
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 52

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 52

Shiraishi gasped, the corners of his mouth and eyes twitching wildly.

Oops, Oops, Oops...!!

He was originally going to listen to Sophia's explanation.

He immediately took Sophia to rescue Doraea and them.

Unexpectedly, Sophia's grandmother Wendini came later.

Talking and talking, he actually forgot about Dora.

"Did something happen?"

Sophia saw that something seemed to be wrong, and asked with some doubt.

"Don't want to know the second purpose of my coming here?"

"The second purpose is that Doraemon was captured by the captain of your guard, arrested for abduction, and now she is about to be executed, and I want you, as a princess, to save them."

Shiraishi immediately told Sophia about his and his friends' experiences along the way in the most concise words.

At the time of hearing the big eel.

Sophia's expression changed slightly.

It's thrilling.

She didn't care about anything, and immediately grabbed Shiraishi's hand and began to examine Shiraishi's wound: "Shiraishi, are you okay?" "

"Do you think something is wrong now?"

Shiraishi quickly grabbed Sophia's little hand: "If I had something, I wouldn't be able to come here." "

Now is not the time to talk about such things.

He quickly told Sophia what happened later.

"Little Harry!"

According to Shiraishi's description, Sophia immediately remembered the captain of the mermaid's guard.

"Shiraishi, come with me quickly, I know where they are now, little Harry, if they don't leave, it's too late!"

Held out the door by Sophia.

But soon, Shiraishi and Sophia came to an identity exchange, and he directly picked up Princess Sophia: "Sophia, tell me where the location is, my speed is much faster than you." "

Although Sophia was a little shy, she also knew that this was not the time to engage in this, so she quickly showed Shiraishi the way.

With the position, Shiraishi immediately burst out with unprecedented speed.

Facing the four or five meters high wall, he stepped on the ground with both feet, jumped up directly, and turned over.

Sophia felt what it was like to fly.

This is the moment.

Little Harry already had mermaid soldiers with him.

He brought Doraa and the others to the house where the execution was taken.

It's a huge building.

The middle is hollowed, connected to the seabed, is the sea surface.

All around, in a circle, there is flat ground for people to stand.

The mermaid soldiers were standing there.

The fish-shaped, glass-like bottle is suspended at sea.

"It's so crowded... So crowded... It's so crowded... Doraea... I'm going to die...!! "

"Fat tiger, can't you eat less, it's too fat, it's going to crush me to death!!"

Xiaofu was almost unable to breathe, and at this time, he couldn't even care about the majesty of the fat tiger.

"You shut up for me, little man!"

The fat tiger's face was red and red, and he wanted to beat the little man.

But as soon as they moved, the friends only felt more crowded, more uncomfortable, and their internal organs were oppressed.

"Ah!! Fat Tiger! Stop moving! Don't move!! "

"Fat Tiger, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said you were fat, please don't move!"

They were squeezed, and the fat tiger would naturally be squeezed, and he himself felt extremely uncomfortable, so he quickly stopped moving.

"Doraea, get the props out, otherwise we're really going to be finished..."

Faced with Nobita's request, Doraemon's face was flattened, and he said with difficulty: "No, my hand can't touch the four-dimensional treasure bag at all..."

"Doraea, I know that you must not be reliable, a smelly cat that often fails..."

"Shut up for me, little husband, can't you be as calm as the fat tiger at this time?!" Doraemon was directly furious.


At this time, a cold snort sounded, and little Harry stood above, looking condescendingly at Dora and the others floating on the water: "You slaves are really abominable!" Dare to kidnap the princess of my merfolk! Absolutely unforgivable! "

"What a joke, when did we kidnap Sophia'!"

Xiaofu couldn't help but shout wrongly: "You guy, don't wronged us!" "

"Hmph, do you think I'll believe you?"

Little Harry sneered: "Princess Sophia will be tricked by you, I won't, you hateful abductors!" "

"This guy is simply a paranoid..."

Nobita wanted to cry without tears, and they didn't know how many times they had shouted injustice along the way.

But little Harry is like a stubborn old man who can't understand people, no matter what they say, he won't listen to it.

This made DoraA and others very helpless, and their impression of little Harry fell to the bottom, and the low could not be lower.

"You little smelly fish, when Uncle Ben comes out, he must beat you up hard!"

The fat tiger couldn't help his temper anymore, and couldn't help but roar out angrily.

"Well, you slaves, it's unforgivable that you dare to offend the captain of my dignified guard!"

Little Harry was instantly angry, it has always been so short, it can be said that it has some inferiority, and now it is taken out by the fat tiger and said, it is even more unbearable, and immediately ordered: "Release the fish!" "


The mermaid soldiers were ordered to immediately manipulate a device in front of the device.

A door buzzed open underwater.

The huge black shadow instantly swam out of it, wandering under the feet of Dora and the others, like a hunter waiting to hunt.

"What is this thing?!"

The little man screamed in fear.

"That's a megalodon!"

Doraa caught a glimpse of the figure of the creature below in front of him out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but exclaim.


Nobita Nobita also exclaimed.

"The supergiant shark that went extinct two million years ago, the megalodon..."

DoraA said with difficulty: "I didn't expect that the merfolk tribe would actually raise such a big one, if it is discovered by humans, it will definitely be a super amazing discovery..."

The little man directly said in despair: "Woo-woo, it's too bad, it's too bad, I don't want to become fish food." "

Megalodon lived millions of years ago and became extinct about two million years ago.

As far as is known today, the average megalodon can reach 16 meters in length, weighs 35 tons, has a maximum of 20.8 meters, and weighs a terrifying 75 tons!

Maybe some people don't have a good idea of this number.

Let's put it this way.

According to the 3-meter floor height of an ordinary building, a megalodon with an average length is as long as a full five floors and nearly six floors!

The largest one has reached nearly seven layers of horror.

In front of this giant, human beings are simply a creature that is too small to be small, and any tail swing can shoot people to death.

Moreover, the megalodon below is kept by merfolk.

It is larger than the largest megalodon ever found today.

At least 25 meters long!

It's even more terrifying.

This length is already close to the big eel just now.

Although it is not as big as the big eel.

But no matter how big the big eel is, it will grow like that.

What does a megalodon look like?

As far as sharks are concerned, human beings have been exposed to it since childhood, and they are born with fear.

Otherwise, no one would have made a thriller with the theme of megalodon such as "Megalodon".

Don't say twenty-five meters.

Even if it is 1 meter, in front of Dora, it is extremely terrifying.

It belongs to the type that at a glance, it will be scared and urine will not be raised.

"Oh, let's run, I don't want to turn into fish food..."

Nobita Nobita was already about to cry, and this feeling of waiting for death was so uncomfortable. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"How to run, DoraA can't take out props, we will definitely turn into fish food..."

At this time, the last thing that Xiaofu lacks is the momentum of crying.

Seeing the momentum in the crazy strike team of Xiaofu, DoraA couldn't help but speak: "Xiaofu, you give me a little calmer, learn if the fat tiger is okay, didn't you see that the fat tiger has always been calm?" "

"Fat Tiger, Fat Tiger, quickly tell me why you are so calm, tell Xiaofu and Nobita!"

Fat Tiger gritted his teeth and said, "Cousin Baishi will definitely come to save us, as long as you hold on!" "

"Yes, what about Cousin Shiraishi?"

"Cousin Shiraishi is not there!"

"Cousin Shiraishi escaped? There is salvation, now we are saved!! "

This time.

Nobita and Xiaofu, even Dora, only to find out that Shiraishi was not arrested with them.

One by one, a strong desire for survival suddenly erupted in their eyes.

Cousin Shiraishi is not there, he must be trying to save us.

"Yes, yes, Fat Tiger is right, Cousin Shiraishi is so smart, there must be a way to save us, as long as we find Sophia, as a princess, there is definitely a way to teach this little dwarf fish!"

Dora said again and again, and immediately stabilized the army's heart.

When that little Harry saw that they actually dared to say that he was a little dwarf fish, he was directly angry, his face turned red, and he shouted exaggeratedly: "At this time, daring to mention the name of Princess Sophia is simply disrespectful to Princess Sophia!" Execute me immediately! I want them to know the price of kidnapping Princess Sophia! "

The voice fell.

The megalodon immediately moved.

I saw that it swam quickly a few times, directly rushed out of the water, and was about to swallow Doraa and the others together with the bottle.


The screams resounded through the heavens and the earth.


A crisp and anxious voice sounded: "Little Harry! Stop it! "

Little Harry turned his head and looked stunned: "Princess Sophia, why are you here?" This is not where you should be..."


"Sophia!! You're finally here! "

Dora and the others' eyes lit up, and then they cried for help one by one: "Quickly save us, we don't want to become fish food!" "

"Leave it alone, hurry up and stop, they are all my friends!"

Sophia's eyes were full of anxiety, and she quickly walked to Little Harry.

Little Harry's face was full of confusion.

Now order, it's too late ...

The megalodon had opened its blood basin and mouth.

Dora A and the others only felt that it was dark.

They knew that it was not dark, but that they were within the confines of the megalodon's blood basin.

Just wait for megalodons to shut up, then they will really become fish food.

Sophia couldn't care so much, and actually wanted to rush forward to rescue Doraa and the others.

These farces appeared because of her.

If she hadn't traveled to land, they wouldn't have known her.

If she hadn't been reluctant to give up Shiraishi, she wouldn't have let them follow her to the territory of the merfolk.

If she hadn't suddenly said goodbye, this would not have happened.

Not only did he encounter the terrifying mutant big eel, but he also experienced being captured by little Harry...

In Sophia's view, it's all her fault.

“.. Princess Sophia! "

Little Harry exclaimed, not expecting Sophia to be like this, and immediately shouted: "Stop Princess Sophia!" "


The merfolk soldiers also rushed forward to stop Sophia, and little Harry rushed out first.

However, Sophia did not wait to rush out.

One person jumped out at a faster speed.

Exactly Shiraishi!




The white stone slammed on the ground, and the stone bricks shattered into one small pit after another in response, and finally jumped with great strength!


The stone bricks in the corner exploded, and the white stone jumped into the air.


With an imposing roar, Shiraishi kicked on the megalodon's head just before the megalodon was about to close its mouth.


A deafening muffled sound sounded.


Only listening to the megalodon's incomparably painful roar, the huge body was kicked crooked by the white stone, slammed on the surface of the sea, splashed endless splashes, and turned around with its tail between its tails and fled this place.

What do your contradictions concern me, I can't afford to offend, I run, can't I run ...

Shiraishi, on the other hand, turned over in the air with the help of the reaction force of the kick that kicked the megalodon, and fell back to the same place.

"Cousin Shiraishi!"

The friends saw such a heroic scene in Shiraishi.

All of them burst into tears.

"Cousin Shiraishi, you are our god!"

"Doraea is what Manatia god, cousin Shiraishi, you are our Manatia god!"

Xiaofu's wave of true feelings is to offend Doraea.

But Doraa is also excited now, seeing Shiraishi appear, a handful of snot and tears, and there is no time to care about this kid (Morno's).

"If you're okay."

Shiraishi maintained his landing posture, raised his head and barely smiled at Doraa and the others.

"Whew... Call...... Phew..."

He gasped lightly, and the muscles in his body were trembling slightly, and it could be seen how powerful he had accumulated just now.

"Fortunately, this megalodon was scared away, otherwise it would be really difficult to do..."

With Shiraishi's current strength, he can only scare away this megalodon with a blow that condenses the strength of his whole body.

In terms of the hard power of head-to-head dueling, he has no chance of winning at all.

You can't die, but you will definitely be ravaged.

Just kidding, this megalodon weighs at least a hundred tons, and just running over it is enough to make Shiraishi have no ability to resist.

Don't look at Bai Shi's kick just now, but look at him now, he knows now that this kick belongs to the kick and has no strength.

Sophia noticed that something was wrong with Shiraishi, quickly stepped forward to hold him up, and asked worriedly, "Shiraishi, are you okay?" "

"Don't worry, it's just a little tired, just bask in the sun."

Shiraishi patted Sophia's little hand and said that he was fine.

Unfortunately, this belongs to the cave at the bottom of the sea, and the specially carved out merfolk territory cannot bask in the sun, so it needs to be restored for a while.

Little Harry saw that Shiraishi and Sophia were so close, he almost rushed up without holding back.

In its heart, Sophia is supreme.

How could he be so close to Shiraishi, an unknown pawn?

However, remembering Sophia's words just now, she did not dare to make a move.

Entering is not, retreating is not, you can only embarrassed to live in place.

Sophia turned her head, looked at little Harry, and said a little angrily: "Little Harry, don't you hurry up and put down my friends?" Do you want them to continue to suffer in that small space? "..........。

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 52

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