
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 136

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 136
Early the next morning, when Ye Feng opened her eyes, Shirona had already got up.

"Awake? Breakfast is brought downstairs, I've already eaten it, you eat first.

Ye Feng nodded in confusion, lifted the quilt and walked out of bed, and Shirona quickly covered her eyes.

"I'm dressed."

"I'll check the ticket later, and I'll buy things when I get somewhere, how do you think?"

"No, let's just let the elves fly over."

Hearing this, Ye Feng remembered that as a regional champion, it seemed that he could use the flying elves.

In this way, the elf hair always flies faster than the car.

"In that case, then I'll go wash up first."

After finishing it, the two of them simply ate a bite of breakfast and went to the front desk of the hotel to check out.

The girl at the front desk was still from last night, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that the two people had nothing to do.

Originally, she was not on duty in the morning, but she persevered for the sake of the idol.

"The deposit has been refunded to you, do you need our hotel to send a car to send you to the city center?"

"No thanks, it's troublesome." Ye Feng waved his hand, led Shirona and walked out of the hotel.

When she came out, Hirona summoned Pokkiss.

"If only you let the elves follow me, you shouldn't know the way."


Ye Feng summoned a fast dragon, and the two of them flew in the direction of Shenhe Town.


After arriving in Shenhe Town, Ye Feng went to the supermarket to buy a bunch of things and arrived home with Shirona.

After knocking on the door for a long time and seeing no response, Hirona took out the key and opened the door.

The room was empty.

"Grandma should be in the museum, put things down first."

"Let's go to the museum and find grandma."

After arriving at the museum, the staff saw that Shirona was coming, and quickly put down the work at hand.

"Hirona champion?"

"You're here to find the curator, she's out now, do you need me to call?"

Hearing this, Shirona waved her hand, signaling the staff to go first, and then turned to look at Ye Feng.

"This records the mythological history of our Shennoh region, do you want to look around?"

"Just in time for me to go find Grandma."

"Okay, you go first, I'll just look around myself." Ye Feng rubbed Shirona's head.

After Shirona left, Ye Feng looked towards the mural on the wall.

It is the spirit of the legend of the lake recorded above.

"Mom, what's on this?"

"Well, how about we let the staff explain it?"

A mother and daughter stood next to Ye Feng, also looking at the mural.

Seeing this, Ye Feng squatted down and looked at the little girl and smiled.

"Little sister, would you like my brother to tell you about it?"

"Okay! Can that brother hold me? I can't see it! Hearing

this, Ye Feng chuckled, picked up the little girl and walked in front of the Yukeshi elf.

"This elf is called Yukehi, and it is one of the legendary elves of the legendary lake."

It is rumored that Yuki brought "wisdom" to

humans, and "next to him, Emlido taught humans "feelings", and Yaknom gave humans "will". When

the little girl heard this, stars appeared in her eyes in an instant.

"Oh, big brother, where are they?"

"Do you have a mother too?" I was created by my mother. Hearing

this, Ye Feng faced such a naïve question, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Arceus counts their mother?

"It is rumored that the three of them were created by Arceus."

"Specifically, we don't know."

The little girl nodded as if she understood something, she couldn't understand such an esoteric question.

"Big brother, you let me down, you hold Xiaoxi like this, you are also tired."

Saying that, without waiting for Ye Feng to react, Xiao Xi kissed Ye Feng's face.

Xiaoxi's mother saw this scene next to her and couldn't help laughing.

After taking Xiao Xi, he looked at Ye Feng apologetically.

"I'm sorry."

"Xiaoxi likes handsome, it didn't bother you, did it?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng shook his head and reached out to pinch Xiaoxi's face affectionately.

"How so."

"Konishi is so cute, I like it too."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng squatted down and looked at Xiao Xi and continued:

"Is there anything else Xiao Xi wants to know?"

"Big brother happens to have some understanding of this aspect, so I can tell Xiaoxi."

Konishi shook his head and pointed his finger in the direction of the doorway.

"Big brother's girlfriend is here, I'm worried that Big Brother's girlfriend will be jealous."

"Konishi can listen to the explanation of the staff."

Hearing this, Ye Feng was surprised, and when he stood up, he saw Shirona looking at him with a smile.

There was also an older man next to him, presumably Shirona's grandmother, Dr. Mustard.

"Granddaughter, this is your boyfriend? It's a nice boy.

"But the rest is still going to be seen."

What happened just now, the two people all saw it.

Seeing Ye Feng's performance, Dr. Mustard Lan was still very satisfied.

There are not many young people who are willing to learn about these ancient histories now, and they are still patient with children.

"Grandma, don't say anything first, hurry over." Hirona blushed and pushed Dr. Mustard.

"You dead girl." Dr. Mustard nudged Hirona's head fondly.

At this time, Ye Feng also walked over.

"Hello Doctor, I'm Shirona's boyfriend Ye Feng."

"I came here without prior notice, and I asked the doctor for your understanding."

Dr. Mustard Lan nodded, just looked Ye Feng up and down, and snorted coldly.

"Do you want to marry my granddaughter?"

"At present, it seems to be qualified, let's go home with me for dinner first."

After speaking, Dr. Mustard Lan turned his head and left, leaving Ye Feng and Shirona confused.

Although he was still very satisfied with Ye Feng in his heart, he still couldn't show it.

After all, the first time we meet, I can pretend to be out.



Hirona laughed awkwardly twice, wondering how her grandmother, who was still smiling just now, suddenly changed her face.

"Grandma is actually quite good, I don't know how it suddenly became this reaction."

"Don't be stunned, let's go quickly."

Hearing this, Ye Feng returned to his senses, chuckled, pulled Shirona and left.

This little thing Ye Feng really didn't feel at ease, after all, this is to see the woman's parents, and this reaction is normal.

Moreover, there are some gaps in the social status of the two people, and the road to chasing a wife is still a little long....

Without further ado, the two returned to Hirona's house.

Sitting on the sofa, Ye Feng sat cramped on the side, looking at Shirona nervously.

Whether it is a past life or a present life, this is the first time to meet a parent, and it is strange that it is not nervous.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 136

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