
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 129

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 129
After Ash finished checking the ticket, several people walked towards the airport.

Along the way, several people did not say much, until they reached the United People's area.

After that, he rushed again and came to the edge of the desert.

The temperature here is very high, and several people wearing thin short sleeves are hot, and the sweat is about to wet their clothes.

"It's so hot here, how did this desert pass?"

"I don't know, I'll go buy two bottles of ice water, Xiaohao, do you want to come together?"

"Okay, wait for me."

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Hao rushed towards the supermarket next to them, and Ye Feng found a shady place and sat down.



, he felt that someone was coming behind him, and Ye Feng just wanted to turn his head when he heard the voice of speaking.

"Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng turned his head and found that it was Shirona behind him, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Sister Hirona?"

"Why are you here? Have you dealt with everything before?

Shirona didn't say anything and sat directly next to Ye Feng.

"It's done, and it doesn't seem to be processed."

"The entrance to the Reverse World suddenly can't enter, and Chiri is still inside and hasn't come out."

"I don't know what's going on."

"Just in my free time, when I see the news here, I will come over."

"I didn't expect to meet you here."

If you can't enter the entrance of Tianguan Mountain, you can only find Dr. Akroman.

Since his last situation, I think Dr. Akroma should not let people in.

"By the way, you haven't said how you came here."

Ye Feng chuckled and explained

, "Like you, I haven't had anything to do lately, so I accompanied Ash on a trip."

At the same time, Ash and Xiao Hao also returned, stunned when they saw Hirona's champion.


Ash looked at the two bottles of water in his hand, and for a while he was a little troubled.

I didn't know that the champion of Hirona could actually be here, so I bought three bottles of water.

Seeing this, Ye Feng stood up and pulled out a bottle of water from Xiao Zhi's arms.

Unscrewed it and handed it to Hirona.

"You drink some water first, I see you sweat a lot."

Shirona pushed Ye Feng's hand back and said with a smile: "If you give it to me, then what do you drink?"

"I'll just buy it again, you drink mine first, it's really not okay, you can give it to me after you drink it."

Seeing Ye Feng say this, Shirona didn't push back, took the water in Ye Feng's hand and drank it.

After there was still half a bottle of water left, he struggled with whether to give it to Ye Feng.

Seeing that Shirona finished drinking, Ye Feng didn't say a word, directly took the water, and drank the remaining half bottle.

Hirona's face instantly turned red.

That bottle mouth still has his own lipstick print, Ye Feng drank it directly?

It's not an indirect kiss.

Compared to Shirona, Ye Feng didn't think so much, he was simply thirsty.

After drinking the water, Ye Feng threw the bottle in the trash can and looked at the desert in front of him.

It's so hot on the side, wouldn't it be even more unbearable to go inside?

Moreover, the temperature of this sand is not too low, and you can feel hot through the soles of your shoes.

"I wipe, it's so hot!"

Xiao Hao's shout instantly pulled back Ye Feng's thoughts.

After taking off his shoes, he saw that the soles of Xiao Hao's feet were red, and he was obviously not lightly burned.

"Haha~ Where did the silly child pop up."

"The temperature of this sand is so high that it can only be passed with a special skateboard."

"Walking like this, your feet can be burned."

"Use the flying genie to pull the skateboard, and you can pass."

After the female trainer finished speaking, she summoned her elf and left without looking back.

And after Xiao Hao knew how to pass, he directly pulled Xiao Zhi and left, regardless of the pain in his feet.

Once again, Ye Feng and Shirona were left.

"Ye Feng, that water... It has my lipstick print on it. Hearing

this, Ye Feng subconsciously wiped his mouth with his hand, and saw that there was a faint red color on it.

"I'm really sorry, I just wanted to remind you to come, but before you could say it, you finished drinking."

Ye Feng nodded, and looked at Shirona thoughtfully:

"No wonder."

"I said how can that bottle of water be sweeter than I usually drink."


Hirona didn't know what to say in an instant, and her face was about to drip blood.

"In other words, Sister Shirona, how about the two of us discuss something?"

Shirona nodded and waited for Ye Feng's next words.

And Ye Feng took out a delicate box from his backpack.

"Sister Hirona, I wanted to give it to you before, but I never found a chance."

"Take a look, is it appropriate to bring it?"

Hearing this, Shirona took the box in Ye Feng's hand and opened it carefully.

At the moment of opening, the white light is mixed with a little rainbow color.

When the light dimmed, inside was a pearl necklace.

"No, this is precious, you should quickly take it back."

Although I say that I also have a lot of jewelry, this pearl necklace is too valuable.

There are no flaws at all, and it still emits a colorful light under the sunlight.

This can be seen by even laymen that the price is expensive.

"Why did I take it back? I'm a big man with a necklace? It was originally bought for you.

"But it's too precious." Shirona shook her head and still rejected Ye Feng.

Seeing this, Ye Feng didn't say anything, picked up the necklace and brought it to Shirona.

"Just take it for you! It's really not okay, you can repay me.

"How to repay?" Hirona asked.

"How about being my girlfriend? Even if you don't accept the necklace, you want to give it to me.

As soon as the words fell, Hirona's face was even redder than just now, and she couldn't speak for a while.

When I saw Ye Feng for the first time, I appreciated this person who could rely on his family but relied on himself.

After that, he didn't have much idea until he saved himself from the reverse world.

After returning to the Shen'ao region, he asked himself, Ye Feng did not enter from Tianguan Mountain.

Other entrances enter, the danger is very great.

Coupled with the danger of reversing the world itself, this is likely to be Huangquan Road.

Ye Feng still chose to save himself.

At that time, although I was already a little moved, I didn't say it.


And Ye Feng saw that Shirona hadn't spoken yet, so he couldn't help but walk to Hirona's side and take Hirona's hand.

"How's it going?"

"If you don't speak, I'll acquiesce to you."

Hirona lowered her head and muttered softly with a red face.

"I, that... You give me some time, it's too sudden.

"I'm not ready."

He said so, but the hand held by Ye Feng still did not shake off.

Not far away,

Ash and the two people rushed over with skateboards.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 129

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