
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 58

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 58

Immediately afterwards, that red light quickly diffused.

Shiraishi's eyes seemed to be transparent, and you could see that there was a flowing red color like magma.

Severe pain welled up in his heart, Shiraishi couldn't help but roar, and the two hot eyes suddenly burst out, cutting through the current, and instantly hit the submarine in front.


The rear tail of the submarine was hit, the engine exploded directly, and it fell to the ground slowly with smoke.

The friends looked at this scene and were stunned.

How can cousin Shiraishi have lasers in his eyes?

Shiraishi broke free of them slightly, then covered his eyes and rubbed them.

The first awakening of hot vision is really uncomfortable.

Otherwise, General Zod in the movie would not be like that.

Of course, there is always a gradual result of basking in the sun, and Clark does not hurt so much when he first awakens hot vision.

If he was like General Zod, Shiraishi would probably kneel directly on the ground in pain.

"Leave it alone, hurry up and catch up with those guys!"

Shiraishi looked at the friends full of questions in their hearts, and one by one wanted to come up and ask questions, and quickly pointed to the submarine in front of him.

From the submarine, Toragis had already fled.

After glancing at the white stone, he was horrified in his heart and immediately ordered to go on.

In his opinion, nothing was more important than the mermaid's sword.

Even if he wanted to take care of the children in front of him, he still chose to leave more rationally and gave the mermaid sword to Bai Yijin.

The friends looked towards Toragis.

Sophia showed her decisiveness as a princess at this time: "Let's go up, capture that guy alive!" "


The words fell, and the friends rushed out together.

Seeing that they were actually about to catch up, Toragis knew that avoiding the battle was not a good thing.

He immediately ordered the remaining Monster Fish soldiers to start resisting, while he himself quickly fled.

These strange fish soldiers quickly stopped Doraa and the others.

Seeing that the spear was about to poke Sophia.

The white stone appeared in time, and an iron mountain leaned on it and knocked it 108,000 li, slamming into the mountain and rock, and there was no sound.

He glanced at Sophia, smiled, and immediately chased after Torajis.

Without the fish's tail, Shiraishi is faster at the bottom of the sea.

There are skills about swimming, which have been rising since he entered the bottom of the sea.

Now his speed in the sea, although still not as fast as on land.

But don't forget, this is the result of his miniature sun.

His current speed in the sea is only not comparable to his current speed on land, and it has far exceeded the speed he once had on land.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it had already exploded above Toragis's head and stomped on Toragis on the waist.


With a scream and a crisp bone cracking sound, Toragis fell to the ground, and the mermaid sword in his hand came out of his hand, and was held by Shiraishi in his hand: "The mermaid sword, can't be handed over to you guys." "

Immediately afterwards, Shiraishi lifted Toragis up, swam up, looked at the strange fish soldiers below, and declared: "Don't resist, your general has been taken by me, if you still resist, there is no amnesty for killing!" "

Seeing Toragis being captured, the fighting spirit of these strange fish soldiers suddenly dropped to the minimum.

One by one, they raised their spears and knelt on the ground in surrender.

"Little Harry, contact the Guards immediately, ask the Guards to come and take them down."

Shiraishi spoke.


Little Harry nodded sharply.

The Guards are actually not far away.

After all, Wendini can't really let Sophia and them risk it like this, there are still some safeguards.

She didn't want to start a war with the strange fish clan, but she also knew that if the fake mermaid sword reached the strange fish clan, she would have to go to war if she didn't start a war.

No way, in order to save Shizuka, there is no choice.

The Guards soon arrived and escorted all the Toragis and the Monster Fish soldiers away.

Toragis was all gone, like a dead fish, and everyone knew that even if he survived, he would definitely be paralyzed.

Got on the submarine for the return journey.

Only then did the friends have a chance to start questioning Shiraishi.

"Cousin Shiraishi, how could you shoot lasers in your eyes just now?!"

Fat Tiger's eyes flashed: "It's so handsome!" Too man! "

"Yes, is it DoraA gave you some props?"

Xiaofu was also very curious: "Dora, you are too stingy, just give me a broken prop like a shock gun, but give it to Cousin Shiraishi so well." "

"Don't talk nonsense."

Dora waved his hand again and again: "I didn't give Cousin Shiraishi props, moreover, what happened to you with the shock gun?" "

Sophia looked at Baishi gently: "Baishi, if it is inconvenient for you to say, we will not force you." "

"It's not really something that can't be said."

Shiraishi shook his head, thought for a while and said, "My physique is naturally special, I think you should have seen it." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The friends looked at each other, and then nodded at the same time.

That joke, you must have seen it.

How can a ten-year-old child rush out of the belly of a big eel?

How can a child over ten years old kick a megalodon with a few dozen tons?

Even future children need to use props to do it.

But DoraA knew that he did not lend Shiraishi any props, which means that Shiraishi did it completely by relying on his own physique.

"The reason is also very simple, I was born with an affinity for the sun, and I only need to bask in the sun to feel that my cells are getting stronger."

Shiraishi opened his mouth to explain that this should not be a particularly outrageous thing for Doraemon, although it is difficult for future props to do like him, but there should still be similar props.

"The one just now, it's not called a laser... Well, if you want to call it a laser, but I prefer to call it hot vision, a new ability that I have acquired after I have reached a certain level. "

The friends immediately understood.

Fat Tiger and Xiaofu looked at Baishi with envy, why didn't they have this ability?

Sophia looked at Shiraishi in surprise, this kind of physique, she had never heard of before.

Good...... It's outrageous.

Can basking in the sun become so powerful?

Nobita Nobita showed great admiration, and Shiraishi's weight in his heart increased a lot.

"It turns out that Cousin Shiraishi just wanted a mini little sun because of this!"

DoraA suddenly realized.

"Thank you, Cousin Shiraishi, if it weren't for you, I might have died."

Shizuka thanked sincerely, looking at Shiraishi's eyes full of excitement.

“.. Alas, it doesn't matter. "

Bai Shi nuzzled: "Even if I don't make a move, Doraea and Sophia will find a way, right?" And this time, it's not just me who is credited, everyone has done a lot. "

"Thank you!"

Shizuka also thanked her friends.

"Nothing, nothing..."

"We are partners, it's not normal to come to rescue you!"

Sophia said with a slight guilt at this time: "Sorry, Shizuka, it was because I gave you the crown that caused you to be captured by the strange fish clan." "

"Are those weird mermaids called strange fish?"

Shizuka was surprised for a moment, and then said, "It's okay, Sophia, I think the crown looks good, it has nothing to do with you." "

With that, Shizuka took off the crown and handed it to Sophia, returning the property to its original owner.

On the other hand, he learned that his subordinate Toragis had been captured.

Bai Yijin patted the throne angrily.

"The mermaid armor has already felt the resonance, and the mermaid sword must be near here."

"Toragis that trash!"

"Now, immediately, immediately, find me the mermaid sword, even if I start a war with the mermaid tribe again, I will get the mermaid sword!!"

Shiraishi and the others also returned to the territory of the merfolk at this time.

Wendini looked at the friends in front of her with great satisfaction, and she was so surprised by the handling of these children.

"However, I'm afraid the strange fish tribe can't hold back."

"We don't know if Toragis can be used as a bargaining chip."

Shiraishi shook his head: "It's better not to take this seriously, capture Toragis, just want to weaken the combat power of the strange fish clan, look at the history of the past, you can understand that the strange fish tribe does not help the character of the same race, and will definitely ignore the scarf." "

"Doraea, give me the mini little sun, you continue to study whether you can get the mermaid sword, so that in the face of the invasion of the strange fish clan, you can also have a greater chance of winning."

The mini little sun, for him, is really a kind of prop.

In fact, just like playing a game, Shiraishi doesn't like to open and hang.

But today's situation is not the time for hypocrisy.

Got the mini little sun, Shiraishi once again drilled into the small room.

(Today's update ends, a total of three chapters, each chapter more than 3,000 words a total of 10,000 words is equivalent to five changes in the free period, please subscribe.) )。

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 58

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