
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 51

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 51

Shiraishi followed the submarines, swam past a very old ruin, and then passed through a passage, and went upstream, to a huge cave.

Shiraishi wanted to continue following the submarine, but the submersible soon disappeared.

He could only surface and secretly glance at the situation.

It's a whole other world.

There are various buildings and land.

The merfolk are basically like Sophia, in fact, they usually do not live in the water, most of the time, they also survive on land.

And the most luxurious of these buildings...

It's the Royal Palace!

"Whether you want to rescue Doraemon, or whatever, it seems that you have to go to Sophia."

Shiraishi took a deep look at the palace, and after determining the approximate location, he dived into the water again and blasted towards the land where the palace was located.

He came to the shore, pressed the button on his waist, recovered his legs, stepped on land, and then rushed towards the interior of the palace.

The royal palace, naturally, is heavily guarded.

Basically, they are mermaid soldiers wearing mermaid suits and legs.

The weapons are firearms and stone spears.

"The technology is so hanging, and the stone spear is still used."

Shiraishi shook his head, a little unable to complain, although these stone spears seemed to emit light, but this did not prevent him from spitting on the nostalgia of these people.

It's like some kind of Wakanda.

Shiraishi quietly avoided the patrols of the mermaid soldiers and infiltrated the palace.

The palace is very large, and it takes a long time to find room by room.

He didn't have that much time to look for Dora, what if they couldn't hold on.

Moreover, room by room, it is also particularly easy to find.

A group of soldiers on patrol in front walked by.

Shiraishi seized the opportunity, directly kidnapped the last soldier in the team, forcibly asked where the princess's dormitory was, and then slashed her with a knife and placed it in the corner.

I walked towards the place asked.

When approaching the dormitory.

Shiraishi seemed to faintly hear a melodious singing voice coming from it, as if 11 mixed with a little sadness.

The closer you get, the more pronounced the sound becomes.

It's Sophia!

The mermaid soldier was really honest and did not lie.

Standing in front of the gate of the dormitory, Shiraishi made a little mental preparation, stretched out his big hand, and pushed.


The sound of the dormitory door pushing open brought the singing to an abrupt end.

A certain young girl sitting in front of the dressing table who was secretly sad turned around and saw a person she had in mind at a glance.

His expression quickly changed from sadness to surprise, and he stood up abruptly: "Shiraishi! "

Shiraishi looked at the girl in front of him, and his lips squirmed: "It's me." "

"It's really you!!"

Sophia's eyes were infinitely pleasantly surprised, but quickly darkened: "But, Shiraishi, you shouldn't be here now." "

"I came here for two purposes, the first purpose is to ask, why did you say goodbye?"

Shiraishi didn't say much.

Although he already had a guess in his heart, Shiraishi still wanted to ask Sophia personally.


Sophia glanced at Shiraishi, exhaled, and said, "Actually, you should be able to guess." "

"I guessed it myself, I definitely want to hear it from your own mouth."

Shiraishi continued.

“...... After a few days together, I found that I liked you very much. "

Sophia glanced at Shiraishi, for a child of this age, it seemed that there was no shy about liking this kind of thing, but she was a little shy: "However, we are not a race, I am a mermaid, and you are human, my grandmother will definitely not agree!" "

In the end, Sophia's expression became very serious.

A teenager saying such things with such an expression is really a little unbearable.

Shiraishi wanted to laugh a little, but he knew that Sophia was serious, so he forcibly covered his mouth to prevent himself from laughing: "These are not problems, as long as you like each other, everything is not a problem." "

"My grandmother would think it was a problem..."

Sophia's voice just fell.

A woman with a gorgeous face, an old face, and crow's feet at the corners of her eyes could not cover the peerless style of her youth, walked in.

Both Shiraishi and Sophia were startled and turned to look.

Sophia lowered her head directly.


The woman glanced at Shiraishi and Sophia, and slowly spoke: "I know that you came back not long ago, but since you came back, my mood has not been very good, I thought I had suffered some grievances outside, but now it seems that it should be for this child." "

The woman looked at Shiraishi with a scrutinizing gaze.

There was also a very obvious unhappiness in his eyes.

Are you kidding.

Whoever is in her teens, her young granddaughter suddenly likes a boy, will not be able to stand it.

The woman is slightly better.

If it's Sophia's father.

It is even possible to tear Shiraishi directly.

This is not something that cannot be understood.

Shiraishi's scalp was numb by this look, and he lowered his head without holding back.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he seemed to know who the woman in front of him was.


Sophia's lips squirmed, not knowing what to say.

Yes, this woman is Sophia's grandmother, Wendini.

Wendini glanced at Shiraishi and ignored Sophia for the time being: "Child, what's your name?" "

Shiraishi hesitated for a moment: "Shiraishi, Nobi Shiraishi." "

Wendini nodded and said, "Baishi, very good name, Sophia likes you, you should know, right?" "

"Of course I know."

Shiraishi nodded without hesitation.

"So do you like Sophia?"

A smile appeared on Wendy's face.

"Of course I like it."

Shiraishi still nodded, without the slightest hesitation.

This attitude did make Wendy feel a little better, at least not a little scumbag.

"It stands to reason that although you two are young, but the two are happy, I, as an elder, should not stop you, if you are a mermaid."

Wendini's words were originally very emotional, and the words seemed to have the meaning of completing Shiraishi and Sophia, and the smile on Sophia's face was about to show, but soon, the conversation changed: "Child, you are very smart, I think you should understand that there is a gap between races, it is impossible, Sophia is a mermaid, and you are a land person." "

Sophia's face suddenly turned pale, she knew that it would be like this, and she couldn't help but lower her head again, her lips squirmed, not knowing what to say.

"Is that all?"

On the other hand, Shiraishi had an expression of indifference.

"Oh? Isn't that enough for me to stop you two? "

Wendy suddenly became interested.

Shiraishi in front of him didn't look like a ten-year-old child at all.

This made her more interested in talking to him about these things.

If it had been another ten-year-old, she would have driven people away, and where would she talk about it.

"This is simply no reason to stop me and Sophia."

Shiraishi said reasonably: "Is there any difference between a man and a mermaid?" There are only two differences, one of which is nothing more than that merfolks can breathe in the sea, while humans cannot, Your Majesty, do you think this can be a reason to stop me and Sophia? "

"Isn't that enough?"

Wendy asked rhetorically.

"Your Majesty, it's me asking you questions, not you asking me questions."

Shiraishi first casually put Wendini in the downwind position, and then immediately said: "This is not something to worry about. "

"Why isn't it something to worry about? When you get along, what does Sophia do if she needs water? "

Wendini smiled, not caring about Shiraishi's offense to herself, and asked again.

This time, Shiraishi did not care about Wendini's rhetorical question, but smiled triumphantly: "Today, the total area of the earth is about 5100.72 million square kilometers, while the ocean alone has reached 361.132 million square kilometers, and the land is 1.4894 square kilometers." "

"In other words, the area of the ocean accounts for 70.8% of the total area of the earth, of which only 29.2% is land, and 70.8% is water, according to this theory, it should be Sophia who is worried about whether I will suffocate, not that I am worried about what Sophia should do if she has no water."

Shiraishi spoke eloquently: "I don't care about this, why do you think this is something that needs to be taken out and discussed?" "

It's a bit crooked though.

But it's exactly what Shiraishi said.

Water occupies much more of the Earth's surface than land.

Why are you worried that Sophia has no water instead of worrying about me being suffocated?

Shouldn't this be something I should think about? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I don't care, what do you care about this?

"You know a lot, and some of it surprised me."

Wendini was stunned by Shiraishi's theory, and then chuckled: "Not bad, I'm a little interested in you, okay, then I agree with you, but there is a second reason?" "

"Your Majesty, there are many more things that I have surprised you."

"Second, the reason why you want to stop me and Sophia is nothing more than one of the very important gaps between mermaids and people, that is, mermaids are fish, and people are people."

Bai Shi smiled slightly: "However, you are not the traditional mermaid race, to put it bluntly, you can only become a mermaid by relying on a mermaid suit, especially for your royal family, don't forget, I also have a mermaid suit now, you can also become a mermaid, and there is no difference between you and the mermaid except for a gap in breathing at the bottom of the sea." "

Sophia, they are not the kind of mermaids who only have a fish's tail.


The smile on Wendyni's face faded.

She was silent for a while, then smiled again, and looked at Shiraishi's eyes and became extremely appreciative: "Child, you are very powerful, I am going to be persuaded by you, it seems that it is really the same as you said, the reasons why you and Sophia cannot be together are vulnerable." "

"If I say I don't agree, it must be false, and it will also make me change in Sophia's heart, I will not do such a thing."

"So, I simply stopped you from Sophia's grandmother's point of view, I just met you and didn't know you, so I can't let you be with Sophia for the time being, are you satisfied with this reason?" Is it still possible to find a reason to refute it? "

When Shiraishi heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, looking at Wendini's smiling expression, he always felt that this woman was laughing at herself.

Well, just stop yourself and Sophia!

Shiraishi was slightly speechless: "I can't find a reason to refute it. "

"If you can't find it."

The smile on Wendyni's face was even brighter.

The corners of Shiraishi's eyes also pulled out along with him.

However, he could actually understand Wendyni's thoughts.

Looking at her like that, she actually agreed with Shiraishi's statement.

It's just that as Her Majesty the Queen of the Merfolk Clan today, she can't be so simply persuaded by a child.

Then isn't she, Her Majesty the Queen, very faceless?

So, you have to find another angle.

Not to reject you for any reason, just to refuse for the sake of rejection!

Women are damn competitive...

"But what..."

Wendini's words suddenly changed again: "But I don't mind you getting along, so you can stay here and play for a while, it's my etiquette to Sophia's friends, how." "

Shiraishi breathed a sigh of relief: "No problem, then thank Your Majesty the Queen." "

He was really afraid that Wendini would drive him away now, wouldn't it be difficult?

Either lose face in front of Sophia, or you can only resist.

Both are not flattering anyway.

"No need to thank you, anyway, you are also a friend of our princess, aren't you?"

Wendy laughed 377 and left, letting Shiraishi have fun here.


Seeing Wendini leave, Sophia breathed a sigh of relief: "Baishi, you don't know how scared I was just now, for fear that my grandmother would drive you away." "

"Drive away? That's not true. "

Shiraishi shook his head: "It can even be said that the things you are worried about are no longer a problem with your grandmother. "

"Huh? What's not a problem? "

Sophia froze for a moment: "Didn't grandmother say that she didn't agree with things between us?" "

Speaking of this, Sophia blushed a little.

Even if you don't know the meaning of falling in love, it's very shy.

Seeing that Sophia couldn't understand the confrontation between herself and Wendini just now, Shiraishi immediately smiled slightly and opened her mouth to explain it for Sophia.

At this moment, the other side.

Wendini walked out of Sophia's dormitory.

Soon the mermaid soldiers next to him came up and whispered something to Wendini.

Wendy's eyes flashed with a slight gleam that she didn't know what it meant.

Just now she was wondering.

Why Shiraishi an ordinary person.

Able to pass through the obstacles of the mermaid soldiers and enter Sophia's dormitory.

I thought Sophia was helping.

But now, it seems that it is not Sophia who helps, and it is even possible to say that Sophia does not know.

I sneaked in completely on my own.

Wendini glanced into the distance, where two mermaid soldiers were supporting a mermaid soldier who seemed to have just woken up, looking confused, clutching his neck and grinning.

"Take him to a doctor, and by the way, double his salary this month."

Wendini became more interested in Shiraishi.

The last little resistance to Shiraishi in his heart also completely turned into a thirst for knowledge, and he wanted to know what secrets this kid Shiraishi was hiding.

In Sophia's dormitory.

After Shiraishi's explanation, Sophia understood what the conversation between the two just now meant.

"Shiraishi, you are amazing."

Sophia looked at Shiraishi with adoration.

If Wendini knew that Sophia was elbowing out like this, she would definitely have a 360-degree slurdo on Shiraishi's impression.

The evaluation of Shiraishi will also become: the smelly boy who kidnapped his granddaughter.

Shiraishi smiled: "If it's not powerful, you won't like me, right." "


Sophia didn't blush this time, nodded very seriously, and then diverted the topic: "But, Shiraishi, what about Dorae?" Why didn't you see them? Did they go home? "


Shiraishi's expression suddenly froze, and he slapped his head sharply, Oops, grass!

(The first chapter on the shelves, the big chapter, please subscribe!) )。

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 51

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