
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 138

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 138
After the meal, Dr. Mustard returned to the museum, leaving Ye Feng and Shirona at home.

"By the way, what's going on with grandma."

"What did you two talk about, how did grandma treat you..."

Ye Feng put himself and Dr. Mustard Lan just now. Repeated it to Hirona.


"It's you!"

Shirona looked at Ye Feng in surprise.

Grandma also mentioned to herself before, saying that she had a doll.

Ask Grandma more if she doesn't want to say.

I just didn't expect that this person was actually Ye Feng!

Ye Feng raised his eyebrows, looked at Shirona and said

, "It's me, the object of your doll kiss is not me, are you still a little disappointed?"

"It's not."

"I don't believe it, unless you kiss me, this matter can't be turned over."

Ye Feng turned his head and waited for Shirona to kiss him.

A moment later, Shirona still didn't kiss, Ye Feng turned his head, and Hirona had already run away.


Ye Feng sighed helplessly, looked at the air in front of him and said loudly:

"Since someone is not willing to kiss it."

"Then I'll ask my parents if there are any other doll parents, I'll look for them."

"You dare!" Shirona appeared out of nowhere, staring at Ye Feng.

"I don't dare, then you kiss me."

"Why are you such a scoundrel, I'm cleaning up your room." Hirona said and turned around to leave.

Seeing this, Ye Feng quickly walked to Shirona's side and hugged him into his arms.

"Since you don't want to, then I'll kiss you."

As soon as the words fell,

Ye Feng kissed Shirona's face.

Before Shirona reacted, she quickly ran back to the sofa and looked at Hirona with a satisfied face.

"What a bummer." Hirona blushed, muttered a few words, and went to clean up the room.

Ye Feng didn't continue to do anything because Dr. Ohki's phone popped up.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Dr. Ohki laughed heartily.

"How did I hear Ah Du say, you are in love? And Hirona champion?

"When will you be back?"

"Look at what Hirona champion likes to eat, let's prepare in advance."

"And your house, renovate it another day."

"It's okay if you live by yourself, and the hero of Hirona must decorate it well if he wants to live."


. Ohki continued, and Ye Feng moved the phone away from his ear.

After the other end was almost finished, Ye Feng interjected.

"Dr. Ohki, we just confirmed the relationship, and I seem to be marrying my daughter-in-law after you're doing this."

"Yes, yes, messed up."

"You recently hurried back with the Hirona champion, I'll pick you up at the airport."

"Okay, I'll hang up first."

Dr. Ohki didn't have anything to do, so he hung up the phone, and the phone continued after that.

It's about the same on Shirona's side.


It was an hour before the phone quieted down between the two men.

"You too?"

"Yes." Ye Feng nodded helplessly.

Hirona also sat on the sofa decadently, looking at the ceiling with a desperate expression.

"Adu's big mouth, the whole world knows about it now."

"It's not a good thing you did." Ye Feng snorted coldly and pinched Shirona's face.

"Forget it, I'll beat up Ah Du when we meet."

"Do you want to go home with me tomorrow, Dr. Ohki just asked when I will take you back."

After hearing Ye Feng's words, Shirona instantly sat up straight.

"You said Dr. Ohki?"

Ye Feng's situation is more or less known, in addition to Dr. Ye and his wife, Dr. Ohki and Hanako can also be regarded as relatives.

So? See your parents tomorrow?

"Yes, if you are nervous, the day after tomorrow is okay."

Hearing this, Shirona raised her head arrogantly and looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

"Who said I'm nervous, I'm not like you!"

"Okay, your room is cleaned up, go to rest, I'll go find grandma."

After that, Hirona left without looking back

, Ye Feng chuckled, turned around and returned to the room that Hirona had prepared for herself.

Lay on the bed, play with the mobile phone for a while and rest.

I didn't rest well last night, that is, I slept for a while when the sky was dark.

Today is another day of tossing, the body really can't stand it.


A dreamless night.

Early the next morning, Ye Feng got up early.

When I walked out of the room, I saw Dr. Mustard busy before and after.

"Grandma, can you use me for help?"

Hearing this, Dr. Mustard shook his head and pointed to Shirona's room.

"No need, you go and wake up Hirona, what time is it, still sleeping."

"This..." Ye Feng glanced at Shirona's room.

Although I also slept in a bed, after all, there were elders present.

It always feels a little bad.

"What are you worried about, I asked you to call it."

"Every time I come home, I sleep in, and you take care of her."

Seeing that Dr. Mustard Lan said so, Ye Feng had no scruples, walked to the door of Shirona's room and knocked on the door.

A minute passed, and no one in the room opened the door.

"Xiao Feng, you go straight in, she never locks the door."


Ye Feng nodded and pushed open the door.

The moment the door opened, the scent of gardenia instantly poured into Ye Feng's nose.

I saw several pots of gardenias growing very well on the balcony.

And Hirona was covering the quilt, not noticing that someone had come in.

Ye Feng gently pulled away Shirona's quilt and whispered in his ear:

"It's dawn, it's time to get up."

"Hmm~" With a sigh, Hirona rolled over and continued to sleep.

Seeing this, Ye Feng shouted twice, but still did not wake up.

"Forget it, keep sleeping." Ye Feng muttered, and the stool next to him pulled over.

By the way, pick up the book on the bedside table.

This is a book about the history of Shinno, and there are many places marked by Hirona.

After just reading a few pages, Ye Feng put the book away.

Reading this kind of thing is still not suitable for me, I am afraid that I will end up lying on the bed and falling asleep with Shirona.

And Dr. Mustard Lan didn't see two people come out for a long time, so he couldn't help but go upstairs to see the situation.

Seeing Ye Feng sitting next to her, Shirona was still sleeping.

"Xiao Feng, you stand up first, I'll tell Shirona to get up."

Hearing this, Ye Feng quickly put the stool in place and gave the place to Dr. Mustard.

"Hirona, get up!"

"What time is it before you get up, go home and sleep in, and go to Kanto with Xiaofeng today."

"Hurry up and have breakfast!"

After Dr. Mustard shouted, Shirona sat up in a daze.

"It's only a few o'clock. No need to be so..." Before

he finished speaking, he saw Ye Feng standing next to him, and his face instantly turned red.

Seeing this, Ye Feng left the room very sensibly.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 138

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