
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 54

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 54


Shiraishi and Doraa looked at each other, and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "What is Nobita called... I want to think about it... Well! Clear stupidity, it feels like a perfect fit for Nobita. "

Dora's eyes lit up sharply, and he stretched out the thumb in Madoka's hand: "Cousin Shiraishi, you are too powerful, the description is too accurate, and it is very suitable for Nobita." "


The two looked at each other and smiled again.

"Are you calling me stupid?"

Nobita frowned with a very tangled expression.

"No, no."

Shiraishi and Doraa quickly denied it: "We are praising you and praising you, so we didn't scold you." "

This is really not a scolding, because Nobita is like this, and the two did not mean to mock, but just felt that it was very suitable to describe Nobita.


Nobita didn't know if he understood or not, and nodded.

When that little Harry saw Nobita like this, he couldn't help but feel guilty in his heart, and whispered, "I'm sorry." "

"Hi... It's okay. "

Nobita laughed, "I don't care about these things at all." "

"That's why I apologize."

Little Harry said very arrogantly, can only say that the tsundere never goes out of style, but is your tsundere a little too much?

Sophia was slightly relieved to see the situation of the current 11 on the side.

At least there were no huge contradictions.

are all adjustable.

"By the way, what about Shizuka, little Harry, where did you catch Shizuka?"

Sophia looked around and didn't find Shizuka, so she asked.


Little Harry thought for a moment and wondered, "What Shizuka, Princess Sophia, I only captured these few." "


The air seemed to freeze somewhat.

Those present made no sound.

"Ah!! Shizuka! Oops, bad, bad!! "

Nobita suddenly shouted, pinched his face with both hands, and ran around in horror.

"It's over, it's over, we completely forgot Shizuka!"

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu are in a hurry.

"Shizuka shouldn't still be there, what a bad thing!!"

Doraa remembered that the situation was critical, and after saving Shizuka from the mouth of the large eel, he put Shizuka in the cave next to it.

"What? Is Shizuka still dealing with the place of the Great Eel? "

Sophia was also surprised.

Shiraishi only reacted at this time, he actually forgot Shizuka just now.

"Hurry back and find Shizuka!"

However, at this time, Wendini suddenly sent mermaid soldiers to call Sophia to go over.

This made Nobita extremely entangled.

The theatrical version limited the upper limit of Fat Tiger, and he said very responsibly: "Don't worry, Nobita, cousin Shiraishi, you follow Sophia, and Xiaofu and I will go to find Shizuka's traces." "

Shiraishi took a deep look at Fat Tiger: "You're in trouble." "

"I definitely can't do it alone, so I need a certain squad leader together."

Fat Tiger glanced at little Harry.

Little Harry seemed to have found a way to atone for his sins at this time, and immediately nodded: "Hmm! "

Without the slightest hesitation, they boarded the dive ship with the help of little Harry and sped towards the place.

Shiraishi, Doraea, and Nobita got into their exclusive car under Sophia's leadership.

It has to be said that the territory of the merfolk tribe is very large, and it is close to an urban area.

Their cars are also more upscale than cars on land, I don't know how many grades.

There are no wheels, and a hovering forward method is used.

On the road, you can also see many merfolk, basically wearing mermaid suits, facing Sophia's iconic car, they are very enthusiastic.

It seems that the royal family's prestige among the merfolk clan is very good.

Sophia had changed into a dress that she usually wore on land at this time, to put it bluntly, it was her princess's daily outfit, and she also wore accessories on her head, which was different from wearing a mermaid suit.

They soon came to a palace, walked up the stairs, and saw the white-haired Wendini.

"Is this Sophia's grandmother?"

Doraa and Nobita looked at Wendini curiously.

At this time, Wendini was completely devoid of the person she had just looked like a grandmother when she was in Sophia's dormitory.

Instead, she became a real queen.

Expressionless, powerful.

Nobita shivered a little, feeling that Wendini was very fierce, but DoraA quickly covered her mouth.

Shiraishi looked at Wendini and did not speak, he knew that Wendini was going to follow Nobita and Doraemon and teach Sophia a lesson.

Sure enough.

After settling down at the meeting place.

Wendini turned to Sophia and said, "Sophia, I need you to understand one thing, I can't let you mess around." "

"I'm not messing around..."

Sophia couldn't help but retort. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Wendini interrupted Sophia directly, and the meaning under her words was extremely harsh: "You still say that you are not fooling around? You are the future queen of the mermaids, shouldering the future of the mermaids! What am I going to do if something goes wrong with you, what are the merfolks going to do?! "

If before she went to the palace, to Sophia was a grandmother to a granddaughter, then now it is the queen facing the princess, the future queen heir.

Sophia stood up and retorted again: "It is precisely because I shoulder the future of the merfolk that I will go to land and broaden my horizons, so that I can be better..."


Wendini still interrupted Sophia.

At this moment, Nobita and Doraemon have begun to tremble.

Damn, Sophia's grandmother's sense of oppression is also too strong, they are going to be scared to death, and they dare not put a single fart ...


Bai Shi couldn't stand it: "Grandmother, what about Sophia even if she is a princess, she is just a teenage girl." "

"You don't understand!"

Wendini glanced at Shiraishi, her brows furrowed slightly, she didn't seem to expect that Shiraishi, who looked smart, would actually interrupt her to educate Sophia at this time, and she was a little disappointed: "I make the residents of this country live a happy and peaceful life every day, this is our duty to surround it all along, and Sophia will be like this in the future!" "

"I don't understand? On the contrary, I understand it well! "

Shiraishi smiled and said, "Your Majesty Wendini, if you force Sophia, I actually don't mind taking Sophia away directly." "

Sophia glanced at Shiraishi and was silent for a moment.

Wendy's brows furrowed: "I feel that I seem to have a somewhat too good attitude towards you." "

In the royal palace of the national capital of a country.

Said to take away the princess of the country.

It's simply standing on their heads and peeing.

Shiraishi smiled slightly: "I believe I have this ability." "

"I don't believe it, but you seem to have completely hooked my granddaughter's heart."

Wendini glanced at Sophia and sighed.

In fact, just now, she had already learned a lot of things.

For example, the mutated large eel, and the operation of Shiraishi against megalodon.

Very strong, very powerful, it can even be said that Wendini is very satisfied with Shiraishi's grandson-in-law.

But Wendini still thinks that Shiraishi can't take Sophia.

Shiraishi smiled slightly, Wendini had no idea what his hole card was.

He dared to say such words, and his confidence was not from his own strength, but from a blue beaver cat who was now afraid to speak.

"Her Majesty..."

Nobita said in a timely manner: "Sophia is actually already a qualified queen..."

Doraa quickly covered Nobita's mouth and said with an embarrassed smile: "You guys continue, you continue..."

"Forget it."

Wendini felt a little headache, the princess of the merfolk tribe was abducted like this, it was difficult for her not to feel bad.


Sophia hurried up to massage Wendini's temples.

She was also afraid that Shiraishi would suddenly become angry with Wendy.

"Her Majesty!"

Suddenly, anxious footsteps outside sounded.

It's Little Harry and Fat Tiger.

"Fat Tiger! Did Shizuka find it! "

Nobita stood up abruptly and asked.

Unfortunately, you can already see the result from the expressions of Fat Tiger and Xiaofu.

"Mission failed..."

The friends searched all over the neighborhood, but did not find any trace of Shizuka.

Nobita was already crying, and Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, Doraea, and Sophia were all very anxious.

"How could Shizuka be gone, did she go find a way to save us?"

"No, I've always let Shizuka stay there! It's terrible..."

Doraa cried with a sad face.

How is he going to explain to Shizuka's mother...

"However, although we didn't find Shizuka, we were probably able to tell what happened to Shizuka, and we recovered some strange things..."

(I'll see if I can add another chapter.) )。

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 54

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