
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 119

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 119
Now Musashi Kojiro has a single difficulty, the boss gave him the task, it is not good to say it.

But it's really dangerous here, and I just saw a murderous elf.

If you don't run fast, you will be caught.

Thinking of this, Kojiro gave Musashi a look, turned his head to look at Ye Feng and said

, "Let's discuss it with the two of us, and I'll talk to you later."

"Huh? Ah, the two of us will be back soon. The

two men hurriedly ran to the side and muttered softly.

Musashi: "Do you really want to say it?" Boss Sakaki said that this time is very important, alas.

Kojiro: "But Mewtwo is also very cruel, his elves are also fierce, let's two little lives..."

Musashi: "How about we ask Ye Feng first?" If it's different from us.

Kojiro: "I think it's okay."

After the two finished speaking, they walked towards Ye Feng's side.

"We discussed it."

"In order to avoid a dispute between us and the same purpose, I want to ask your purpose."

Hearing this

, Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, and looked Musashi Kojiro up and down.

"Are you stupid? Or am I stupid?

"It's not that I'm begging to join you, just go separately if you disagree."

"Okay, since you two can't say, I'll go first."

After that, Ye Feng left without looking back.

I didn't have anything to do this time, and my only purpose was to find Sherabi.

As for whether it can be met, this is casual, and I don't plan to see it.

And Musashi Kojiro in the back was stunned.

"Yes, we begged this Ye Feng to go together."

"What now?"

"Catch up! Those who are dead will follow!

"Then don't go quickly!"

Two people with a meow followed behind Ye Feng.

They have always been close and close, but they can see each other at a distance.

Ye Feng in front naturally knew the people following behind.

After walking for a distance, Ye Feng stopped and turned his head to look at Musashi Kojiro and the two.

"If you want to leave, follow generously, you two are doing the same as thieves."

"Okay, let's keep up!"

Musashi Kojiro and the two quickly ran to Ye Feng's side and looked around.

Ye Feng didn't care so much, just kept walking towards the forest.

Suddenly! The originally endless forest has an extra clearing, and there is a cave in the center.

Musashi Kojiro glanced at each other and ran directly towards the cave.

Ye Feng shook his head helplessly, and just wanted to enter but was stopped by King Feng.

"I suggest you don't go in now, wait a while, there will be a good show to watch."

Hearing this, Ye Feng looked at the Phoenix King who suddenly popped out, and a trace of surprise flashed under his eyes.

"When did you come out? How is there no sound at all.

"Not only did I come out, but the dream also came out."

Speaking of this, Dream ran out of nowhere, lying on Ye Feng's shoulder.

"The two of us didn't feel right, so we came out quickly."

"Dreamy feels familiar here."

"I just simply felt that there was danger here, and I was worried that something would happen to you."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and touched King Feng's head affectionately.

"Sure enough, we are good brothers, I will grasp the matter of finding you a partner."

"Ahem, of course this is not the most important thing, the important thing is that you said that the cave is dangerous?"

Hearing the second half of the words, King Feng straightened his expression, looked at the cave and explained:

"I feel a strong force inside, and it is very likely that I will not be able to defeat it."

"Dreams are also in this location to feel a familiar atmosphere."

Not long after King Feng finished speaking, he saw two black shadows flying out of the cave and directly dropped at Ye Feng's feet.

"Musashi? Kojiro?

"What happened to you two, just thrown out?"

"What's going on inside?"

Hearing this, Musashi Kojiro thought of it, and his eyes widened instantly.

"It's scary inside."

"A large group of elves is different from what we usually see."

"It's gorgeous inside, though."

"Before we could take a look at it, it was suddenly thrown out."

Hearing this, Ye Feng directly dragged the two of them to the side to rest.

And Ye Feng himself also found an open space and sat down.

The dream feels familiar breath, different from the elves outside, and the inside is gorgeous.

All that can do all this is Mewtwo.

It's not really a place to live in Mewtwo, is it?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng quickly pulled up Musashi Kojiro and said,

"Do you two want to survive?"

"If you want to live, hurry up, you two enter Mewtwo's house, and it's okay to be thrown out."


Musashi Kojiro's eyes widened instantly, and he looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.


"Really Mewtwo? The boss's mission can be completed! Hearing

this, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the two people with a funny face.

"So? Are you here to help your boss find Mewtwo?

"Now that the mission is complete, are you two leaving?"

"yes." Musashi nodded, then shook his head in response.

"It's not!"

"We don't know how to leave, we still have to follow you."

"Musashi is right, neither of us knows how to go back."


Feng looked helplessly at Musashi Kojiro and the two.

"I really don't have anything to do, I just came to hang out, just to find out if there are any divine beasts."

"You really don't have to follow me, if only you could go back and go back quickly."

After speaking, Ye Feng casually dropped two bottles of potions and some food.

"Don't eat indiscriminately, you don't know if you're drugged."

"That medicine is a painkiller, you two should be fine."

"Let's take a look when I go back to the hospital, since there is nothing to do, then I will leave first."

After explaining, Ye Feng just wanted to turn around and leave, but saw a little elf appear in front of him.

After looking around, Ye Feng couldn't help but exclaim,


I thought I was going to look for a while, but I didn't expect to turn around and see Sherabi.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, come with me quickly."

And Musashi and Kojiro instantly stopped hurting after hearing what Ye Feng said.

Sherabi is a phantom beast!

This time the task is completed, after catching a phantom beast, the boss will definitely give a promotion at that time!

So that the home of the sewer can be moved to it.

Kojiro also had this idea, and after glancing at Musashi, he stood up and looked at Ye Feng.

"Where are we going next!"

"If the boss picks up the two of us, you can also go back together."

"How else would you do?" As he spoke, Musashi poked Kojiro.

"Yes, let's go together!"

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 119

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