
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 53

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 53

"Yes, yes, don't let us go soon!!"

DoraA and the others suddenly began to make a big noise.

The fat tiger just stopped roaring, and now it roared, only feeling more terrifying than the roar of the megalodon.

Little Harry covered his stinging ears and quickly ordered the merfolk soldiers next to him to put Doraa and them all down.


The merfolk soldiers hurried forward and rescued Doraemon.

"Woo-hoo, finally down..."

The friends sat limply on the ground, all huffing and panting like a blower.

"Thank you so much, Cousin Shiraishi."

"Cousin Shiraishi, your kick just now is so handsome, I'm going to be stunned!"

"Cousin Shiraishi, are you all right?"

"It's okay, it's nothing, it's all what I should do."

Shiraishi was praised by everyone, and he was a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

If I hadn't forgotten Doraemon just now.

In fact, "970" does not need this at all.

If you bring Sophia here early, you can save Doraemon without much effort.

You don't have to be so tired.

Doraea They don't have to be scared by a megalodon.

For fear of becoming fish food for megalodons.

It's all its own pot.

But the friends kept praising him, and thought that he was so tired because of them...

This is really...

Both touched and guilty.

"It's really thanks to Cousin Shiraishi this time, if it weren't for Cousin Shiraishi, we would have died long ago and turned into fish food."

Nobita let out a long breath.

The little man glanced at Doraemon: "Hmph, I said that Doraemon is not reliable, I have long said that Doraemon does not fail occasionally, but often fails." "

DoraA narrowed her eyes and looked at Xiaofu: "Xiaofu, I remember that you seem to have said something about me just now, I am not Manatia or something?" Although I wasn't in the first place! "

"Yes, just say you, what's wrong!"

Xiaofu glanced at his head and snorted: "You beaver cat!" "


DoraA instantly became angry, rushed directly up, and fought with Xiaofu.

"Eh, don't fight, don't fight!"

Nobita Nobita hurried up to persuade.

Looking at everyone who quarreled.

Sophia was the one who felt the most guilty.

In her opinion, everything is because of her.

If it weren't for her sudden departure, everyone would not have been treated like this by little Harry.

Shiraishi patted Sophia's small hand and gave her a reassuring look.

Put a million hearts, everyone will definitely not blame her.

Shiraishi had recovered some of his physical strength at this time, walked to Xiaofu and Dora, and forcibly pulled the two apart: "This has just been saved and there is infighting, what the hell are you two doing." "

Doraa and Xiaofu both looked at each other angrily and did not want to speak.

Seeing this scene, Sophia couldn't help but apologize: "I'm sorry, everyone..."

"Eh, it's okay, it's okay!"

At this time, the friends returned to their original appearance, originally it was just because of the temporary noise of fear.

It's nice to make a little fuss.

"It was a little scared, but it didn't really hurt."

Xiaofu did not continue to make a fuss at this time, scratching his head and saying.

"Yes, it wasn't hurt either, it's nothing at all."

When Fat Tiger said this, he stared at Little Harry with vicious eyes, and rubbed his fists: "It's just that being ridiculed by a person as a kidnapper all the time is very uncomfortable!" "

Little Harry had already sensed something was wrong at this time.

It wasn't intended to target Doraea them.

I really thought that Sophia was abducted by them.

This is indeed to blame Sophia, the ones she described are too much like being brainwashed after being abducted.

It's not right, because what she said is the truth, so if you calculate it, you can't blame Sophia.

All in all.

The supreme loyalty to the princess.

Little Harry hated Doraea deeply.

But it also understood that it had misunderstood, and was lowering its head in shame at this time.

Suddenly by the fat tiger said this, he couldn't help but be startled, waved his hand awkwardly, and shivered and took several steps back, not knowing what to say.

"Yes! All blame this guy! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The little husband also reacted at this time, and looked at little Harry with an angry hum.

Two people, one fat and one short, one tall and one thin, slowly approached little Harry.

Shiraishi and Doraa just watched the scene, completely indifferent.

Dorais is always being ridiculed.

Shiraishi was from beginning to end, knowing how bad this little guy behaved, if it weren't for this guy's loyalty to Sophia, he would have gone to punch it back to the west in the morning.

The main thing is that the performance is too bad.

Nobita was a little unbearable, but seeing that neither Shiraishi nor Doraa spoke, he didn't speak.

However, Shiraishi has a sense of proportion, which does not mean that the fat tiger and the little husband have a sense of proportion.

Although little Harry looks arrogant, his short stature is real.

In the sea, you can also rely on agility to pinch the fat tiger and the little man.

Now standing on land, where are their opponents?

Shiraishi gave Sophia a look and asked Sophia to hurry forward, otherwise it would not be good to beat little Harry to death.

He still has to make a good impression on Wendini, how can there be a saying that the captain of the Guards will be killed in the first place, then there is still nowhere to go?

Sophia also knew what Shiraishi meant.

Without waiting for Fat Tiger and Xiaofu to say anything, she came forward and looked at Little Harry quite angrily: "Little Harry, did I tell you a long time ago that Doraemon is my friend!" "

She didn't have as many ideas as Shiraishi.

Just angry.

Without Shiraishi's eyes, she would also come forward to reprimand little Harry.

Little Harry lowered his head and said in a weak voice: "Say... Having said that..."

"Then why did you go out of your way to arrest them?"

Sophia also seemed genuinely angry when she said this, and she meant to little Harry not to let little Harry disturb his friends.


Little Harry actually sent troops directly to arrest people, and almost died!

"I... I..."

Little Harry knew that he was unreasonable, ashamed and unable to speak.

"Little Harry, you disappointed me."

When Sophia saw little Harry's appearance, no matter how much fire there was, she sighed very hatefully: "Fat tiger, little husband, whatever you want..."

Shiraishi glanced at Sophia strangely.

Are you sure you want to let them go?

At this time, little Harry seemed to have made some decision, directly plucked up the courage to walk in front of the fat tiger and the little husband, lowered his head, and said extremely sincerely: "I'm sorry!" Distinguished guests! I snubbed you, I was stupid! "

"Please teach me a lesson, don't misunderstand Princess Sophia, I am willing to be punished as you please."

Seeing little Harry apologize so sincerely.

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu looked at each other, but they couldn't get their hands off.

However, it was all like that just now, isn't it a bit humiliating not to teach a lesson?

Shiraishi glanced at little Harry in surprise, this little guy had to say, he still had some eyesight.

At this time, Nobita Nobita just walked out, standing between Little Harry and Fat Tiger and Little Husband, and said in a circle: "Fat Tiger, Little Husband, everyone has apologized so sincerely, you will forgive it, don't teach it a lesson." "

Nobita came forward.

The fat tiger suddenly borrowed the slope to get off the donkey, snorted, and turned his head sideways to the side: "Nobita, you are too kind, this kind of personality, I really don't know how you will survive in society in the future!" "

"Yes, Fat Tiger is right!"

Xiaofu also nodded in agreement, but turned his head and said: "However, Nobita, you guy forgave it, if we don't forgive it, won't it seem that we are not as good as Nobita, hmph, and Fat Tiger Yongdai!" "

Saying that, Fat Tiger and Little Husband walked directly to the side, not wanting to pay attention to Little Harry.

"What's 2.0..."

Nobita inexplicably became a stepping stone for the two, scratching his head a little speechlessly.

Shiraishi and Doraa walked up to Nobita at this time, and patted him on the shoulder at the same time: "You did a good job, Nobita." "


Nobita Nobita didn't know what the two were talking about at all, he didn't know the way at all, and he scratched his head again in ignorance, with a clear stupidity.

(I see that some people in the comment area say that the protagonist is waste, you don't look at how long my protagonist has been in the sun in total, don't look at the length of my writing, there are only a total of less than ten days in the plot, about a week, how many years has Superman been in the sun to awaken hot vision?) My book is already much better than Superman. )

(There will be another chapter later, I won't post these things at the end of the chapter in the future, it looks cleaner, conditional brothers click to automatically subscribe, otherwise the author will really starve to death, today's manuscript fee is thirty yuan, can't spend it all, can't spend it at all, haha.) )。

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 53

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