Nobita, Fat Tiger, and Xiaofu swept the formation.

And Shiraishi is the main attack.

Find stiff gaps.

Shiraishi rushed straight up.

With his speed + strength, he instantly pierced the moray eel!


Immediately afterwards, Shiraishi rushed out a hundred meters away, turned around again, and pierced again!

In just a few times, many holes appeared in the moray eel.

It also became dying from the beginning of ferocity, falling to the ground, and occasionally the body trembled.

Right under everyone's nose.

The moray eel lost its life, and at the same time, some of the instruments on its body fell to the ground and slowly became smaller.

"I said, even if it is the bottom of the sea, there is no such a big moray eel!"

Xiaofu looked at the smaller moray eel in amazement: "Is the thing that fell from it the cause of its enlargement?" "

"Maybe someone specifically raised this monster at the bottom of the sea."

The fat tiger hugged his chest with both hands and snorted: "If I find out, I will definitely beat him to death!" "


Shiraishi looked at the instrument in silence, and some plots had slowly taken shape in his mind.

Merfolk, strange fish....

"Cousin Shiraishi, it was too dangerous just now, we all thought you were dead."

Doraemon patted her chest in fear.

"Yes, cousin Shiraishi..."

Once again, the friends gathered around.

"Don't talk about this yet, Doraemon, trouble put away your Earth Destruction Bomb first."

Shiraishi looked at the earth destruction bomb that fell to the ground, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, he really didn't know whether to be moved or afraid.

Where did Doraemon, who said the other day that he was a parenting robot and would not have such a dangerous object as a sword, go?

Pull out an Earth Destruction Bomb with your backhand, right?

Shiraishi didn't doubt at all whether this Earth Destruction Bomb could destroy the Earth, he was now only afraid that Doraemon would be reliable, what if it touched and exploded.

Shiraishi does not carry the power of the planet's explosion now, he has not been traveling long ago, and he has gained so many abilities, but he does not want to die so early.

"Ah, almost forgot!"

Doraemon patted her head, swam awkwardly to the ground, and stuffed the earth destruction bomb back into the four-dimensional treasure bag: "Is it okay now?" "

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief: "Yes, yes, completely!" "

As soon as the friends complained, they said that they were worried about Shiraishi, and it was too dangerous just now.

At this moment, several fish-shaped submersible ships came from various places, and surrounded everyone in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, many mermaid soldiers dressed in the same uniform, armed with spears or guns, swam in.

"What's the situation?"

Doraemon and others looked at this scene suspiciously.

But I always feel that the comers are not good, and the friends gather around and watch them vigilantly.

At the same time, a yellow figure that looked like a pufferfish, with a hedgehog-like hairstyle on its head and a very small body swam over.

Yes, it was Little Harry, the captain of the mermaid's guards.

Little Harry came to several people, clasped his hands to his chest, and swept over the group with disgust in his examination: "Blue fat pufferfish... Are you the guys Princess Sophia is talking about? "


Doraemon is said to be a puffer fish again, and almost rushes up to fight little Harry.

But he was stopped by Nobita Nobi: "Doraemon, Doraemon, don't be like this, don't be like this, these mermaids and Sophia know each other and are our friends!" "

"I'm angry, even if I'm Sophia's friend, I can't say I'm a pufferfish!"

Doraemon's hands crossed at the waist.

"Eh, Doraemon, it's actually true to say you're a pufferfish, because it's so similar..."

The fat tiger couldn't help but laugh and laugh next to him.

"What! Fat Tiger! What are you talking about!!! "

Looking at them in a mess, little Harry frowned: "Give me quiet!" "

Although it looks small, it has long been in a high position and has long developed majesty.

As soon as the words went on, everyone suddenly quieted down.

"Hmph, it seems that you are indeed those people that Princess Sophia said."

Little Harry snorted coldly.

Everyone felt something was wrong.

I always feel that this mermaid has an inexplicable hostility towards them.

Only Nobita Nobita didn't react yet, and stretched out his hand: "What's your name?" We are good friends with Sophia, my name is Nobita Nobi! "


Little Harry snorted coldly again, swam back for a distance, and looked at everyone condescendingly: "I am now arresting you on the charge of abduction!" "

"What? Abduct? "



"Abduction? Abducted whom? "

The friends were confused, completely did not react to what the situation was, and looked at little Harry blankly.

"Of course Her Royal Highness!"

"What a joke!"

"How could we have abducted Sophia!"

Hearing this, the friends were a little angry.

However, little Harry is a knight of the Predator.

With an order, the fish-shaped ship next to it directly fired a laser, turning into a fish-shaped bottle, loading Doraemon, Nobita, Fat Tiger, and Xiaofu into it.

The bottle was small, and four people were huddled together, their faces were glued to it, which was very uncomfortable.

"It's painful, let us go!"

"You nasty fellow!!"

"We killed the big eel, but we didn't expect to be attacked by this guy of yours!!"

Little Harry looked at them coldly and snorted: "Send them back!" These abductors who do not measure themselves! It's ridiculous! "

Looking at them departing.

Shiraishi, who was hiding on the reef, silently followed.

Just now he had already sensed that something was wrong.

These guys obviously didn't come with good intentions.

Otherwise, it would not have directly surrounded everyone.

So I found an opportunity and went straight to the side and hid.

It's really not that he doesn't call his friends together, but there is no way, only if he remains free, there is a way to save them.

"I can only wronged you first, Doraemon."


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 50

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