
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 142

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 142
"It's true."

"I saw with my own eyes that Gurado was subdued, and only a Poké Ball was used."

After Daigo explained, Mikkoli's mouth grew even bigger.

It's not too unusual to be able to subdue a divine beast, it's a ball that is rare.

In my life, I have never heard of anyone who subdued the divine beast with a ball.

After seeing Mikkoli like this, Daigo instantly felt balanced.

Sure enough, I am not alone.

"Mikkoli, you are such a champion, how can you be like this."

"Mr. Ye Feng, you hurry in."

"Mikkoli and I are guarding the outside to prevent anyone from coming and destroying it."

"Yes, you go inside."

Mikkoli laughed awkwardly twice and threw Daigo a cold look.

This product may not be what it looked like at the time, now run over and laugh at yourself, and then clean up when you go back.


Ye Feng didn't have the leisure to watch the two champions fighting mouths, and walked directly into the cave.

According to the usual, I first cultivate a good feeling, and finally consider accepting this matter.

This time is different, though.

These two super-ancient divine beasts have already been targeted, and it is useless to work hard to get a good feeling.

Maybe it wasn't cultivated well, and the elves were subdued first.

When he got inside, Gaioka was sleeping in the water, just like he had seen Gurado before.

Ye Feng took out the Spirit Ball again, and when he was about to subdue Gaioka, a dragon groan interrupted Ye Feng's movements.

I saw the Rift Empty Seat fly down from the hole above his head, and stopped beside Ye Feng after seeing Ye Feng.

"It's you again, how come I can see you every time I come out."

The first time was inexplicably summoned, the second time, the third time....

"No, you're different."

The Rift Empty Seat felt a subtle bond, and looked Ye Feng up and down.

"I saw you before, and I see you now, there is no problem."

"Then how do I feel that you are a little different."

Ye Feng frowned, and also looked at the cracked empty seat, he also had that kind of delicate relationship.


"You feel that way too?"

Rift nodded, the last time this feeling appeared seemed to be hundreds of years ago.

There is a human being who is also in this case.

However, after that person died, he never felt this way again.

Just as one person and one elf looked at each other, Higana didn't know when she came over.

Watching the Rift Empty Seat make a gesture that he didn't recognize.

"Lord Shenlong."

Hearing the voice, Ye Feng turned his head and saw that it was Xijiana, and Xijiana also glanced at Ye Feng.

"Brother Ye Feng, you are also there."

"I saw the flight trajectory of Lord Shenlong at Meteor Waterfall, so I came over."

"Is something happening here?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng shook his head, just as Xijiana came, just to ask about himself and the Rift Empty Seat.

After Xijiana listened to Ye Feng's words, her eyes showed an envious look.

"Brother Ye Feng has this feeling precisely because of the inheritor."

"A qualified inheritor will have a bond with Lord Shenlong."

"In this case, when Lord Shenlong encounters danger, no matter how far apart they are, they can be perceived."

"However, this one is one-way."

"Because our meteor villagers have been serving as guardian god dragon lords for generations."

Hearing this explanation, Ye Feng couldn't help but pout.

Very pitted okay.

Can sense that there is danger in the Rift Empty Seat, and he does not know anything when he encounters the danger of the Rift Empty Seat.

This may be the power of faith.

"Brother Ye Feng, since it's okay, I'll leave first, this time I just saw Lord Shenlong's flight trajectory."

"Since you have already seen it, you will not stay for long."

Higana summoned her elf, turned her head and left along the hole where the Rift Seat had flown over.

And after hearing that Ye Feng turned out to be a meteor villager, he was not so repulsive to him.

He was summoned for no reason before, and then he was called to persuade, and he was already very dissatisfied with this person.

If it weren't for the face of King Feng, he wouldn't have looked at this person at all.

"Did you come here for something this time?"

"I sensed that the two of them had a situation, so they rushed over, and it seems that nothing happened."

"Since there is nothing to do, then I will leave first."

After that, the Rift Empty Seat flew away along the hole when he came, leaving Ye Feng alone.

Outside the cave entrance.

Seeing that Ye Feng hadn't come out for so long, Mikkoli and Dawu were worried about what had happened, and quickly walked in.

After that, he saw Ye Feng subdue Gaioka with a ball again.

Daigo had the experience of the last time, but this time it was not the case.

Mikkoli, on the other hand, was shocked again.

No matter what others say, they don't really see it shocking.

Now Mikkoli is like that.

"It's really... It's quite awesome, you said it's Daigo.

"What sleeping position can I dream about when I go back."

"I don't know."

Daigo shook his head, reached out and put his arm around Mikkoli's shoulder, and said seriously:

"Also, didn't I already tell you?" As for being so shocked now? No insight at all. "

You roll."

Mikkoli pushed Daigo away and turned to look at Ye Feng.

"Mr. Ye Feng, the two of us will keep today's matter secret, so you can rest assured."

"I wonder if you have anything else to do now, if you don't mind, would you like to have a meal together?"

"It's okay, I'm okay now."

Subsequently, the three of them arrived in Liuli City together.

Today's matter, Daigo and Mikkoli reached a consensus, and no one said anything.

The main reason is not whether Ye Feng will be in danger if he says it.

It's something else.

In addition to wanting to capture the two superancient divine beasts, the Fire Rock Team and the Water Fleet are also promoting this cult.

So much so that in addition to their members, many people are believing in these two divine beasts.

Otherwise, with the strength of the alliance, it would not be difficult to solve these two organizations.

I haven't dealt with it because I'm worried that it will cause even more panic when the time comes.

However, Ye Feng didn't care about this.

Today's trip so easily subdued two divine beasts, it always feels wrong.

It's as if I deliberately let myself take it.

Even if Sakaki didn't know that Kojiro had defected, Kojiro shouldn't know about it.

It's good that the Rockets trio doesn't get him into trouble.

So maybe they came together to this action?

Besides, Kojiro hasn't contacted himself until now, and he always feels like something is wrong.

Forget it, no matter what Sakaki thinks, this trip will not lose his blood.

The next thing should be to have a good relationship with these two divine beasts.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 142

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