
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 123

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 123
"Huh? Bay. Matori walked out of the office with a confused look.

I couldn't understand what Boss Sakaki was thinking.

Suddenly going to give those two idiots a raise? The last time he raised his salary was a year ago.

"The boss has been getting more and more inexplicable lately."

Although the real bird muttered so much, his body still walked in the direction of finance.


On the other side, Sakaki walked in the direction of the hospital after leaving the base of Team Wazaku.

I bought some fruits, milk and the like.

When he arrived at the hospital, he learned that Kojiro had gone home, and he rushed to Kojiro's house.

"Boss Sakaki?!"

Kojiro saw Sakaki coming over, and he looked surprised.

There was no major incident, and it would not have let Boss Sakaki come over in person.

"It's okay now, I'll come over to see how Musashi is doing, your mission this time..." Hearing this

, Kojiro took the things in Sakaki's hand and explained casually:

"Musashi is okay now, it's no big deal."

"Musashi and I also saw it on that island, and there are indeed traces of Mewtwo."

"But the two of us didn't meet Mewtwo."

Hearing this, a bright light flashed under Sakaki's eyes, forcing down the excitement in his heart.

After Mewtwo escaped before, he has been looking for traces of Mewtwo.

If it weren't for Mewtwo's departure, he wouldn't have left the power of those wastes.

But...... Now that it has begun, having Mewtwo is undoubtedly an extra help.

Thinking of this, Sakaki was in a good mood, looked at Kojiro and said,

"You guys will start raising your salary next month."

"This is also a reward for you, and there is another thing I want to ask."

"What's going on between you and Ye Feng?"

Hearing this, Kojiro scratched his hair and looked at Sakaki with an embarrassed look that he was talking nonsense.

"At that time, it was Ye Feng who saved the two of us."

"If it weren't for Ye Feng's presence, the two of us might not have come back."

"At that time, Musashi's situation could only find a hospital nearby, so I bought a house by the way."

"As for the relationship... There is nothing else to do with it.

Sakaki looked at Kojiro suspiciously, and Kojiro, who had been watching him, felt hairy in his heart.

How do I feel that something is wrong with Kojiro, and I can't tell what is wrong.

"Nothing, I'm just asking."

"Since there is nothing wrong with Musashi, then I will go back first."

"Boss, I'll send you." Kojiro stood up, Sakaki waved his hand, turned and strode away.


After watching Sakaki walk away, Kojiro breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Boss Sakaki really came, and if he hadn't reacted quickly, he would have been exposed.

Thinking of this, Kojiro was just about to go out to find Ye Feng, but he took it back the moment he touched the doorknob.

According to the habit of Boss Sakaki.

This time is definitely not as simple as coming to see Musashi, there must be something.

Since he didn't say it, then he should doubt himself.

Then this situation can't go out, if you look for Ye Feng, it will really be exposed.

Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Ye Feng.

[Sakaki came to me, I didn't say, but I felt that Sakaki already suspected me.

Looking at the message sent by Kojiro, Ye Feng typed and replied casually:

[Don't worry, I'll talk about it at night.] Sakaki

learned the news really quickly, and how long had it been since he returned.

Now that Kojiro is approaching, he must be suspicious of the situation between them.

Sure enough, it was Sakaki, and he was really cautious enough.



Ye Feng counted the time and came to Kojiro's house.

"You're finally here."

"What now? Sakaki must have learned something when he came over today. Hearing

this, Ye Feng pressed down the emotional Kojiro and said indifferently:

"You know? Message? Do you know any news?

"You don't know anything, it's just better for us to have a simple relationship."

"Musashi's side you also find a way, don't say leak your mouth, if I guessed correctly, Sakaki will be staring at you recently."

"As long as there is nothing abnormal during this time, Sakaki will naturally let down his vigilance."

"Also, you must forget about that."

Hearing this, Kojiro nodded, and his heart was completely panicked.

When have you experienced such a horrible thing.

To go undercover under Sakaki's nose is simply something that I didn't dare to think about before.

And Kojiro's reaction, Ye Feng took it all under his eyes.

"Do you like Musashi?"

Ye Feng said coldly, and Kojiro was instantly stunned.


"That doesn't seem to be the same thing, does it? Let's not say..." "

If you like Musashi, hurry up and chase it!" Ye Feng continued the topic just now and said.

For fear of entanglement with this problem, Kojiro directly dreamed of this matter at night.

"Ye Feng, don't joke."

"Who would like that tigress in Musashi, it's just so ferocious."

Hearing this, Ye Feng raised his eyebrows and browsed the blind date website in front of Kojiro.

"Since you don't like Musashi, then I'll look here to find out if there is one suitable for Musashi."

"After all, Musashi is also not small, and he should find an object."


Kojiro's eyes widened instantly, and he directly snatched Ye Feng's mobile phone.

After waiting for the reaction, I saw Ye Feng looking at himself ambiguously and smiling.

"Do you like it?"

"We are both men, I can naturally see your thoughts."

"I, I didn't!" Kojiro subconsciously retorted.

Would you like Musashi?

Impossible, absolutely impossible! Musashi, this tigress, will never like it in her life.

Kojiro constantly gives himself psychological hints and tries to brainwash himself.

Seeing this, Ye Feng stood up and snatched back his mobile phone.

"Since you don't like it, then you can't hinder me from finding a partner for Musashi."

"You also know in the future, do you bear that Musashi will not be taken care of by then?"

"I can!" Kojiro retorted.

"You're just friends, and you can't be like lovers, you still have to find a boyfriend for Musashi."

"Then I'll be her boyfriend!"

After Kojiro finished speaking, he quickly covered his mouth and looked at Ye Feng with an embarrassed expression.

What's going on?

How to talk without going through the brain, simply don't be too embarrassed.

"Okay, if you like it, admit it, as far as I know, Musashi seems to like you too?"


"Really, be bold and chase, and I'm helping you with the rest."

Seeing that Kojiro began to seriously consider this matter, Ye Feng was relieved in his heart.

If Kojiro was struggling with that, sooner or later he would let Sakaki know.

At that time, it will be really difficult to do.

"I'll think about it again, it's not early, I'll send you back."

Kojiro said, not even daring to look at Ye Feng, and sent Ye Feng away with a red face.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 123

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