
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 127

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 127
The stage has already finished a round of competition, and the next thing is the match between Adu and Dandi.

After a period of commercial blowing, Adu sent the red tyrannosaurus, and the Dan Emperor sent a fire-breathing dragon.

In the opening game, Charizard directly uses jet flame, while Tyrannosaurus destroys light.

At present, Charizard is still a little closer, and he has taken over the destruction and death of the tyrannosaurus.

After the destruction of the death light.

Charizard took advantage of the force of retreating, flew directly in the air, and used an air slash!

Ah Du commanded the Tyrannosaurus to perfectly dodge this skill.

The two sides are comparable, and the fight is very exciting.

"Ash, who do you say will win? I feel like Ado Tenno.

"The first two times it was obvious that the Dan Emperor couldn't beat Adu."

Ash shook his head and looked at the two elves in the arena, unable to tell for a moment who would win.

The strength of the Dan Emperor will not be very bad, and the first two always feel like a conspiracy.

"Not necessarily."

"I always feel that the Dan Emperor has a back hand, let's continue to watch."

Hearing this, Xiao Hao couldn't help but glance at Xiao Zhi, and his heart became ironic.

In terms of essential attributes, Adu's tyrannosaurus does not have an advantage.

But Ah Du can make the Dan Emperor suffer twice in his own hands, and it must be that the Dan Emperor can't beat it.

It's so obvious that it's not visible.

At this time, Ye Feng, who was originally leaning on the chair, spoke: "A Du can't win, the Dan Emperor still has a level."

"Brother Ye Feng, what did you say?" Xiao Hao couldn't believe Ye Feng's words at all.

How obvious this is.

The Dan Emperor failed both attacks, so he might still win Adu.

"You don't believe it? How about we bet on something?

"Forget it, you don't have anything worth betting on me and you."

Ye Feng waved his hand, no longer taking Xiao Hao to continue watching the game.

And after hearing Ye Feng say this, Xiao Zhi agreed very much.

"Brother Ye Feng, do you also suspect that the Dan Emperor has a backhand?"

Ye Feng shook his head, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's not doubt, it's just."

"Although I haven't fought against the Dan Emperor, I know that there must be a backhand."

"Strictly speaking, in fact, the difference in the strength of the champions in several regions is not very big."

"In this case, how can the Dan Emperor suffer losses twice in a row."

As soon as the words fell, a very loud exclamation instantly sounded in the venue.

Ye Feng and the others did not continue the discussion, and turned their gaze to the stage.

At this time, in the Tyrannosaurus close to Charizard, the lightning fist directly hit the Charizard perfectly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Hao was instantly stunned.

"How is it possible..." "

Charizard actually knows thunder and lightning fists

, this, this..." Compared to Xiao Hao's confusion, Xiao Zhi looked at Ye Feng excitedly.

"I guessed, the Dan Emperor really has a back hand!"

Seeing this, Ye Feng quickly pushed Xiao Zhi down and pointed to the competition venue.

"It's not over yet, keep watching."

"Yes, it's not over yet, the Dan Emperor hole card has come out, and the Adu Heavenly King is likely to have hole cards too!"

Xiao Hao could only comfort himself so much, constantly giving hints to his heart.

After another ten minutes, the game really ended, and it was no surprise that it was Dan Di who won in the end.

After --------------------

match, Ye Feng and the others left the venue.

Outside the field, Musashi Kojiro began to study an elf.

The gigantic transformation in the arena just now surprised them for a while, and now they began to study the elves outside.

I don't know what happened, but the elf suddenly began to grow larger and attacked Musashi Kojiro.

It's unfortunate.

Ye Feng, who had just come out, and the three people just caught up.

When Ash saw this scene, his eyes widened instantly, and he quickly commanded Pikachu when he reacted.

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

"Eagle. You are also on, use Yan Return! "

But the elves of the two of them, facing the huge elves, are completely inadequate.

It also angered the violent devouring ghost, and several cracks instantly smashed out on the ground.

Inside the rift, bursts of red light began to emanate, just wrapping Pikachu.

In an instant, Pikachu's size began to grow uncontrollably.

"Ash, don't be stunned!"

"Let Pikachu use the Iron Tail to repel the Tyrannosaur, and then use Super Thunder to hit the top."

Hearing this, Ash quickly nodded and commanded Pikachu to fight.

A super thunder shot down, and the violent devourer directly hit back the prototype.

This scene happened to be seen by the Dan Emperor and Adu who were driven out, and naturally they also saw the scene of Ye Feng teaching Xiaozhi.

The two people walked quickly to Ye Feng and the others, and the Dan Emperor looked at Xiao Zhi and Ye Feng and quickly thanked them.

"Thanks to you two."

"Your Pikachu is really different in strength, and the trainer next to him is also very good."

"I didn't mistake my name as Ye Feng, right?"

Before the two of them could speak, Ah Du stinked.

"Of course."

"Don't look at the trainers where, our trainers in the Kanto region are very good."

Dan Di smiled and automatically ignored Adu's words.

"You two solved the trouble, and I have nothing to thank you."

"Or I'll treat you two to dinner."

Before the words were finished, Dan Di noticed Xiao Hao next to him at this time, a little embarrassed.


I'm really sorry, I've been paying attention to these two just now, ignoring you."

"It just so happens that Adu is also there, so I'll invite you to dinner as the host."

The Dan Emperor said so, and Xiao Hao's face was better, but he didn't say anything.

"Dan Emperor Champion, I have something inconvenient..." As soon as Xiao Zhi said halfway, the security guard of the venue came over.

After taking a look at the damaged place, I couldn't help but feel painful.

"Several, I'm really sorry, you have to chat somewhere else."

"We're going to send someone to fix this place."

The Dan Emperor nodded, and left the venue with Ye Feng and his group, walking towards a nearby café.


On the way,

Dan Emperor looked at Xiao Zhi and remembered what Xiao Zhi had not finished saying just now.

"You just had something to say to me, right? Now it's convenient, you just say it.

"It's just that I want to challenge the Dan Emperor champion." Ash scratched his head in embarrassment.

If you compete officially, you should always challenge a lot of players.

It is possible to fight against the Dan Emperor.

And he couldn't stay here for long, so he could only ask cheekily.

"That's it?"

"It's very simple, after eating in a while, you come to the arena with me."

"I thought it was something."

After getting Dan Di's reply, Xiao Zhi's eyes instantly lit up, and he had already begun to look forward to the game for a while.

"By the way, I just brought a very large wristband with me, and I gave it to you."

After Ash accepted it, the group also came to the café.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 127

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