
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 57

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 57

Small room.

This room is indeed not large, about a dozen square meters.

There were even bedding and some daily necessities inside, and the bed made Shiraishi feel very familiar, and it was estimated that it was the place where the soldiers usually lived.

Also, it is really difficult to find a small room in a royal palace.

Other than that, there's not much to say.

Shiraishi casually found a corner to sit down, and then pulled the rope under the lamp, and a mini little sun suddenly flew out of it.

At the moment when the mini little sun appeared, Shiraishi only felt that his cells were boiling.

"It really works."

A hint of joy flashed in Shiraishi's eyes.

Doraea is worthy of Doraea, although the mini little sun is mini, it is indeed the sun!

This is much more effective than his usual sun exposure.

The thing to do now is to wait and bask in the sun.

The other side.

They did not need Shiraishi's orders, and also began their own division of labor.

Wendini began to ponder the meaning of the words on the drawings and began to search for the mermaid's sword.

Dora, on the other hand, felt that the possibility of finding the mermaid's sword was relatively low, so she decided to simply imitate one.

According to Sophia's description of the shining sword.

11 So, Doraemon uses diamond-making props to turn Nobita's inflatable pirate sword into a diamond sword.

It can only be said that Nobita can sometimes play some different effects.

Who would keep that thing in their pocket all the time?

Ready though.

But Doraa and the others still did not set off directly, but according to Shiraishi, waiting for Shiraishi to come out.

Shiraishi said this when he entered the small room.

It's not just them who are in a hurry, the strange fish tribe will definitely be in a hurry.

Moreover, they have no fear, and the strange fish tribe will only be more anxious than them.

Seeing that the merfolk did not take the initiative to contact them, they would definitely contact again.

Sure enough, just as Shiraishi said.

About an hour later, Nabaikin contacted them again.

This time was not as calm as the last time, but looked very angry, quite like thunder and anger.

All in all, the meaning in the words is, if you spend any more, we will solve Princess Shizuka.

Doraa and the others were not as panicked as they showed last time in this game with Bai Yijin, but asked Bai Yijin not to worry.

After hanging up the communication, he went to find Shiraishi in a hurry.

Knowing that the time was up, Shiraishi took the mini sun back and opened the door.

He still looks no different from before.

Neither of them could see anything different.

Only Shiraishi knew what had happened in just one hour, that is, in two hours.

This mini little sun is very powerful, and the efficiency of making Shiraishi bask in the sun I don't know how many times stronger.

In just one short hour, it was already stronger than the time it had taken him to obtain his physique until now.

Shiraishi's strength, defense, speed, etc., were at least three times stronger than before, starting at the beginning, and five times uncapped.

He could even feel his eyes and throat tickling.

It seems that some abilities are about to awaken.

Handing the mini little sun to Doraemon, a light flashed in Shiraishi's eyes: "Let's go, Doraemon, it's time to rescue our Princess Shizuka." "


In this way, the friends embarked on a journey to save Shizuka.

However, the friends were not prepared to let Sophia follow, after all, Sophia is a real princess, what if something happens to the merfolk?

But Sophia said that as a princess, the future queen, how could she back down in such a matter.

In order to protect Sophia, little Harry also went on the submarine with him.

The only pity is that Wendini has not found the mermaid sword until now.

But she seemed to slowly understand what the words on that drawing meant.

On the submarine.

Everyone was in high spirits, and in order to save Shizuka, they all tensed their spirits.

"Doraea, calculate how much time you have left to get used to the lamp."

Shiraishi suddenly spoke.

"Acclimatize to the light, about 45 minutes left..."

Doraea thought for a moment, and then her expression changed abruptly: "Oops! I forgot about this! Shizuka! Wouldn't we have to rescue Shizuka in 45 minutes? "

The friends panicked, and Shiraishi hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, 45 minutes is enough." "

With Shiraishi's assurance, they were relieved.

Doraa took out the adaptation lamp, shone everyone again, and then began to discuss the operation to rescue Shizuka.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, Doraemon and Nobita hold the mermaid sword to attract the attention of the strange fish clan.

Shiraishi, Sophia, Fat Tiger, Little Husband, and Little Harry were waiting for the opportunity.

When he finds an opportunity, he goes straight up to save Shizuka.

Under Doraea's operation, the same configuration as dealing with the sea eel not long ago.

Fat Tiger got the super glove, the little man got the shock gun, and then gave little Harry and Sophia an air cannon each.

A ruin outside merfolk territory.

Baijin did not come forward on his own.

Facing Doraea is Bojin's subordinate Torajis.

When Toragis saw that it was actually two children holding the mermaid sword, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Almost at a glance, the friends saw Shizuka who was surrounded by strange fish soldiers, trapped in a bubble, and suspended above by the instrument.

At this time, Shizuka could already feel a trace of oppression caused by the subsidence of the effect of the adaptation lamp, and she was holding her chest in the bubble and breathing hard.

If the effect of adapting to the lamp disappears completely, the water pressure of such a deep sea can kill Shizuka instantly.


Sophia exclaimed, and wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Baishi: "Don't worry, let's wait... The time has not yet come..."

Under Doraea and Nobita, Natorajis has taken the diamond sword they brought with him as the sword of the mermaid.

However, the Monster Fish Clan is not a serious race, otherwise they would not have committed such a thing as aggression.

Therefore, when he saw that the people who came to trade here were actually Doraa and Nobita, they were very ignorant of martial virtue and forced them to hand over the mermaid sword first.

Shiraishi has said earlier that Doraa and Nobita's main task is not to save Shizuka, but to attract the attention of the Monster Clan. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing this group of strange fish slowly approaching.

Doraa was in a hurry, and directly threw out the diamond sword in his hand: "Go and pick it up, you guys!" "

Toragis widened his eyes: "Quick! Go get the mermaid sword! "


Most of the soldiers of the Monster Fish Clan all swam quickly towards the direction of the mermaid sword.

The guards guarding Shizuka were instantly less than half.

"It's now!"

Shiraishi's eyes lit up: "Dispatch!" "

"Shizuka, we're here to save you!!"

With a roar from the fat tiger, the battle group moved.

I saw the fat tiger pop out instantly, and the super glove directly flew the brick, grabbed the strange fish tribe soldiers in front and threw them on the ground.

Xiaofu's shock gun also hit a strange fish soldier.

Sophia and Little Harry also showed their own talents, and dragged down several strange fish soldiers in minutes.

And Shiraishi, he did not use a mermaid suit, but human legs.

At some point, human legs are much more powerful than fish tails.

Shiraishi stepped on the pillar of the ruins with both legs, his muscles tensed instantly, but after 790, he suddenly burst out, the pillar suddenly shattered, and he rushed out like a cannonball.

Facing the soldiers guarding Shizuka, Shiraishi was extremely sensitive, dodging the laser of the spear in their hands, smashing the spear with one punch and blowing them away.

Then, with the help of the speed of the explosion, he directly slammed a punch on the bubble that trapped Shizuka.


The bubble burst in response, and Shiraishi immediately hugged Shizuka who fell down and yelled, "Dora! Adapt to the lamp! "


Doraa did not drop the chain this time, took out the adaptation gun that had been prepared a long time ago, and quickly took a picture of Shizuka.

The effect of the adaptation gun was restored again, Shizuka was finally able to catch her breath, and she said tiredly, "Thank you..."

"Shizuka, you're fine!"

Most of the soldiers guarding Shizuka's side had already been taken care of.

Fat Tiger and the others gathered around, and when they saw that Shizuka was fine, they were immediately relieved.

Natoragis was a little surprised to see Shizuka being rescued, but he didn't panic at all, because in his opinion, the mermaid sword had been obtained, and he immediately turned to the submarine and was about to leave.

"How could it be so easy to let you leave!"

Shiraishi has no good impression of the strange fish clan, likes kidnapping, does not talk about martial virtue, and is ugly to death.

A trace of anger suddenly rose in his heart, and he was about to rush forward.

But they were stopped by Doraemon.

"Cousin Shiraishi, we can't catch up, don't be in a hurry, we will definitely take revenge!"

"Yes, it won't help to catch up now, don't worry, cousin Shiraishi..."

The friends persuaded bitterly.

Seeing that the gang was about to leave without loss, Shiraishi stared at the submarine.

In an instant, a red light suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes. ..........。

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 57

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