
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 141

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 141
Early in the morning, Ye Feng got up early and contacted the taxi.

After Hirona got up and packed up, the two of them headed towards the golden airport.

After sending Shirona away, Ye Feng was ready to go home.

[Host, those two orbs have changed and have been flashing light. Hearing

this, Ye Feng quickly found a place where no one was and took out the beads from the system backpack.


Ye Feng couldn't help but gasp, the blue orb was biting cold, on the other hand, the red orb was already a little hot.

When I first got it, it was two ordinary beads.

So, what happened to Gurado and Gaioka again?

At the same time, the mobile phone in his pocket also rang, it was Kojiro who called.

"Something happened."

"Boss Sakaki is ready to lead someone to forcibly awaken the super-ancient divine beast to subdue it, and now he has set off!"

"Don't say it, I also have to follow the past, there is something to tell you."

After the phone was hung up, Mikkoli's phone called.

"Mr. Ye Feng, have you lost the two orbs!"

"The super-ancient divine beast faintly shows signs of awakening, this..."

"It's not lost, I'll go over and take a look now."

After Ye Feng hung up the phone, he went to the ticket office and bought the latest ticket to the Fengyuan area.


On the plane, Ye Feng leaned back in his chair and thought.

This Sakaki didn't catch the dream and ran over to catch what Feng Yuan Er was doing stupidly.

Isn't this taking off your pants and farting?


Two hours later, the plane arrived at Shuijing Airport.

As soon as he got off the plane, Ye Feng saw Dawu and walked quickly to Dawu's side.

"Daigo Champion, what's going on?"

"Alas, the matter is urgent, now let's go to Yantu Mountain."

Daigo directly summoned the armored bird, and the two of them set off towards Mount Yantu.

On the way, Ye Feng did not feel anything abnormal.

The last heavy rain and scorching sun are completely absent today, and it doesn't seem like a sign of awakening.

"Mr. Ye Feng, I know you have questions."

"This matter is also our alliance did not do a good job, after the matter was solved last time, it was withdrawn."

"Unexpectedly, this time the two parties began to act in the middle of the night as if they had reached a cooperation."

"This moment gave us no chance to react."

"Let's not talk about it, it's in front, hurry over."

Soon, the armored bird stopped at the foot of the Smokey Mountain.

The temperature here is indeed higher than elsewhere, but it is still within an acceptable range.

"That's not right." Daigo frowned and ran quickly to the top of the mountain.

Ye Feng reacted and quickly caught up with Dawu.

Daigo stopped in front of a cave and looked around.

"Daigo champion, you this..."

Daigo frowned, completely disbelieving what he was seeing.

"Something is wrong, Mr. Ye Feng, you pay attention to safety."

"The Fire Rock team has been guarding here, you see there is no one here."

"It's not normal."

Hearing this, Ye Feng also felt that something was wrong.

The Rockets have all shot, and it stands to reason that there can't be no one here.

Unless they get Gurado away.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked at Dawu, and at the same time Dawu was also looking at Ye Feng.

The two of them thought of going together.

"Go inside and take a look?"


Ye Feng nodded, summoned his elf and walked in with Daigo.

The temperature inside this cave is very high, and it feels like it is going to be steamed.

All the way inside, there was no one nearby.

It's just that in a clearing in the middle, the sleeping Gurado is here.

There is nothing unusual at all.

This made Ye Feng and Dawu completely confused.

Is Gurado still there? Are all the people gone? This is obviously not normal.

"Mr. Ye Feng, you wait here now."

"I'll call Big Brother Mikkoli to see what's going on over there."

After Daigo left, Ye Feng endured the heat and walked to Gurado's side.

"This is not injured, it is not awakened, why did the red orb have an abnormality?"

Unable to figure it out, Ye Feng simply didn't want to think about it and took out the Spirit Ball from his backpack.

Throw it directly at Gurado.

The Poké Ball shook a few times, and with a "ding", Gurado accepted it.

This scene just happened to make Daigo who came back see it, and looked at Ye Feng with wide eyes.

What did he see?

There was no fight, and a ball directly subdued Gurado.

That's Gurado! Super ancient divine beast, just such a ball was subdued?

Ye Feng picked up the Spirit Ball, threw it into the Divine Beast Space with his hand, and turned his head to see Dawu looking at him with a confused expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I took the gurado so that I could prevent problems in the future."

"It's once and for all."

Hearing this, Dawu nodded subconsciously, unexpectedly thinking that what Ye Feng said was not wrong.

But that's Gurado!

But it's not the green caterpillars everywhere, and they are directly subdued with a ball thrown over.

"Daigo Champion, you are stunned, what happened to Mikkoli Champion?"

When Ye Feng said this, Daigo came back to his senses.

"Huh? Yes! You said Mikkoli.

"It's the same over there with Mikkoli, the gang seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

"Do you want to go over?"

Ye Feng nodded, looked at Daigo and said

, "Go, without Gurado, Gaiocardo is rampant."

"It's all taken once and for all."

With these words, Daigo was speechless in an instant, and he couldn't find words to describe his heart.

One ball to subdue Gurado, but also one ball to subdue Gaioka?

It seems that Ye Feng also has this ability.

Why is there a little bit of envy, jealousy!


Although he was shocked in his heart, Daigo also adjusted his state as quickly as possible.

To go to the underwater base to dive, the two people first came to Liuli City, changed into diving suits before entering the water.

The underwater road is still led by Daigo in front of him.

Soon the two men stopped at the entrance of a cave, and went up the entrance of the cave, where there was an isolated island.

And Mikkoli was waiting for two people at the entrance of the isolated island cave.

"Here you are."

"What's going on over there in Yantu Mountain?"

Hearing this, Daigo couldn't help but pout, looking at Ye Feng and signaling him to say it himself.

After receiving the eye news, Ye Feng looked at Mikkoli and showed a harmless smile.

"You said Gurado, now in my Pokéball."


Mikkoli could put an egg in his mouth open, and looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

It's a little better than the big one.

After all, Daigo had personally seen Ye Feng subdue Gurador with one ball.

"Ahem, Mr. Ye Feng, this joke is not funny."

"We can't joke like that."

Hearing this, Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and turned to look at Dawu, his face full of helplessness.

I said, he didn't believe it, and I couldn't help it.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 141

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