
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 144

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 144
After Akayan Matsu left, Sakaki looked at Shuiyutong like a nobody.

"You want to know too?"

"If you really want to know, I don't mind telling you."

"Even if you manage to take Gaioka and Gurado, will you be able to hold it?"

"Now let Ye Feng accept it, when the time comes, it will be much safer to take it back from Ye Feng's side than you guys to hold it."

Sakaki's words have some truth.

As for the fact that the alliance did not completely deal with them, they also understood the specific reasons.

It's just that I don't want to cause too much of a sensation.

But, throwing this reason, the alliance has enough strength to solve them.

Again, this is why he chose to join Sakaki.

"There is no difference between you and Chiyansong, it's just that you can calm down more than him."

"Now that you understand the reason, you can go now."

"No matter where you go, I will contact you if there is something, let's go."


Shui Wutong nodded, left the conference room, and returned to the room.

This one was prepared by Sakaki.

However, because his forces are relatively scattered, he has transferred without alerting the alliance.

This is not an easy task.

As for the members of the Red Flame Pine's Fire Rock Team, it had nothing to do with him.

Even if they have joined Sakaki's camp now, the two of them are still dead bulls, and there is no way to solve this matter.


the next day.

After Ye Feng got up, he saw the news of Hirona's reply, and recently Chiri began to move again.

It's going to be busy for a long time.

After a brief reply, Ye Feng set off towards Tokiwa City.

Kojiro's matter is not a big deal, but it is really not a trivial matter.

Who knows what Sakaki thinks now.

Maybe he was in a bad mood and directly killed Kojiro to vent his anger.

This kind of thing, Sakaki can still do.

Such an extremely proud person would not allow this to happen.

After arriving at the Tokiwa Taoist Hall, Ye Feng bumped into the water sycamore.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and neither spoke first.

At this time, the real bird walked out from the Taoist hall, glanced at Shui Wutong and then glanced at Ye Feng.

"Come in, the boss knows that you are coming, and has been waiting for you for a long time."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded and followed the real bird into the Taoist hall.

After sending Ye Feng to Sakaki's office, Matori left.

And Sakaki stood up with a smile, took out a box and handed it to Ye Feng.

"Nephew, I know you're in love."

"As an uncle, there is nothing to give you, you can take this Taoist emblem."

"There is also the badge of the Electric System Dojo here, I know you don't have it, take it all."

Seeing this, Ye Feng was not polite, and directly took the badge and threw it into his backpack.

"Uncle, since you know that I will come, then you also know why I came."

"Our uncle and nephew don't play virtual, let's just say it."

Hearing this, Sakaki laughed loudly, pointing at Ye Feng for a while, and he didn't know what to say.

"You little rabbit cub, I haven't come to see your uncle for so long, and that's it when we meet."

"With such a heavy smell of gunpowder, I don't know what happened."

Seeing that Sakaki said this, Ye Feng just smiled, pulled away the chair and sat down directly.

"Isn't it uncle, you gave me a warning first?"

"As a nephew, how can you let your uncle come to the door, isn't this coming?"

"Too." Sakaki nodded, and by the way, he went to the cabinet next to him and took out the tea leaves and brewed them.

"I bought this tea, and the quality is very good."

"Drink some tea first and put out the fire."

"Young man, it's not good to be so angry."

Ye Feng glanced at the tea handed over by Sakaki indifferently, and casually placed it on the table next to him.

"Uncle may not know, I don't like tea."

"Let's talk about Musashi Kojiro, what do you say, uncle?"

Sakaki didn't say anything, just glanced at the brewed tea, and his eyes couldn't help but show a trace of regret.

Such a good tea, he was reluctant to drink it, and he was so disgusted by Ye Feng.

Retracting his gaze, Sakaki took a sip of hot tea and looked at Ye Feng with satisfaction.

"Musashi Kojiro?"

"Shouldn't I be looking for you? The nephew actually dug his uncle's corner.

"Trying to put undercover agents on my side as well."

"Nephew, you really play a good hand, but your cards are not good."

Hearing this, Ye Feng didn't say anything, just stared at Sakaki with his eyes tight.

Now it's gambling on whether Sakaki wants to dispose of Musashi Kojiro.

Really handled, those two people don't even have to maintain a superficial relationship.

However, Sakaki didn't want to engage in this topic, put down the teacup in his hand, looked at Ye Feng and said,

"How about the gift prepared for you by the Fengyuan Region?"

"I worked so hard to give you a big gift, don't you come and thank me properly?"

"In addition, there is one more thing you can rest assured."

"I didn't plan to deal with Musashi Kojiro, otherwise you wouldn't have seen anyone alive last night."

"However, it's not impossible not to deal with it, as long as you promise me one thing."

Hearing this, Ye Feng was a little surprised, but quickly reacted and looked at Sakaki and nodded.

"You speak first."

"If it's not excessive, I can consider promising you."

"If it's too difficult, I don't mind giving up Musashi Kojiro's two chess pieces."

These words instantly amused Sakaki, who shook his head with laughter.

"I'm your uncle, you think I don't know you yet?"

"You won't watch the two of them die."

"However, my affairs are not troublesome, and you can guess what I have to find you."

"Looking for Xiao Yin?" Ye Feng asked tentatively.

In addition to this matter, Ye Feng couldn't think of anything else that would trouble him with Sakaki.

"Yes, it's to find Xiao Yin."

"As long as I find Kogin, Musashi Kojiro I won't attack them again."

"How do you see this deal?"

Ye Feng shook his head, looked at Sakaki with indifferent eyes and said

, "It's not good, you better kill Musashi Kojiro."

"Although you are my uncle, you still know too little about me."

Sakaki's face was not unusual, but he was still a little surprised in his heart.

He pinched this point before letting Ye Feng go to find Xiao Yin.

Now there is not much information, and he does not have so much energy to send people to find Xiaoyin.

Refuse like that now?

Sakaki didn't dare to bet at all, this matter already involved his son.

"After I find Xiao Yin, I will give you a big gift when it is done. No less than two super-ancient divine beasts.

"How do you look?"


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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 144

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