
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 143

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 143
After eating, Daigo sent Ye Feng to the airport, and it was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening when he arrived home.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw Kojiro squatting in the doorway.

After seeing Ye Feng, he quickly stood up and walked in front of Ye Feng.


"It's good that you're okay, I thought something was wrong with you."

Hearing this, Ye Feng was confused by Kojiro's behavior, didn't he go to Fengyuan?

As for what dangers arise?

"Didn't I call you today?"

"Then Boss Sakaki didn't go and took away all of our mobile phones."

"To say that it is a deliberate revelation, we must see who among us is the inner ghost."

"In the end, I don't know what the reason was, but Boss Sakaki let us go."

"I didn't dare to contact you, for fear of something."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded, took out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

"Come in and say something, this is not the place to talk."


After Kojiro followed Ye Feng into the house, he sat on the sofa decadently.

I almost did something bad with my own kindness.

"How are you and Musashi? Is there any development? Ye Feng asked.

Kojiro: "???

"Why did you ask this all of a sudden, aren't we talking about Sakaki?"

Ye Feng waved his hand and threw a bottle of blue orange drink towards Kojiro.

"Say what? There's nothing to say. "

Sakaki has long known that you are undercover, and today I just blew you up."

"It's also a wake-up call."

Kojiro was stunned for the second time.

It's quite good that this is hidden by himself, how does Boss Sakaki know.

Seeing that Kojiro hadn't figured it out yet, Ye Feng leaned on the sofa and began to give Kojiro a picture of what had happened.

"When we came back from the island, Musashi was hospitalized, and you bought a house next to my house."

"Sakaki hasn't suspected you during this time."

Kojiro nodded, he knew that there was absolutely nothing wrong with that time.

"The problem is that Sakaki came to visit Musashi."

"I felt a little wrong at the time, but I didn't think much of it."

"With what you know about Sakaki, will he personally come to see his men? Especially the two of you often run into trouble.

Kojiro shook his head, although he understood, he didn't understand what the problem was.

"This, I didn't say anything about it."

"Boss Sakaki doesn't know about things between us, so he might be suspicious."


Feng shook his head helplessly and gave up completely.

"You said you didn't say anything, but Sakaki is suspicious by nature, and it must be one of your actions that makes Sakaki suspicious."

"I am also to blame for this, last time for the sake of your relationship with the alliance, I called me to the house for dinner."

"Thoroughly certified Sakaki's idea."

"So what to do?" Kojiro panicked, and Sakaki treated the traitor cruelly.

Directly shot is considered light, and heavy is tortured to death.

Kojiro can now think of how Sakaki Elder cleaned himself up after he was arrested.

"Do that? Cold.

Ye Feng snorted coldly, today's Kojiro has an exceptionally low IQ.

I don't know if it's because I'm too panicked, and I can't even think about the most basics.

"Sakaki knows you've rebelled, right?"


"So did he come to get you?"


"Then you panic, even if Sakaki knows, if you do it to you, it means that you still have use value."

"You can't die before you finish using it, besides, isn't there still me?"

"I'll go find Sakaki tomorrow, you hurry home and sleep."


Kojiro was pushed home by Ye Feng with a confused look.

After Kojiro left, Ye Feng picked up his mobile phone and called Shirona.

Today was a busy day, did not make time to call Hirona, and as a result, Hirona did not talk to herself.

Who knows if it's angry, or really busy.

The phone prompt sounded for a long time, but still no one answered, and Ye Feng called several times without dying, and this was still the case.

"Could it be that you are really busy?"

Ye Feng muttered and sent a message to Shirona, and then went to sleep at ease.


seven hours ago.

Tokiwa City, Rocket Team Base, Conference Room.

The two of them, Shui Wutong and Red Flame Pine, looked at Sakaki with dissatisfaction, not understanding why they were brought over.

It is already ready to forcibly awaken the divine beast, and it will be good to accept it when the time comes.

Letting go of this opportunity again, naturally very dissatisfied.

"Sakaki, we trust you, will you repay us like that?"

"We've all handed over the personnel to you now!"

Chiyan Song's violent temper can't help it, and he plays with people again and again, who can stand it!

"Sakaki, if you don't give us an explanation today, this matter is not over!"

Hearing this, the corners of Sakaki's mouth kept smiling, but looking at Chiyansong was like looking at a fool.

Immediately turned his head and looked at Shui Wutong indifferently and said,

"You have an idea with him? Or do you have other ideas? Shui

Wutong glanced at Chiyan Pine and then at Sakaki, and said nothing.

Compared to the Red Flame Pine, the water plane can still calm down.

Although I was dissatisfied in my heart, I didn't say anything.


"You hurry up and take out an explanation, otherwise I'll take my people with me now!"

Akayanmatsu patted the table and stood up, pointing at Sakaki and shouting.

"What do you want to explain? Well?

"Since you have obeyed me, you are my subordinates."

"As a subordinate, you talk to your boss like that?"

"Or have you been sitting in the position of leader for too long, and now you have forgotten how to be inferior?"

Sakaki looked at Chiyan Song indifferently, which completely angered Chiyan Song.

"Sakaki, you!"

"Since you are not willing to give me an explanation, then don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people."

"Since you are willing to be Wang Ba, you should be yourself, Laozi will not serve!"

Saying that, Chiyansong turned around and was about to leave.

The smile at the corner of Sakaki's mouth instantly stiffened, and a cold light flashed under his eyes.

Without saying a word, he took out his pistol and shot at Chiyan Loose Leg.

"Go? Did I agree? "

Real bird, pull away and let the doctor treat me, as long as you can't die anything else, it's okay."

"Okay, boss."

Matori picked up the phone, called a few people and dragged Akayanmatsu away.

At this time, Chiyansong had passed out in pain.

Seeing this scene, Shui Wutong couldn't help but panic, but quickly calmed down.

In addition to really not being used to Chiyan Pine, it is nothing more than giving himself a horse.

Fortunately, after deciding to join Sakaki, he no longer intends to dominate the side.

It would be nice to get Gaioka, and the others have no luxury.

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 143

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