
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 56

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 56

Hearing what Shiraishi said, she also knew where the crown went, which made her sigh helplessly.

Today she doesn't know how many times she sighed.

Sophia is really not ~ worrying.

But I have to say that this is more or less helping them, if Sophia is caught, for Wendini, it is more than the horror of losing a crown.

"Cousin Shiraishi is right! Shizuka is now safe and secure! "

DoraA stood up, her expression was very resolute, looked around, and looked at her friends: "At this critical moment, we can't be discouraged, we can't panic, so that we can save Shizuka!" "


Fat Tiger, Xiaofu, and Nobita looked at each other, looked at each other, and then their expressions also became very resolute, clenched their fists, and entered a state of readiness.

Looking at this scene, a smile appeared on Shiraishi's face.

He knew that the Savior group was online.

On the other hand, Sophia does not have Wendini's heroic mentality, nor does she have the familiar road of the savior group.

Although this is also the first time that the Savior Group has experienced this kind of thing.

But anyway, this kind of thing is also engraved in their DNA!

Sophia is now genuinely terrified.

This child is too simple, a few words from Shiraishi, she actually threw all the pots on herself.

"No, we need to hurry up and find Shizuka!"

Sophia stood up abruptly and was about to rush out.

But he was held by Shiraishi's hand and shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, the most important thing we do now should be safer, but Shizuka can't be arrested, you are also arrested." "


Sophia had a look of embarrassment on her face.

"No, we all know that Shizuka's arrest is not your fault."

Shiraishi spoke, "Are you right?" "


The friends spoke in unison.

Sophia muttered movingly: "Everyone..."

"Okay, one thing we have to know now, and that is why the Monster Fish Clan is catching Sophia."

Shiraishi glanced at Dr. Medina.

Dr. Medina pointed to the paper on the shelf in front of him: "Their purpose in capturing Sophia is probably here." "

This piece of paper is exactly the prop that Doraemon took out to find the mermaid sword in front.

Everyone suddenly realized.

"Sure enough, it's similar to what I thought, the purpose of the strange fish tribe coming to Earth is very simple, find the mermaid tribe and then force the mermaid sword to find out where the mermaid sword is."

Shiraishi touched his chin.

Right at this moment.


A black shadow suddenly crashed towards behind Shiraishi.

Bai Shi only felt like a stinging back, and reflexively reached out and grabbed it, but he directly grabbed the black shadow.

It was little Harry who had already been pricked.

"What are you doing?"

Shiraishi was speechless: "It's not at this time if you want to take revenge, believe it or not, I threw you out!" "

"Damn, what do you think of my little Harry, how can I be the kind of fish who can't tell the situation apart!"

Little Harry was angry and kept fluttering: "Tell me, why do you know about the mermaid sword, and why do you know it!" "

Wendini didn't bother to ask, and directly looked at Sophia, a little incredulous: "Sophia..."

“...... Grandmother. "

Seeing Sophia's expression, Wendini knew what the truth was.

She almost didn't pass out.


I didn't expect my granddaughter's elbow to turn out so seriously.

Even the secrets of the merfolk clan were told to them.

The sword of the mermaid, that is the sword of the mermaid!

Sophia saw Wendini's appearance and quickly explained: "Grandmother, in fact, I asked Doraemon to help me find it, this piece of paper is also Doraemon's props, it is because of Doraemon, we will have the few clues about the mermaid sword!" "

"So that's it..."

Wendini suddenly glanced at Doraemon: "But? Does this puffer fish really have that much skill? "

"What! Why do you all say I'm a pufferfish! I've been told about puffer fish many times! "

DoraA exploded again, even in the face of Wendini: "I am a cat!" Cat! Cat-type robot! Do you know! Not pufferfish! "

"You stinky tanuki cat, look down on pufferfish?!"

At this time, the little Harry in Shiraishi's hand cried out again.

For a moment, the scene became extremely chaotic.

Bai Shi was in pain, and immediately shouted: "Quiet! "

As soon as the sound went down, it suddenly became quiet, and the friends looked at Shiraishi in surprise, or the first time to see Shiraishi like this.

"Oh, sorry, some gaffe."

Shiraishi rubbed his temples and pointed to the big screen next to him: "Someone has contacted you, Doctor." "


Dr. Medina quickly connected the line.

On the screen, a different color of puffer fish appeared, and he quickly reported the current situation to everyone.

It turned out that the strange fish tribe had already come to the door.

"Hurry up and turn the picture over."

A strange fish clan wearing black armor appeared in front of everyone.

"It's so ugly... It's weird..."

No wonder it's called the strange fish family.


When everyone saw Shizuka, who was locked up next to the strange fish clan, they couldn't help but exclaim.

"It turns out that the princess is called Shizuka."

The strange fish tribe smiled darkly.

"Is that you guy who caught Shizuka? Hurry up and release him! "

The friends were excited.

"I am the Monster Fish Clan's fight against Baijin, and I captured your princess!"

Bai Yijin smiled darkly.

Sophia shook her head and immediately wanted to rush forward to show that she was the princess.

But he was pulled by Shiraishi and Wendini at the same time.

Sophia looked at the two, her face full of nervousness. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In exchange, all that was for the two shook their heads at the same time.

At such a time, Sophia went up to admit that she was a princess, which would not help, it would only cause Shizuka to lose her value as a princess.

Shiraishi and Wendini looked at each other, and they finally had the same idea for once.

Na Baijin didn't notice the movement here, but was very proud: "Hand over the mermaid sword, otherwise, I will kill your princess!" "

At this time, the ship of the strange fish tribe appeared on the screen, which was already outside the territory of the mermaid, and directly fired a laser cannon to destroy the pillars in the ruins outside, which is a good name, give you a gift.

Ask for flowers

"As long as you hand over the mermaid sword, the princesses of your mermaid clan will be safe and sound, otherwise, your princess will be like this pillar!"

Didn't wait for them to speak.

Shiraishi stood up and said directly: "We have the Mermaid Sword, there is no problem in handing it over to you, as long as Shizuka's safety is guaranteed, if Shizuka's safety is threatened, I don't mind directly destroying the Mermaid Sword." "


Bai Yijin laughed and directly said that there was no problem, in fact, what he thought in his heart was that they blamed the fish tribe now that they have obtained the armor of the mermaid, and then obtained the sword of the mermaid, isn't the little mermaid tribe easy to handle? Still care about your threat?

After speaking, he directly hung up the communication.

The friends instantly gathered around Shiraishi, and Nobita asked expectantly: "Cousin Shiraishi, have you found the Mermaid Sword?" "

"Of course not, do you think I look like I'm carrying a sword?"

Shiraishi shook his head without hesitation, he didn't even know what the ancient text of the merfolk on the paper was, how could he find the mermaid sword.

"Ah! That's not the end! "

Nobita held his head, very nervous, grabbed Doraa and ran out: "No, let's hurry up and find the mermaid sword now, only by finding the mermaid sword can it be possible to save Shizuka." "

"Nobita, calm down."

"Find a fart!"

Shiraishi scolded, "This guy obviously doesn't know that the mermaid sword is not with us, and he doesn't know that the mermaid sword didn't have a shadow five thousand years ago, so all we have to do is just plan it." "

"The strange fish tribe now thinks that the mermaid sword is in our hands, so they will definitely not do anything to Shizuka, as long as I find an opportunity for us to see Shizuka, I will have a way to save Shizuka."

Hearing Shiraishi think so thoughtfully, Nobita swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty: "Really... Really, Shiraishi? "

"But why can't you let me go and trade for Shizuka?"

Sophia was still a little nervous, Shizuka was arrested because of her, if something happened, then she really would be to blame.

Shiraishi and Wendini looked at each other and said what they were considering.

"Well, the most important thing now is not this."

Shiraishi said directly: "Your Majesty, you find a way to find the mermaid sword, this is the next strategy, the mermaid sword is the best to hold in our hands, and I... Arrange a small room for me, try to be as small as possible, Doraea, and get your little sun out. "

Wendini took a deep look at Shiraishi and directly ordered the soldiers.

Dora, on the other hand, didn't know what Shiraishi was going to do, so he took out the mini little sun and handed it to Shiraishi.

The mini little sun looks a bit like an upside-down lamp, and Shiraishi knows that as long as you pull the rope of this prop, a sun can fly out of it.

Doraea's props are not that kind of fake thing, mini little sun, is the real sun!

For him, of course, it works.

With a smile on his face, he took the mini sun and headed straight for the room.

(Poof, yesterday's manuscript fee was not enough money, I was stupid.) Van).

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 56

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