
Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 146

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 146
During the fight, the meal was also finished.

Kojiro went to clean up the table, and Ye Feng took Musashi away by the way.

When he got home, Musashi sat uneasily on the sofa.

The girl's sixth sense tells her that something bad will happen next.

"You're prepared."

"I'm going to tell you about me and Kojiro."

Musashi nodded, his heart couldn't stop the nervousness, and his hands squeezed the corners of his clothes tightly.

"Kojiro is my man now."

"Sakaki knows too, but given your relationship, you should also be considered a traitor."

Musashi: "??? "

How come you became a traitor in just a few days? No, how did Kojiro defect?

"The reason for Kojiro's rebellion is still the problem of that island."

"Didn't you pass out after Sherabi took us into other parallel space-times?"

"While you were in a coma, Kojiro learned some news, so he just..."

That is, when she fainted, Ye Feng and Kojiro did something they didn't know?

"I didn't think about whether to tell you about it."

"But I can't hide it now, and I can only tell you."

"Sakaki and I will definitely become enemies in the end."

"Go back and ask Kojiro, he should tell you."

Musashi shook his head and looked at Ye Feng and explained, "Kojiro doesn't say ah, I asked."

"This time it's okay, you just say what I'll say."

"One more thing, how do you feel about Kojiro?"

Musashi: "??? "

What happened just now is still confused, and now this question pops up again?

Kojiro? What does it feel like?

"Inconvenient to say?" Ye Feng saw that Musashi lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, so he asked tentatively.

Musashi shook his head and said nothing.

"Not anymore."

"I don't know how to say it, it doesn't seem to be an important thing, does it?"


Ye Feng nodded. "If you don't want to say it, don't say it, I'll send you back."

"Don't say anything about today's events, otherwise you won't be able to bear any consequences."

Seeing Ye Feng so serious, Musashi didn't know anything now, but he still nodded.


"I don't need you to send me back, I'll just go back myself."

After watching Musashi leave, Ye Feng let out a long breath.

If I could, I really didn't want Musashi to know.

After all, one less knows, one more security.

The problem is that Musashi already feels wrong, plus the two of them get along day and night.

If you really say when you leak your mouth, it will be even more troublesome.

Might as well say it now.

I think Musashi should not be stupid enough to say this matter

, and even if he said it, no one would believe it.

Thinking so, Ye Feng immediately felt a lot more relaxed, and returned to the bedroom after preparing rations for the elf.

Lying on the bed, Ye Feng entered the ordinary elf space according to the teaching method provided by the system.

There is nothing special about this environment, but it is divided into different living areas according to different elf attributes.

The way to enter is also very simple, just enter through the special Poké Ball of the system.

Thinking of this

, Ye Feng looked at the few elves outside who were trying to cook, and took out the system's spirit ball by the way.

"Come over after you finish eating, and I'll take you to a fun place."

"After eating, I went into the Poké Ball, and I put it on the table."

After getting all this, Ye Feng just wanted to sit on the sofa when Shirona's phone called.

"Ye Feng, I've been out of love for a few months recently."

"There are energy fluctuations at the entrance of the Reverse World, and I have to go over and see it myself."

Hearing this, Ye Feng's brows frowned slightly, and he couldn't help but recall what he saw when he first entered the Reversal World.

If it is not the task of the system, go in and reverse the world yourself.

At that time, Hirona did not know what was going to happen.

"No, I'll accompany you if you want to go in, it's too dangerous for you to go in by yourself!"

For Ye Feng's reaction, Shirona had long known that this was the case.

However, in order to avoid Ye Feng not being able to contact him, he decided to say it in advance.

"There is no discussion on this matter."

"In addition to myself, the other four heavenly kings will enter together, you can rest assured."

"The method you used last time was also not good, I have already contacted Dr. Akroman."

"So be it, I'll hang up first."

Shirona didn't give Ye Feng time to react, and directly hung up the phone.

Ye Feng listened to the beeping sound of the phone, and instantly became angry.

With so many divine beasts on his body, he didn't dare to enter the reversal world rashly.

Hirona thought so, the last time it was so dangerous, this time she went in again, and she didn't even listen to the advice.

As for finding Dr. Akroma, even if Hirona didn't say that she couldn't find it in the past.

There was danger last time, and this time it is absolutely impossible to let yourself in.

Tianguan Mountain must be guarded, and he will not have the opportunity to enter it.

Now it's stuck in an endless loop.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and after Ye Feng withdrew the elf to the elf ball, he picked up his backpack and rushed out.

At the moment when the door was opened, Dr. Ohki stopped Ye Feng.


Dr. Ohki sighed and stopped Ye Feng.

"Hirona Champion called me, and sure enough, you still didn't listen to the advice."

"Xiao Feng, you go into the house, I have something to say."

Hearing this, Ye Feng looked at Dr. Damu, and finally turned around helplessly and went back to the room.

Dr. Ohki personally stopped him, and he couldn't push Dr. Ohki away and leave.

After entering the house, Dr. Ohki went to pour a glass of ice water.

"Drink some water and calm down first."

"Xiao Feng, it's not me who said you, you are a little too impulsive this time."

"Dr. Ohki, this..."

Dr. Ohki waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Okay, I know what you have to say, you calm down first, I'll talk to you slowly."

"However, you must know that Hirona is the champion of the Shinnoh region, and she must guard the peace over there."

"Today's matter, she must go."

"You also have your responsibilities, that's the second thing I did this time."

Hearing this, Ye Feng was stunned for a moment, looking at Dr. Ohki waiting for the next words.

"You know about the resignation of the previous champion in the Kanto region, right? Now Adu is in the agency.

"However, Ado himself is also the champion of the Johto League, and things will definitely not be able to handle."

"The four of them discussed it, and the position of this champion was handed over to your agent."

Hearing this, Ye Feng was even more confused, and quickly stopped Dr. Ohki's next words.

He needs to calm down now, it's all about where and where.

The position of the champion himself?!

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Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day!

Elf: A sign-in gift pack every day! - Chapter 146

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