
Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 8

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 8


Nobita was stunned.

How can Doraemon fool around with her cousin! That's a fat tiger!

But Doraemon's gaze was still resolute at Shiraishi.

It has been decided that if Fat Tiger dares to make a move, then he will definitely help Shiraishi!


Shiraishi nodded, and then said with a smile: "It may not happen that you think." "

Saying that, Bai Shi walked directly to the fat tiger, looked at the fat tiger, and said lightly: "Fat tiger, it's my turn, also, you have played this round for a long time, don't play the next round, wait for the third round." "

"Huh? What are you doing, Shiraishi! "

The fat tiger was disturbed by the white stone, and the remote control car slammed into the wall in front, and the real feeling suddenly made the fat tiger's brain buzz.

His head turned and he looked at Shiraishi viciously.

"Fat Tiger, do you know that your behavior like this is very annoying."

Shiraishi didn't care about the fat tiger's eyes, he was an adult in his previous life, so he wouldn't be scared by a child.

"Hey! What are you talking about! "

Fat Tiger grabbed Shiraishi's left arm with his right hand, as if he wanted to make a move.

Doraemon in the back has already inserted his hand into the four-dimensional treasure bag.

As for Nobita, although he is very intimidated, he is also ready to rush up to fight with the fat tiger.

Just now, his mouth was very scared, but in fact, Nobita was still towards Shiraishi, and he also felt that Shiraishi was right.

Besides, he's his own cousin!

How could he let his cousin be bullied by the fat tiger on the first day he came here?!

Nobita's eyes gradually became resolute, and he grabbed Doraemon's small hand, ready to rush forward at any time.

Shizuka clasped her hands in front of her chest, looking at Shiraishi very worriedly, wanting to speak, let Shiraishi forget it, and it was okay to play later.



Shiraishi also noticed their movements, and he was very relieved in his heart, at least there is no such situation that I stand out for you, and you don't dare to put a fart.

"It's okay, you don't have to come up, I'm going to reason with Fat Tiger."

Shiraishi first stretched out his right hand to stop them, and then gently grabbed the fat hand that the fat tiger grabbed on his right arm.

With a force that was not heavy, but extremely stable, he abruptly broke the fat tiger's hand apart.

Will he be afraid of fat tigers?


As a child, Fat Tiger is not as strong as an adult.

And after a day of sunbathing, his strength is strong, and pinching a fat tiger can be like pinching a chick.

"Hey! Shiraishi! Are you provoking me?! "

The fat tiger watched his hand being broken, and he was already angry, his face turned red, and he rolled up his sleeves and wanted to beat Bai Shi.

He is already arrogant around here.

Never met anyone who dared to rebel against him.

Now that one suddenly came out, Fat Tiger felt that the majesty of his child King was offended.

"Provocation? It's not. "

Shiraishi spread his hands innocently and said, "I just want to reason with you." "

He took a gentle step forward, and then his hand slapped heavily on Fat Tiger's shoulder a few times, and then gently pressed it, and a red light flashed in his eyes, "You said what I just said was right?" Fat Tiger? Should it be my turn? "

Fat Tiger was tempted to say no.

But he was suddenly surprised to find that the place where he was held by Bai Shi could no longer move, and a piercing cold breath rushed up to the Heavenly Spirit Cover, and suddenly he trembled, looking at Bai Shi with fearful eyes.

"Moreover, you have been playing for a long time just now, which is equivalent to playing the second round, and it is normal to wait until the third round is playing."

"Do you say I have a point, Fat Tiger."

Shiraishi gently brought his head closer to the fat tiger and looked at him.

The tone of speech is normal, but the fat tiger feels that the magic sound is in his ears, and he wants to run but can't run away, and is caught by Shiraishi deadly.

“...... Right! Right! You're right..."

The fat tiger lost his mind for a moment.

Shiraishi smiled and patted Fat Tiger's shoulder with satisfaction, "Okay, Fat Tiger, you sit aside." "

"Hmm... Well..."

Right under the incredible gaze of the friends.

The fat tiger walked to the side of the pipe and sat down, his eyes were dull, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

"Yay! Cousin! "

Nobita looked at this scene with great excitement, and directly rushed up and hugged Shiraishi.

"Cousin, you are too powerful!"

Doraemon looked at Shiraishi with adoration, "Obviously a cousin, but much more powerful than Nobita!" "

Shizuka also nodded next to her.

Shiraishi's performance just now was too much in line with her heart.

There was no rough action, just using words to invite the fat tiger aside.

"What Doraemon!"

Nobita Nobita said dissatisfied: "In the future, I can also reason with Fat Tiger like my cousin!" "

"If you are as reasonable with Fat Tiger as I am, Fat Tiger will definitely give you a fist back."

Shiraishi burst out laughing, pushing Nobita away like a little adult, and this kid held him a little panicked.

It wasn't as calm as it seemed.

If the little fat tiger really dares to make a move, the arm that grabbed the fat tiger's shoulder will directly give him an over-the-shoulder throw.

Sometimes, the bear child just wants to be beaten!

Reason? For Fat Tiger, fists are the truth.

If the fist is not hard enough, Fat Tiger will definitely let you know what is called the iron fist of the child king.

"Come on, Shizuka, you go up and experience it first."


(Just woke up today, try to give everyone a codeword, and the update will be arranged for you at night.) )

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Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique

Doraemon: Starting from Obtaining Superhuman Physique - Chapter 8

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