
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 124

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 124
A week later.

There has been nothing to do recently, Ye Feng stays at home and trains elves occasionally.

Sherabi also left.

Counting the days, Musashi was discharged from the hospital today, and Ye Feng went to the hospital with the prepared fruit.

Just as I was about to go out, I heard a knock on the door, and when I opened the door, it was Musashi and Kojiro.


"Wasn't he discharged today? I'm going to go over and see Musashi." Hearing

this, Kojiro smiled.

"Haha, Musashi is not used to staying in the hospital, so we were discharged a little earlier."

"Almost recovered, just come and see you."

"In this way..." Ye Feng nodded, turned his head and handed the things in his hand to the two of them.

"In that case, it is also convenient."

"Just as you take it back, I'm about to go out."

Musashi Kojiro and the two still wanted to refuse, but they were directly stopped by Ye Feng.

"A heart."

"Just take it, I'm going out recently, and I'm going to trouble you to help me look at the house."

Ye Feng said so, and Musashi Kojiro and the two had no excuse to resign.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, I returned home with my things.

And Ye Feng also went home to simply pack up his things, went out to stop the car and went to Dead Leaf City.

The ticket given by Dr. Sakuragi for the World Championships is three days away.

Today's departure time is just right.

After arriving at Dr. Sakuragi's house, Xiaozhi Xiaohao and the two of them also packed up and were waiting for Ye Feng.

A few people didn't say much and rushed directly towards the golden airport.

The ticket was naturally prepared by Dr. Sakuragi.


"Look at it! There are elves outside who have not been recorded in the book!

Xiao Hao sat inside and pointed outside excitedly.

Hearing this, Ash was also attracted and quickly looked out the window.

"Brother Ye Feng, do you know what kind of elf it is?"

Originally, Ye Feng was not interested in this, but just glanced out the window.

I was also stunned the moment I saw it.

The body has an unknown substance, emits red light, and the entire body is spliced together by bones.

"It should be Wuji Tianna."

"Wuji Tianna?!" Xiao Zhi and Xiao Hao exclaimed together.

"Isn't that the legendary elf? Will it really appear in front of you? "

Yes, Brother Ye Feng, did you admit that you were mistaken?" Ash echoed.

I really can't believe that Wuji Tiana will appear in front of my eyes.

"See an unknown substance emitting red light on him?"

"Do you know about the extreme giants unique to the Galar region?"

"If you still don't understand, go back and look at the history of the Galar region."

Hearing this, Ash couldn't help but pout.

It's really annoying to read books or something, anyway, Brother Ye Feng is a mobile encyclopedia.

Xiao Hao also smiled awkwardly and did not continue.

I hate why I didn't study well, otherwise I would have been able to pretend to be a little now.

Several people had different thoughts, only Ye Feng didn't think so much, leaned on the stool and slept.


Half an hour later, the plane stopped at Miyamen Airport.

After Ye Feng and his party got off the plane, they rushed towards the direction of the hotel.

It's good that I booked the hotel in advance, otherwise the three of them would be living on the street now.

Because of the recent World Championships, people from many areas have come over, and it is naturally difficult to book hotels.

What Ye Feng ordered was the hotel closest to the venue.

Through the window, you can also see the venue of the game.

After several people registered, on the way back to the room, they happened to bump into Adu.

Ah Du was also stunned when he saw the three people.

Needless to say, Ye Feng was very familiar, and Xiao Zhi next to him knew him.

Only the child who was a little black didn't have much impression of himself.

"King Adu? Such a coincidence? Ash spoke.

Hearing this, Ah Du chuckled and looked around at Xiao Zhi and Ye Feng.

"Haha, it's quite a coincidence, you guys came to see the game, right?"

"So I didn't say it in advance, let's come together."

"And this is..." Ah Du looked at Xiao Hao, thinking for a long time and not remembering who this person was.

A little famous, or a good trainer knows it himself.

Maybe this kid is a rookie trainer.

"Hello Adu Heavenly King, my name is Xiaohao, and I am a friend of the two of them."

"I also participated in the league competition some time ago."

Ah Du nodded, still trying to recall, but it was useless.

There were a lot of people competing at that time.

In addition, he has been paying attention to Ye Feng's competition area, and he really doesn't care much about other players.

"Ahem, then you're in that division."

"Division 1, but I didn't challenge the back in the end and left early."

Xiao Hao scratched his head a little embarrassed, not wanting to continue this topic.

And Adu, too, did not continue to say anything.

"It's not early now, you guys go over and rest first, I just have to go to find the Dan Emperor."

"Goodbye King Adu."

After saying goodbye to Adu, several people returned to their rooms.

And the moment Xiao Hao returned to the room, he dropped his backpack and quickly looked up the news about Wuji Tianna.

There is not much news about Wuji Tiana on the Internet.

But it was enough to make Xiao Hao's heart move.

Since there is no way to subdue the dream, other powerful divine beasts are not impossible.

And Xiao Hao's various fantasies in the room, Ye Feng's side has already run into the divine beast space.

The Phoenix King stayed on the plane tree as always.

As for the three holy beasts, the Water Monarch came out and rubbed towards Ye Feng affectionately.

"How? Ready to be my elf? Hearing

this, Shui Jun glanced in the direction of the other two and shook his head.

"You better get the two of them first."

The last time I pitted the two of them, I was chased and beaten for days.

One against two has no chance of winning.

Moreover, last time I promised the two of them that they would definitely not give in first.

If I do it again, I will be beaten again.

Thinking of this

, Shui Jun left without looking back, leaving Ye Feng alone in place.

"You don't need to be in a hurry, the other two are hard-mouthed."

"I have long wanted to be your elf, but I just can't pull my face all the time."

As soon as the words fell, Emperor Yan rushed out directly from the volcano on the side.


"Who said it, absolutely impossible! This matter is not negotiable.

"It's okay to help deal with things, it's impossible to take over."

"It's too humiliating for our divine beast's face, this kind of thing is impossible!"

After Emperor Yan finished speaking, the entire space instantly became quiet.

And after Emperor Yan looked at the Phoenix King, he instantly felt that he had said the wrong thing.

Immediately ran away, King Feng just threw a cold eye and did nothing.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 124

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