
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 6

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 6


"Nobita, who is this?"

In front of strangers, the fat tiger kid will not look so perverse, or usually the fat tiger is still very normal, came over and hooked up with Nobita, and asked curiously.

"It's my cousin!"

Nobita Nobita looked very unaccustomed to the fat tiger like this, and the discomfort was shown on his face.

No wonder you have to be beaten, people's good intimacy is so disliked, many normal people may not be able to stand it, let alone fat tigers.

"Let me introduce you, his name is Nobi Shiraishi, and he will live in my house in the future!"

"Cousin, this is Fat Tiger, this is Xiaofu, and this is Shizuka, we are friends and classmates."

Fat Tiger was too lazy to care about Nobita's reaction, ran to Shiraishi's side and hooked Shiraishi's shoulder, and laughed heroically: "It turned out to be Nobita's cousin, then it will be my fat tiger's cousin, Shiraishi's cousin, who dares to bully you in this area, just tell me!" I'm going to beat him all over the ground to find his teeth! "

Bai Shi knew the character of the fat tiger, so he didn't dislike it very much, but smiled and said: "Okay, I'm going to trouble the fat tiger in the future, you cover me, thank you." "

"It's okay!"

The fat tiger scratched his head and laughed again, seemingly enjoying the feeling of being thanked.

Shizuka next to her also said hello to Shiraishi.

Compared with Fat Tiger and Xiaofu, Shizuka, a girl, seems to feel the charm of Shiraishi more, she is so handsome at a young age, just looking at it makes her face blush.

Only Xiaofu didn't seem to have a very good impression of Shiraishi, and kept looking at Shiraishi with an inspecting gaze.

Everyone came to the vacant building pipe and sat down.

Because Shiraishi is a new friend, everyone's conversation is focused on Shiraishi.

For example, ask how old you are, where you came from, what do you like, what are your hobbies....

Fat Tiger behaves very normally in front of his new friends, and he also has the feeling of a small group big brother.

Because of the matter involving his cousin, Nobita is also active.

Although Shizuka is a lady, she will echo from time to time, and her presence is also very full.

Not to mention Doraemon.

Only Xiaofu was carrying a backpack and did not speak from beginning to end, no, not not not speaking, but said a few words and kept trying to divert the topic from Shiraishi, but everyone ignored him.

"You... You guys..."

Xiaofu clenched his fists, looking at them who were chatting very happily, he suddenly clenched his fists, the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he was, and finally he couldn't help shouting, "You guys are too much!" "

Then, under everyone's confused expressions, they cried and ran away.

"Xiaofu, what's going on?"

Shizuka wondered.

"I don't know, this kid suddenly has a madness."

The fat tiger scratched his head, and his heart was full of doubts.

"Xiaofu, this guy, must feel that his limelight has been stolen by his cousin, so he is uncomfortable in his heart."

Nobita snorted in disdain, and I have to say that sometimes his intuition is very accurate.

Xiaofu had returned home at this time, took out his new remote control car from his backpack, and cried.

Originally prepared for this latest remote control car, Xiaofu was ready to pretend, but he did not expect that the limelight was stolen.

While everyone was talking about Shiraishi, Xiaofu kept talking next to him, trying to get everyone's attention to turn to him.

But it didn't work.

And then....

I cried with grievances.

A child is a child after all.

Xiaofu didn't know to think about it.

Everyone was chatting with Shiraishi.

You're alone there, hinting that a new remote-controlled car has just recently hit the shelves and went on sale.

People didn't ignore you, and it's already good that you're perfunctory.

"It's all to blame for that white stone! Wrong! It's all to blame Nobita! I have to find a cousin to come and fight me! That's right, Nobita! It's all Nobita's fault! "


Xiaofu, do you want to listen to what you are saying!

This is the moment.

Everyone on the other side also analyzed the reason why Xiaofu was aggrieved and ran away from the clues just now.

Fat Tiger said speechlessly: "That little man, it really is, it's too stingy, where is it important to have new friends in a remote control car, do you say, cousin Shiraishi." "


Shiraishi nodded approvingly, this kind of friendship in elementary school, where can a remote control car compare?

Of course, he also knows that Xiaofu actually pays more attention to friendship, but his performance is not so obvious....

Everyone is a schoolboy, who can detect it, only think that he is vain.

"Xiaofu is too much like this, and he doesn't give face to Cousin Shiraishi at all."

Even Shizuka, a lady who usually doesn't like to lose her temper, is a little angry.

Not to mention Nobita and Doraemon, they were already angry.

"It's just a broken remote control car! How can it be compared to Cousin Xiaobai! It's hilarious! "

Nobi Daio hummed, and then looked at Doraemon, "Doraemon, you must be able to come up with something more fun and cool than that remote control car, right!" "

"Of course."

Being watched by everyone's gaze, Doraemon coughed dryly, and then proudly put his hand into his four-dimensional treasure bag...


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 6

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