
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 139

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 139
After eating, the two said goodbye to Dr. Wasozi and set off for the Kanto region.

On the way, I sent Dr. Ohki flight information.

After arriving, Dr. Ohki was already at the airport gate, and after receiving Ye Feng and Shirona, he set off towards Zhenxin Town.

On the way, Ash also came over and sat next to Dr. Ohki's co-pilot.

"Ash, you help me watch some news, it's really not good, you can help me reply."

Hearing this, Ash nodded.

"Doctor, Ah Du has sent you a message, saying that their four heavenly kings are ready to come."

"Now it's heading for True New Town."

"You help me go back first, let them arrive, just go to my house."

"Yes, Dr. Ohki."

Hearing this, Ye Feng and Shirona did not look very good.

How does this feel like falling in love, the whole world is so concerned.

Before he got home, Ye Feng was embarrassed to be able to cut out the three rooms and one hall with his feet, and Shirona was no better.

In this way, I finally arrived at Dr. Ohki's house.

In addition to the Four Heavenly Kings, even Dr. Sakuragi and Aunt Yoshino came over.

"Xiao Feng, you go and sit for a while first."

"I still have some things to do at the institute, I'll come over as soon as I'm done."

After being sent to Dr. Oki, Ash also went home.

Now Ye Feng and Shirona were left standing at the door, thinking about whether to push the door open.

Suddenly, the door opened.

Before the two people could react, Ah Du pulled directly into the room.

At this time, on the couch sat Konah, Shiba.

After the two people saw Ye Feng and Shirona, they laughed maliciously.

"Hirona, we are good sisters."

"Why don't I know if you are in love, or let Adu inform me."

Xiba and Ye Feng didn't have much contact, and they just smiled and sat on the sofa at this time.

"Konah, come here, I'll tell you how I know."

"You hurry up!"

Adu pulled Konah away, and now there is Hiba left on the sofa.

Unlike the others, Hiba watched the two men take out a gift.

"Mr. Ye Feng, although we didn't have much contact, I always paid attention to it when you were competing."

"I don't have anything to prepare, it's a gift for you to hold."

Hearing this, Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that Xiba had prepared a gift.

"King Heba, you are too polite, what a gift."

"Haha, it's just some gadgets."

And Adu and Konah also finished speaking, looking at Hirona with bad intentions.

"Alas, as your good sister, Hirona, you are really not interesting enough."

"You don't even know what I like to eat, and you don't even know to ask."

Hearing this, Shirona's face instantly turned red and she walked directly towards Kona.

Adu stopped Ye Feng here and raised his eyebrows.

"Kidnapped the hero of Hirona, you gave us rough men no dream lovers."

"Should you be responsible for this matter?"

"Hurry up and share how you pursued Shirona."

Seeing Ah Du say this, a smile appeared at the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, and he beckoned towards Ah Du.

"You come closer, I'll tell you."

Hearing Ye Feng say this, Ah Du instantly became interested and quickly walked next to Ye Feng.

And Ye Feng waited for A Du to come over, and directly gave A Du a popping chestnut.

"You big mouth."

"Why don't you do something serious, more gossip than a woman."


A circle of people were fighting, but Mother-in-law Juzi couldn't stand it anymore and walked out of the kitchen.

"Okay, don't make trouble, wait for dinner."

After that, Mother-in-law Kikuko returned to the kitchen and cooked with Hanako Yoshino.

Dr. Sakuragi and Dr. Ohgi are at the institute and have some things to do.

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Hao Xiaochun are cleaning up the house, and they will eat here in a while.

However, after Mother-in-law Juzi finished speaking, it was not so noisy.

Ye Feng also took advantage of his free time to send a message to Musashi Kojiro and the two.

【Is it in Zhenxinzhen?】 Come and have a meal, at Dr. Ohki's house.

Soon, Kojiro replied and headed towards Dr. Ohki's house.

When he arrived, Musashi also went over to help.

Kojiro sat restrained next to the sofa, and he didn't know that the four heavenly kings were there before he came.

They're Team Rockets, and it's a bit awkward to be in this atmosphere.

Still Ado saw that Kojiro was a little embarrassed and sat down next to Kojiro.

"There is no king of the alliance today, and there is no you rocket team."

"Let's just come to celebrate Ye Feng and Shirona together, don't think so much."

The other two also nodded and echoed Adu.

And Hirona still has some good feelings for Musashi Kojiro, and when Lokia was before, the two helped.

Similarly, Ado also had an idea with Hirona.

In that case, the two of them changed a lot to Musashi Kojiro.

Slowly, Kojiro let go, talking and laughing with several heavenly kings.

In this regard, Ye Feng was still very satisfied.

The two of them are not bad in nature, and Kojiro can now be regarded as his own undercover agent.

It is better to have a good relationship with the league, otherwise it will be quite troublesome in the future.


an hour later.

The kitchen was also cooked, and the group rushed towards Ash's house.

Dr. Sakuragi looked at Ye Feng, still a little lost in his eyes, and could not let him and Koharu be together.

However, after thinking about it, it seems that a child like Ye Feng is worthy of it.

When I was doing research with my supervisor, I mentioned this matter in passing.

By the time the group had eaten, it was already late.

Now it is not convenient to take a taxi, and several people have drunk.

In the last situation, except for Ye Feng's house, Dr. Ohki's house, Kochi's house, and Musashi Kojiro's home were all full.

After settling a large group of people, Ye Feng and Shirona were already exhausted and paralyzed.

"We don't seem to have beaten Adu today."


"How about we leave Adu outside?" He drank a little too much, like a dead pig. "

I'll see."

Later, Ye Feng and Shirona came to Kojiro's house.

Ah Du, who was sleeping on the sofa, threw it directly to the door. Shirona also intimately took a blanket and covered Adu's body.

"Okay, you go back to sleep first, just sleep in my room."

"Aren't you going back to Shen Ao tomorrow? If the alliance has something, hurry over and deal with it.

Ye Feng rubbed Shirona's hair and sent it to the door.

Afterwards, Ye Feng once again turned back to Kojiro's home and took out his mobile phone to call Kojiro a little.

After hanging up, he sat on the bench and waited for Kojiro.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 139

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