
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 130

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 130
"Let go first, they're all back." Shirona blushed and wanted to break free from Ye Feng's hand.

However, Ye Feng did not let go.

When Xiao Zhi and Xiao Hao came back, they were instantly stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

He glanced at Ye Feng, then at Shirona, and finally at the hand he was holding.

"Brother Ye Feng

, you are..." "Xiaozhi, are you stupid, isn't this just two people together?"

Hearing this, Ash's eyes lit up instantly.

"Then I shouldn't be called Hirona Champion, I should be called Hirona's sister-in-law!"

For Xiao Zhi's reaction, Ye Feng nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, don't talk about it."

"Since the skateboard has also been bought, don't waste time, hurry over."

While speaking

, Ye Feng summoned the fast dragon and tied one end of the rope to the skateboard, and the other end to the fast dragon.

After finishing it, Ye Feng turned his head to look at Shirona and said, "Come up, I'll control the fast dragon in front."

"I can do it myself." Hirona whispered.

I always feel a little weird, what if it's a little embarrassing?

"The girl has little strength and can't control the problem, so come to me."

Ye Feng directly took Shirona's hand and brought the skateboard.

Ash and the two of them were ready, and the group of Ian flew towards the ruins inside.

After -------------------

ten minutes, several people stopped in front of a stone tablet.

Xiao Zhi turned his head to look at Ye Feng and pointed to the words on the stone tablet.

"Do you know the words on this, Brother Ye Feng?

"I don't know." Ye Feng spread his hands and turned to look at Shirona.

At this time, Shirona was studying the above text, and Ye Feng did not bother.

And when Xiao Hao heard that Ye Feng had something that he didn't know, a smile instantly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As long as Ye Feng was present, he looked like a fool and didn't understand anything.

"I didn't expect that Brother Ye Feng also had things he didn't understand, I thought Brother Ye Feng knew everything."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a look of indifference: "Yes, I really don't understand."

"Where do I know this kind of writing?"

"This writing has been around for a lot older than me."

"Would you like to take a look?"

Ye Feng admitted directly, and Xiao Hao was a little overwhelmed now.

I originally thought that Ye Feng would still be embarrassed, why did he accept it generously?

Shouldn't all sorts of excuses be made?

This made Xiao Hao hold back what he didn't say in his heart.

"Ahem, I'll see it."

"Maybe I've seen this kind of writing in a book?"

Xiao Hao said, came to Hirona's side, and looked up at the stone slab.

As a result, after seeing the ghost drawing talisman on the stone wall, he was instantly stunned.

"This... What kind of text is this, and there is no record in the book. Hearing


, Shirona smiled, and then looked at Xiao Hao and explained.

"This kind of writing should have been written a long time ago, and it was recorded in the book."

"You haven't seen it, then it should be that you are not serious in reading, go back and flip through more books."

After Xiao Hao was ridiculed again, he learned to be smart, shut up and stopped talking.

"However, I don't know much about this kind of text, and I can parse a few words."

"There is no way to do the specific content, and I don't know much about it."


The man behind several people, after hearing Shirona's words, couldn't help but speak:

"If you can read a few words, that is enough to show that your knowledge is very good."

Several people turned their heads and saw a bearded man with a hat walking over.

There is also a candlelight spirit in the palm of the hand.

"Haha, I'm a little abrupt, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"Just call me bearded, the head of the investigation team, we specialize in stone tablets."

Just as the bearded man wanted to continue to say something, his subordinates hurried over.

"Commander, why are you here!"

"A new stone tablet has been found over there, so hurry up and take a look."

The bearded man nodded, turned his head to look at Ye Feng's group, and smiled.

"In this case, do you want to go together?"

Ye Feng and several people glanced at each other, and nodded when they saw that they had no opinion.

"If it doesn't disturb your work, I'll trouble Uncle Bearded to bring us." Ash said.

After seeing Ash so polite, the bearded man became even more favorable to the group.

Immediately led by the investigator, after arriving, there was a place similar to an underground passage.

"There are suspected ancient ruins here, and we haven't gone in to investigate."

"A few are outside..." Before

the investigator finished speaking, Xiao Hao rushed directly in.

Ancient ruins, which are likely to contain rare elves.

Adhering to the first-come, first-served sentence, Xiao Hao didn't think so much and rushed directly in.

When the investigators outside saw this scene, they instantly panicked.

There may be danger inside, so it will be life-threatening to enter!

Xiao Zhi also looked worried, and just turned his head and just wanted to ask Ye Feng to go in together, when he felt the temperature around him drop.

I saw Ye Feng with a cold face and looking at the entrance.

"Brother Ye Feng, you, you are... Aren't we going down to save Xiaohao?

"If you don't go, Ash, don't go down." Ye Feng responded indifferently.

I knew Xiao Hao's virtue before, but I didn't expect that this time he actually rushed in recklessly.

If you don't teach a lesson, you may be able to do something at that time.

However, Ye Feng did not make absolutes, and quietly released a dream.

Let the dream in, and if there is really a danger to life, it will pass.


And Xiao Zhi was yelled at by Ye Feng like this, and he didn't dare to say this kind of thing anymore.

In the impression, Brother Ye Feng has a good temper, and basically there will be no time to be angry.

This...... It seems that Xiao Hao really angered Brother Ye Feng.

But what if Xiao Hao is in danger, they are still outside.

"Ash, I know you want to save."

"I won't stop you, you can go down if you want, but I won't go down."

"Don't teach Xiao Hao a lesson, I really think that the world will revolve around him."

Shirona next to her didn't say anything, but she was also unhappy about Xiao Hao's matter.

Besides, if you do it yourself, you have to carry it yourself when something happens, and it has nothing to do with them.

"Brother Ye Feng, it's not right for Xiao Hao to do this, or we will teach a lesson by rescuing it."

"If you die inside..." Hearing

this, Ye Feng looked at Xiao Zhi with a cold face, and repeated what he had just said.

"Also, Xiao Hao can't die."

"But don't let him get hurt a little, I'm sorry for the elves I sent."

After hearing that Ye Feng's eldest brother sent out the elves, Xiao Zhi was relieved.

But I still couldn't stop looking inside.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 130

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