
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 59

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 59

Shiraishi didn't stay in the small room for long.

Because the Monster Fish Clan soon attacked.

The violent roar could be heard here in Shiraishi, and Doraa they came quickly.

But stronger, yes.

"This time it's a war, I hope you understand."

Shiraishi actually didn't want to talk so heavily with his friends.

After all, this is Doraea!

Own childhood!

Speaking too heavily does not fit Doraea's tone.

But war is just around the corner.

Some things, it has to be said.

"War, it's dead, oh no, dead fish!"

In fact, everyone expected this.

How can the war between the merfolk tribe and the sword of the strange fish tribe undead fish?

The strange fish tribe is a good person, and everyone fights and plays?

How can it be.

It's just that it won't show it in the theatrical version.

In this regard, the fat tiger they are okay, they have been prepared, only Nobita does not look very good, he faints blood.

But it's not good, the arrows have to be sent on the string, anyway, they don't have to kill fish, the main thing is the soldiers of the mermaids.

At this time, Wendy also came out to speak.

While handing over part of her queenship to Sophia, she also added that there was a colt Shiraishi to assist Sophia, and she was relieved.

Sophia blushed a little and secretly glanced at Dorae.

But the friends did not ridicule as they imagined, and they all looked at Shiraishi and Sophia with aunt-like smiles.

Although it is said that they have not been together for a long time.

850 But along the way, the warming of the relationship between the two has also been seen by everyone.

How could they not know?

Only Shizuka, her expression was more complicated, and after exhaling, she could only silently bless Shiraishi and Sophia.

She can't stop it, can she?

That's not good.

Shiraishi took Sophia's hand, and the two of them took the lead, led the soldiers of the merfolk tribe and the savior group, and began to attack the strange fish clan.

The armies of the two sides collided, and there were already casualties at the beginning.

Fortunately, with Doraea's props, some of the injured soldiers did not do anything.

Shizuka does not fight and is always by the side to watch over the wounded.

And Sophia, as the queen, took out her long sword and played a leading role.

Shiraishi is very brave and extremely fast, basically solving a strange fish tribe in the next moment can come to the next strange fish clan, and use his fists to arrange them clearly.

In an instant, the strange fish tribe soldiers rolled their eyes and bleached their bellies.

Not to be outdone, the friends showed their talents, relying on them alive, and the battle situation gradually became balanced.

After all, the soldiers on the side of the strange fish tribe have been fighting for years, while the merfolk have been living peacefully on the earth for five thousand years, and their combat power is definitely not comparable to the former.

Thanks to them.

However, the battle situation was soon reversed by the entry of powerful submarines, coupled with the shot of the monster fish clan king Bai Yijin.

Shiraishi naturally confronted Bai Yijin.

This Bai Yijin, as the king of the strange fish clan, his means are definitely not covered.

According to Shiraishi's estimates, this guy's combat power is at least several giant (BBBH) toothed sharks.

However, compared to Shiraishi, it is still a little worse.

If he had sunbathed the white stone before the mini sun, he would definitely not be able to compare with Bai Yijin, but before this battle, he had already sunbathed the mini little sun twice!

Facing the long sword that Bai Yijin slashed, Shiraishi directly slammed it with his fist.

A punch fell, and the long sword broke in response.

Bai Yijin looked at this scene incredulously, and was directly stunned, a child can actually be so outrageously strong?

Angry, he roared, only feeling incomparably humiliated, fighting for so many years, when did he suffer this humiliation?

However, Shiraishi would not give this guy any chance, and after breaking the long sword with a punch, he directly kicked Bai Yijin's chest.

At that moment, Bai Yijin only felt that he was in a near-death state, and suddenly exploded out, slamming into a submarine of a strange fish clan, causing the submarine to sink in.

Seeing that Shiraishi was about to come forward and beat him, Bai Yijin quickly yelled: "Quickly attack me!" "

A submarine next to it immediately got the order, and a laser cannon burst out.


Shiraishi sensitively dodged, his eyes radiated heat vision, and the red beam of light burned the sea water into high temperature, from bottom to top, instantly cutting the submarine.


Bai Yijin is even more numb now, why does this kid have so many means, strength, defense, speed are so exaggerated, and there are still such means?

Without waiting for Bai Yijin to react, Shiraishi rushed in front of him again, grabbed him with both hands, spun him around several times, and threw him directly into the ground.


I have to say that it is worthy of being the villain of Doraemon, it looks very funny, but it is actually outrageously strong, and being beaten by Shiraishi like this is only slander, and even serious injuries have not been reached.

Blood thick to death!

What a blood cow!

Shiraishi complained in his heart, and then began to beat Bai Yijin violently.

Unfortunately, the defeat of Bai Yijin and Shiraishi here does not mean that the strange fish tribe cannot defeat the mermaid.

After all, Doraa is still just a child, and at first they can passionately fight against the strange fish clan, but as the strange fish tribe soldiers become more and more frequent and attacked, they begin to look weak.

However, it seems that there is a favor from heaven.

Sophia's prayer worked.

Exactly what was said on the drawings.

The mermaid sword, appeared.

Directly through the space, fell in front of Sophia.

However, good death is not death, and the route of Nabaikin's escape is here.

Seeing the mermaid sword, his eyes immediately widened and he laughed maniacally: "God help me too!" "

Under the terrified gazes of his friends, he grabbed the mermaid sword and raised it high.

With a wave of his hand, a powerful wave shook by, and the entire ocean became extremely dark, as if it had been infected.

Even Shiraishi was forced to stop, not to mention Doraea and the soldiers of the mermaid, who were directly overturned and rolled on the ground several times.

If it weren't for Shiraishi's quick grab of Sophia, she would have been like them.

"The mermaid sword was obtained by him!"

Sophia panicked.

"Don't worry."

Shiraishi comforted and quickly found a stone to hide behind with Sophia. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After Nabai Jin obtained the mermaid sword, it seemed to float, and he actually completely ignored Shiraishi, and began to constantly wield the mermaid sword, making a big fuss there.

"Hahahahahaha! Now the mermaid sword is in my hand! Mermaids, surrender to me! "

"If you don't surrender, then all die!"

However, at this moment, Shiraishi's swift figure suddenly jumped out from the side and directly kicked Bai Yijin's arm.

The villain dies of talking too much, you know?

But what surprised Shiraishi was that the old thing Bai Yijin actually caught the mermaid sword so dead, and this foot did not let the sword go off, but the hand was shocked back.

"You guy!"

Bai Yijin roared in pain, looked at Shiraishi, anger flashed in his eyes, and he wanted to wave the mermaid sword in his hand.

"Huh, forgot my other means?"

Shiraishi sneered in his heart, and his eyes burst out of hot sight, directly cutting off Bai Yijin's wrist, and the mermaid sword naturally escaped.


Bai Yijin's eyes widened angrily, covering his arm where blood gushed out.

Taking advantage of this time, Shiraishi grabbed the falling mermaid sword, threw away the broken hand in disgust, and then held it in his hand.


The mermaid sword flashed a light.

A smile appeared on Shiraishi's face.

I saw him gripping the mermaid sword and sweeping it away!


A huge sea tornado gushed out, and with a simple sword, it actually took the entire army of the strange fish clan!

All fell to the ground in a daze, looking half-dead.

This kind of treasure, really depends on the user, just now Bai Yijin is not so powerful.

"Hurry up! Take them down! "

Sophia gave an order at this time, and immediately let the stunned merfolk soldiers operate and began to clean up the battlefield.

Seeing that his army had collapsed, Baijin changed hands and tried to escape.

"Last advice to you, don't give your back to the enemy!"

Shiraishi's voice sounded in Bai Yijin's ears like a talisman.

He only felt a tingling pain in his chest, and when he looked down, the sword body of the mermaid sword had passed through his heart.

"Ahhh... Ahhh..."

Bai Yijin slowly turned his head, looking like he wanted to say something, but he would only be dumb when he spoke.

Shiraishi smiled indifferently and shook the mermaid sword, and Bai Yijin was directly shattered into the sea.

Look at the strange fish tribe soldiers below who are still trying to resist.

Shiraishi raised the mermaid sword high, and with all his strength, his words radiated throughout the battlefield: "Your king Bai Yijin is dead, surrender and do not kill!" "

(Some people say I'm a bit slow-paced, this chapter is trying to speed up the pace, do you think the rhythm of this chapter is better or the previous rhythm is better?) )

(And then, do you prefer to watch the daily or theatrical version?) In daily life, I can also write more, and I feel that the subscription to this book is not good because I write less daily. )。

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 59

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