
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 7

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 7


"Of course!"

Doraemon pulled out a treasure bag in the fourth dimension, directly took out a huge prop, and slammed it on the ground: "Dangdangdang!" Remote control simulation car! "

"Wow! What is this? Doraemon! "

Fat Tiger and Nobita's eyes lit up instantly, constantly hovering near this remote-controlled simulation car.

To say that the composition of this instrument is also very simple.

The front half is wrapped in a huge screen, while in the middle is what looks like a car.

When Shiraishi saw this prop, he couldn't help but think in his heart: "Isn't this those simulated racing cars in the game hall in the previous life?" "

He looked at it a few more times and was more certain.

Well! That's right!

"Dangdangdang! And RC cars! "

Doraemon took out a remote control car from the treasure bag and put it on the ground, and explained while putting it down: "This is a remote control simulation car, as long as you sit on it, you can control the action of the remote control car, I will give you a try." "

Saying that, Doraemon sat on the remote control simulation car and began to ignite.

'Buzz! ’

The air wave of the remote control car seems so real, there is no feeling of the remote control car at all.

The real vibration also pierced the prop car.

Doraemon stepped on the gas pedal and started drag racing in the clearing here.

"Woo! Alack! "

Every drift, most of the vibrations, changes in drift, can be transmitted to Doraemon by relying on the prop car sitting under the ass.

After some demonstration, Doraemon finally ended with a handsome tail flick, jumped off the prop car, patted the car, and said with a proud smile: "How is it?" Cousin Shiraishi! "


Shiraishi gave Doraemon face very much, and he was a little itchy in his hands.

Not to mention Fat Tiger and Nobita.

Even Shizuka was a little excited.

Just kidding, isn't this cooler than some remote control car? Real senses! It's like actually driving!

"I'll come first, I'll come first!"

Ignoring Fat Tiger's murderous look.

Nobita Nobita rushed straight to the seat and began to race wildly.

This kind of experience like driving a real car simply made him crazy with excitement, and the strange screams of whining kept ringing.

Doraemon stood aside, smiling with her aunt, and looked at Nobita.


Nobita played for a while, and then was dragged down by the fat tiger, "It's up to me!" Male! "

"Aha! Watch me super big tail flick! Drag racing! Alack! "

Under the control of the fat tiger, the remote control car passes through the grass and through small puddles, and in the picture, it is like passing through the jungle, and from time to time you can see one or two huge bugs.

The fat tiger who felt the stimulation of pushing his back screamed.

The white stones that looked at it were really itchy.

Although it seems to look really similar to driving, the real experience is obviously more fun than driving.

The first is that you don't need to pay attention to the crash at all, and driving a small remote control car through, just like in the country of Lilliput, the sense of adventure and drag racing together, think about it is super fun!

"I kind of want to play."

It seems that because his body has become smaller, Shiraishi's childlike heart, which has long been lost, has gradually returned.

However, the fat tiger sat up, and Shiraishi was not good to drag him down.

However, Shiraishi seems to have overestimated the usual fat tiger.

Shizuka looked through it.

Nobita and Doraemon sat on the side and looked at the fat tiger.

Time passes slowly.

Everyone went from being excited at the beginning, waiting to play again, to sitting on the pipe.

"It's my turn, too."

Shiraishi slowly stood up from the pipe and prepared to walk to Fat Tiger.

"Cousin! Wait a minute! He's a fat tiger! "

Nobita's pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly went to grab Shiraishi, and even Doraemon was persuading Shiraishi, "Cousin Shiraishi, it's okay, we can play after we go home." "


Shiraishi shook his head decisively, "As a little friend, no one can directly take away the play time of a toy, not even a fat tiger, and Shizuka is always waiting by the side." "

When he watched Fat Tiger keep playing.

I know that the bad character of this product has been committed.

It is like to seize everything you like.

Shizuka glanced at Shiraishi with emotion, she didn't really like this feeling of drag racing so much, but such a toy, even she wanted to experience it.

But who knew that the fat tiger would be directly until noon.

I was a little disappointed.

Originally, I wanted Nobita, Doraemon, and Fat Tiger to say.

But it seems that it is impossible to say.

As soon as she heard that Shiraishi was actually coming out for herself, Shizuka was immediately moved

"But, this is a fat tiger...!"

Nobita wanted to say something more.

But Doraemon understood what Shiraishi meant, and even Xiao Yuan's hand stopped Nobita, looking at Shiraishi firmly, looking like a strong man who was cold and cold, "Hmm! Little white cousin, you are right! I see what you mean! This really can't happen! There you go, I Doraemon supports you! "

"Huh?! Doraemon! "


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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 7

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